One learning technique is to recycle older material, and one way to do that is to remove words from the original, which you try to guess. In this case, I have removed the verbs from an earlier translation exercise.

Note: It's harder than it looks, but you can do the same exercise more than once (= more recycling):

Nú __________að __________ frá Bolla Bollasyni.

Þorkell __________hverrar konu hann vildi biðja.

Bolli __________: "Kona __________Þórdís.

Hún __________dóttir Snorra goða.

Snorri __________vel við þeim og blíðlega.

Þórdís Snorradóttir __________heima með föður sínum.

Hún __________væn kona og merkileg.