Það er sagt einhverja nótt að meyna Herdísi dreymdi að kona kæmi að henni.
It is said each night that maiden Herdis dreamt that a woman came to her.
Sú var í vefjarskikkju og faldin höfuðdúki.
That one was in a woven-cloak and wearing a hood.
Ekki sýndist henni konan svipleg.
It didn’t seem to her the woman had a displeasing air. (Z. glosses this sentence under “svipligr.”)
Hún tók til orða: "Seg þú það ömmu þinni að mér hugnar illa við hana því að hún bröltir allar nætur á mér og fellir á mig dropa svo heita að eg brenn af öll.
She began to speak: “Tell it to your grandmother that I am displeased with her because she tumbles about all night to me and makes fall to me drops so hot that I burn from all. (Z. hugna - mér hugnar vel (illa) við e-n = I am pleased (displeased) with one)
En því segi eg þér til þessa að mér líkar til þín nokkuru betur en þó svífur enn nokkuð kynlegt yfir þig.
And that I tell you this that you please me somewhat better but yet still drifts somewhat strangely over you. (??)
En þó mundi eg við þig semja ef mér þætti eigi meiri bóta vant þar sem Guðrún er.”
And yet I would treat with you if it didn’t seem to me more a troublesome cure there where Gudrun is.”
Síðan vaknaði Herdís og sagði Guðrúnu drauminn.
Then Herdis woke up and told Gudrun the dream.
Guðrúnu þótti góður fyrirburðurinn.
It seemed to Gudrun a friendly appearance.
Um morguninn eftir lét Guðrún taka upp fjalar úr kirkjugólfinu þar sem hún var vön að falla á knébeð.
During the next morning, Gudrun had boards taken out of the church floor, there were she was accustomed to kneel.
Hún lét grafa þar niður í jörð.
She had (it) dug there down in (the) earth.
Þar fundust undir bein.
Bones were found under there.
Þau voru blá og illileg.
They were black and hideous. (“blá” can mean either blue or black, and I thought “black” fit better)
Þar fannst og kinga og seiðstafur mikill.
There were also found a brooch and a large enchanter’s wand. (Good vocabulary for when I decide to read Harry Potter in Old Icelandic J)
Þóttust menn þá vita að þar mundi verið hafa völuleiði nokkuð.
It was thought by people then to know that there would have been somewhat of a sibyl’s barrow. (Sibyl’s barrow = burial mound for a prophetess?)
Voru þau bein færð langt í brott þar sem síst var manna vegur.
The bones were moved long away, (to) there where a person’s way was least. (i.e., where a person was least likely to go)
77. kafli - Útkoma Bolla Bollasonar
Bolli Bollison’s Arrival in Iceland
Þá er fjórir vetur voru liðnir frá drukknun Þorkels Eyjólfssonar þá kom skip í Eyjafjörð.
When four years had gone by from Thorkel Eyjolfson’s drowning, then a ship came to Eyjafiord.
Það átti Bolli Bollason.
Bolli Bollison owned it.
Voru þar á flestir norrænir hásetar.
There were several Norwegian oarsmen.
Bolli hafði mikið fé út og marga dýrgripi er höfðingjar höfðu gefið honum.
Bolli had much wealth abroad and many valuable treasures which leaders had given him.
Bolli var svo mikill skartsmaður er hann kom út úr för þessi að hann vildi engi klæði bera nema skarlatsklæði og pellsklæði og öll vopn hafði hann gullbúin.
Bolli was such a man given to vain display when he arrived in Iceland from this trip that he didn’t want to wear any clothes except red (note: didn’t Grace once find some evidence that this could mean a kind of cloth rather than a color?) clothes and clothes of costly material, and he had all his weapons inlaid with gold.
Hann var kallaður Bolli hinn prúði.
He was called Bolli the showy.
Hann lýsti því fyrir skipverjum sínum að hann ætlaði vestur til héraða sinna og fékk skip sitt og varnað í hendur skipverjum sínum.
He informed that in front of his ship’s crew that he intended to go west to his district and his ship went also protected in the hands of his crew.
Bolli ríður frá skipi við tólfta mann.
Bolli rides from (the) ship with 11 men.
Þeir voru allir í skarlatsklæðum, fylgdarmenn Bolla, og riðu í gylltum söðlum.
They were all in red clothing, Bolli’s followers, and rode on gilded saddles.
Allir voru þeir listulegir menn en þó bar Bolli af.
They were all handsome men, and yet Bolli surpassed all the rest. (Last part glossed by Z. under “bera” 17.)