I could make nothing sensible from the verse.

En er þeir Snorri komu að garðinum þá er eigi getið að þeir hefðust orð við
og veittu þeir honum
And when they, Snorri (and co.), came to the yard then is not mentioned that
they had words with (Arnkell) and they immediately gave him

þegar atgöngu og mest með spjótalögum en Arnkell laust af sér með meiðnum og
gengu mjög í
an attack and most with spear thrusts, but Arnkell struck (the thrusts) away
from himself with the runner and many spear shafts went

sundur spjótsköftin fyrir þeim en Arnkell varð eigi sár. En er þeir höfðu
látið skotvopnin þá rann
asunder for them, but Arnkell was not injured. And when they had loosed?
missiles then

Þorleifur kimbi að garðinum og hljóp upp á garðinn með brugðið sverð en
Arnkell laust
Thorleif kimbi ran to the yard and leaped up on the wall with a drawn sword,
but Arnkell struck

sleðmeiðnum í mót honum og lét Þorleifur þá fallast undan högginu öfugur út
af garðinum en
towards him with the sled runner and Thorleif then turned the blow? the
wrong way let himself fall from below? from the the wall and

meiðurinn koma á garðinn og gekk úr garðinum upp fyrir jarðartorfa frosin en
the runner came on the wall and went out of the wall up before the frozen
wall turf and the sled runner

brotnaði í fjötraraufinni og hraut annar hluturinn út af garðinum. Arnkell
hafði reist við heyið
broke at the hole where the strap goes and one part flew out from the wall.
Arnkell had cut the hay

sverð sitt og skjöld. Tók hann þá upp vopnin og varðist með þeim. Varð honum
þá skeinisamt.
with his sword and shield. Then he picked up the weapons and defended
himself with them. Then he was exposed to being wounded.

Komust þeir þá upp í garðinn að honum en Arnkell hljóp upp á heyið og
varðist þaðan um hríð.
Then they came up to the wall to him and Arnkell leaped up on the hay and
defended from there for a time.

En þó urðu þær málalyktir að Arnkell féll og huldu þeir hann í garðinum með
heyi. Eftir þetta fóru þeir Snorri heim til Helgafells.
But still the outcome of those events is that Arnkell fell and they hid him
in the yard with hay. After that they, Snorri (and co.) went home to

Um dráp Arnkels kvað Þormóður Trefilsson vísu þessa:
Thormod Trefils’ son recited this verse about the killing:
Fékk hinn fólkrakki,
Made the folk-dog??

framdist ungr sigri,
advanced itself younger victory,

Snorri sá-orra
Snorri that ??

sverði nógs verðar.
by a sword ?? ??

Laust í lífs köstu
Thrust to life by choice?

Leifa máreifir
abandon sea-?

unda gjálfrs eldi
work of din of the sea by fire

þá er hann Arnkel felldi.
then when he, Arnkell, was felled.

Grace Hatton
Hawley, PA