> Þetta þótti mönnum mjög mælt og þó satt þar sem þeir voru
> komnir og féll niður þetta tal.
> This seemed to people much said and although true where
> they had come, and this conversation fell off.
> People thought this (too) much said and yet true there
> where they had come and this conversation broke off.
Folks thought this boldly said, even though true, there
where they had come [i.e., considering where they were], and
this conversation died.
For <mjök mælt> I’m following Baetke and a footnote in one
of my other editions.
> En er menn fóru í brott frá boðinu valdi Snorri gjafir
> vinum sínum.
> And when men went away from the wedding reception, Snorri
> gave his friends gifts.
> And when people went away from the feast, Snorri chose
> gifts for his friends.
And when people went away from the feast, Snorri chose gifts
for his friends.
> Hann leiddi Þorbrandssonu til skips inn til
> Rauðavíkurhöfða.
> He led Thorbrandson to (his) ship in at Red-bay-headland.
<Sonu> is accus. plur.
> He led Thorbrand’s sons to a ship in at Raudavikr
> headlands.
He led Þorbrand’s sons to [their] ship in at Rauðavíkrhöfði.
> Og er þeir skildu gekk Snorri að Þorleifi kimba og mælti:
> "Hér er öx Þorleifur er eg vil gefa þér og á eg þessa
> háskeftasta og mun hún eigi taka til höfuðs Arnkatli, þá
> er hann býr um hey sitt á Örlygsstöðum, ef þú reiðir
> heiman til úr Álftafirði.”
> And when they parted, Snorri went to Thorleif Kimba and
> said: “Here is an ax, Thorleifr, which I will give you and
> I have this most long-handled axe, and if it doesn’t have
> recourse to Arnkell’s head, then when he gets his hay
> ready at Orlygstad, if you ride from home to beyond
> Alftafirth.”
> And when they parted Snorri went to Thorleif kimbi and
> spoke, “Here is an axe, Thorleif, which I will give you
> and I have this most long shafted and it will not take
> Arnkell’s head, then when he works at his hay on Orlyg’s
> Steads, if you ride from home to (him) out of Alftafirth.
And when they parted, Snorri went to Þorleif kimbi and said:
‘Here is an axe, Þorleif, that I will give you, and I have
this [the] longest-handled [i.e., this is my longest-handled
axe], but [‘and’] it will not reach Arnkel’s head when he
stacks his hay at Ørlygsstaðir if you swing [it] from home
at Álptafjörð.’
The last verb is <reiða> Z6.
> Þorleifur tók við öxinni og mælti: "Hugsa þú svo," segir
> hann, "að eg mun eigi dvelja að reiða öxina að honum
> Arnkatli þá er þú ert búinn að hefna Hauks fylgdarmanns
> þíns.”
> Thorleifr received the axe and said: “You so think,” he
> said, “that I will not delay to swing the axe at him
> (Arnkatl), then you are prepared to avenge Hawk, your
> attendant.”
> Thorleif accepted the axe and spoke, “You think thus,”
> says he, “that I will not hesitate to carry the axe to
> him, Arnkell, then when you are ready to avenge Hauk, your
> follower.”
Þorleif accepted the axe and said: ‘Be convinced,’ he says,
‘that I will not wait to swing the axe against Arnkel when
you have prepared to avenge Hauk, your follower.’
> Snorri svarar: "Það þykist eg eiga að yður Þorbrandssonum
> að þér haldið njósnum nær færi gefur á Arnkatli en ámælið
> mér þá ef eg kem eigi til móts við yður, ef nokkuð má að
> skapast, ef þér gerið mig varan við.”
> Snorri answers: “It seems to me I have that you,
> Thorbrandson, that you keep watch near fewer gives to
> Arnkell than reproof to me then if I don’t come to meet
> with you, if something can separate us, if you give me a
> warning.” (Z. halda 5 - haldanjósnum = to keep watch, to
> spy)
> Snorri answers, “I think to be entitled to it that you,
> Thorbrand’s sons, that you keep spying near ?? ?? to
> Arnkell, but blame me then if I do not come to meet with
> you, if something may shape up, if you make me aware of
> (things?).”
Snorri answers: ‘I expect from you sons of Þorbrand that you
keep watch [for] when there is a chance to attack Arnkel,
but blame me then if I do not come to meet you when
something can be done, if you make me aware of [it].’
<Færi> is <fœri> Z1, 'opportunity', and <nær> seems to be Z7
> Skildu þeir við það að hvorirtveggju létust búnir að ráða
> Arnkel af lífi en Þorbrandssynir skyldu halda njósn um
> ferðir hans.
> They parted with that, that each of the two declared
> themselves ready to put Arnkel to death if the sons of
> Thorbrand should have news of his travelling.
> They parted at that and each made himself ready to kill
> Arnkell, and Thorbrand’s sons should keep spying on his
> journeys.
With that they parted, that both professed to be ready to
put an end to Arnkel’s life, and Þorbrand’s sons should keep
watch on his journeys.
> Snemma vetrar gerði íslög mikil og lagði fjörðu alla.
> Immediately the weather became very icy and (ice) lay on
> all the inlet.
