Síðan reið Snorri í Hjarðarholt með nokkura menn.
--Then rides Snorri to Hjarðarholt (shepherd's wood) with some men (dat.)
Halldór tók vel við honum .
--Halldór received him well.
Halldór bauð honum þar að vera.
--Halldór offered him to be (stay) there.
Snorri kvaðst heim mundu ríða um kveldið .
--Snorri says (himself) home would to ride at the evening.
--Snorri says that he would ride home in the evening.
Síðan taka þeir tal*
--Then take they conversation.
--Then, they took up talking.
*Do you happen to know of any scandinavian cognates with >tal< I only know >mál< as in >bøkmál< and >snakke< "talk" and >Språk<, but then >tal< happens in dutch "taal". I can't think of anything in German or English, either. Did it just so happen that this was lost in all west germanic languages except Dutch and all north germanic languages except Icelandic? I don't know anywhere to look up something like this.