At 11:43:44 PM on Monday, August 5, 2013,
elliot.holland@... wrote:

> •Bolli segir þá: "Hvað er nú Snorri?
> --Bolli says then "What is now Snorri"
> --Bolli then asks "What is Snorri now?"

That might actually be a possible translation in another
context; I’m not sure. Here, though, it’s not possible:
he’s talking to Snorri. The actual sense is ‘What is [this]
now, Snorri?’ Snorri has just said that he thinks that
dead-Bolli’s death has been adequately avenged and that it’s
time to bring the feud to an end, and young Bolli is about
to accuse him of changing his position.

> •Halldór …bauð honum þar að vera.

> --Halldór offered him to be (stay) there.

This is <bjóða> Z3 'to bid, to invite'.

> *Do you happen to know of any scandinavian cognates with
> >tal< I only know >mál< as in >bøkmál< and >snakke< "talk"
> and >Språk<, but then >tal< happens in dutch "taal". I
> can't think of anything in German or English, either. Did
> it just so happen that this was lost in all west germanic
> languages except Dutch and all north germanic languages
> except Icelandic? I don't know anywhere to look up
> something like this.

For the verb there are bokmål & nynorsk <tale> 'snakke',
Danish <tale> 'speak, make a speech', and Swedish <tala>
'speak', and German <zählen> and <zahlen>. For the noun,
nynorsk <tal> and bokmål <tall> 'number', Swedish <tal>
'number; speech, talk[ing]', Danish <tal> 'number' and
<tale> 'speech', German <Zahl>, and Dutch <tal> 'number' and
<taal> 'language, speech'. In English there are <to tell>
and <tale>.

> •…lýsir Snorri yfir erindum sínum….
> --Snorri illuminates over his errand (dat)
> --Snorri makes light of his purpose/business.

This is <lýsa> Z4, where you’ll find the specific idiom
<lýsa yfir e-u> 'to make something known': ‘Snorri makes his
errand known’.