<Alla fjörðu> is accus. plur.
> Early in winter much ice formed and all fjords froze over.
Early in the winter a thick layer of ice formed and and lay
on all of the fjords.
> Freysteinn bófi gætti sauða í Álftafirði.
> Freysteinn “the rogue” looked after sheep in Alftafirth.
> Freistein the rogue got (his) sheep in Alftafjord.
Freystein bófi ['knave, rogue'] watched sheep at Álptafjörð.
> Hann var settur til að halda njósnum ef færi gæfi
> á Arnkatli.
> He was placed to keep watch if Arnkell were moved to
> travel.(?)
> He was ready to keep spying if journeys by Arnkell
> happened?
He was set to keep watch for a chance to attack Arnkel.
<Setja e-n til (e-s)> is 'to set one to (a task), to appoint
one to (do something)'. It’s literally something like ‘to
spy whether it gave an opportunity against Arnkel’, rather
like German <ob es eine Chance gäbe>.
> Arnkell var starfsmaður mikill og lét þræla sína vinna
> alla daga milli sólsetra.
> Arnkall was a great worker and had his thralls work all
> day between sunrise and sunset.
> Arnkell was a great worker and had his thralls working
> every day between sunrise and set.
Arnkel was a great worker and had his thralls work all day
between sunrise and sunset.
> Arnkell hafði undir sig bæði löndin, Úlfarsfell og
> Örlygsstaði, því að engir urðu til að taka löndin fyrir
> ófrelsi Þorbrandssona.
> Arnkell had subdued for himself both (tracts of) land,
> Ulfarsfell and Orlygstad, because no one was ready to take
> the land because of the tyranny of Thorbrand’s sons.
> Arnkell had under his agency both lands, Ulfarsfell and
> Orlyg’s steads, because nothing happened to take the land
> for (fear of) Thorbrand’s sons’ tyranny.
Arnkel had both of the lands, Úlfarsfell and Ørlygsstaðir,
under his control, because no one was ready to take the
lands on account of the tyranny of Þorbrand’s sons.
> En um veturinn var það siður Arnkels að flytja heyið af
> Örlygsstöðum um nætur er nýlýsi voru því að þrælarnir unnu
> alla daga.
> And during the winter it was Anrkell’s custom to move hay
> from Orlygstad at night when it was the light of the
> waxing moon because his thralls worked all day.
> But during the winter it was Arnkell’s custom to bring the
> hay from Orlyg’s steads during the night by the light of
> the waxing moon was taking place because the thralls
> worked all day.
And in the winter it was Arnkel’s custom to carry the hay
from Ørlygsstaðir at night when the moon was waxing, because
the thralls worked all day.
I think that it actually means that he brought the hay in
from Ørlygsstaðir at night because the thralls were doing
*other* work during the day.
> Hirti hann og eigi þó að Þorbrandssynir yrðu eigi varið
> við þá er heyið var flutt.
> He gathered in hay and not though that the sons of
> Thorbrand didn’t become to be with then when the hay was
> moved.
> He also does not conceal? even though Thorbrand’s sons
> became aware then when the hay was carried.
And he did not care, though [i.e., whether] Þorbrand’s sons
would not be aware when the hay was carried.
In English we’d not use the second ‘not’: he didn’t care
whether Þorbrand’s sons knew when the hay was carried.
> Það var eina nótt um veturinn fyrir jól að Arnkell stóð
> upp um nótt og vakti þræla sína þrjá og hét einn Ófeigur.
> That was one night during the winter before Yule that
> Arnkell got up during the night and waked his three
> thralls and one (of the thralls) was named Ofeigr.
> It was one night during the winter before Yule that
> Arnkell got up during the night and awakened his three
> thralls and on was called Ofeigr.
It was one night that winter before Yule that Arnkel got up
in [the] night and awakened three of his thralls, and one
was called Ófeig.
> Arnkell bóndi fór með þeim inn á Örlygsstaði.
> Master Arnkell went with them in to Orlygstad.
> Farmer Arnkell went with them in to Orlyg’s stead.
Yeoman Arnkel went with them in to Ørlygsstaðir.
> Þeir höfðu fjóra yxn og tvo sleða með.
> They had with (them) four oxen and two sledges.
> They had four oxen and two sleds with (them).
They had four oxen and two sledges with [them].
> Þorbrandssynir urðu varir við ferð þeirra og fór
> Freysteinn bófi þegar um nótt út til Helgafells eftir
> ísnum og kom þar er menn höfðu í rekkju verið um hríð.
> Thorbrand’s sons became aware of their journey and
> Freystein bofi went at once during the night to Helgafell
> along the ice and came where men had been sleeping a
> while.
> Thorbrand’s sons became aware of their journey and
> Thorstein the rogue went at once during the night out to
> Helgafell over the ice and came there when men had been
> (gone) in bed for a time.
Þorbrand’s sons were aware of their journey, and Freystein
bófi went at once during the night along the ice to
Helgafell and arrived there when folks had been in bed for a
> Hann vakti upp Snorra goða.
> He woke up Chieftain Snorri.
> He awakened Chieftain Snorri.
He woke up Snorri goði.