Var þar fjölmenni mikið og hið skörulegsta lið, ríða nú leið sína og koma í
Tungu. (Among other things, this sentence uses the superlative form of an
--Was there many-people (nom. neu) great/tall and the most notable folk (n nom.), to ride now way (fem.) his and to come in Tungu.
--There were many great people and the most notable folk now get on their way (riding) and arrive in Tungu.
Eru þar allgóðar viðtökur.
--Are (vera pl. pres.) there very-good (fem. pl nom. or acc.) receptions (nom. pl.) .
--There is very good hospitality, there.
Snorri gaf Þorkatli gjafar sæmilegar og þeim Guðrúnu báðum, slíkt sama öðrum
sínum vinum og frændum.
--Snorri (nom) gave Thorkatli (dat.) gifts (acc. pl.) honerable and to them (dat) Gudhrunu asked (for something), such (neu) befit his other (masc.) friends (pl. dat. mas. strong) and kinsmen (dat. pl. mas.).
--Snorri gave Thorkatli honorable gifts and asked them for Gudhrunu, such as something that would befit his friends and kinsmen.
Um sumarið eftir kom skip af hafi í Hvítá.
--Around summer, after came (3rd. past.) ship from the sea (dat.) in Hvita.
--During the summer after, the ship comes from the sea to Hvita.
Það skip átti hálft Þorleikur Bollason en hálft áttu norrænir menn.
--That ship had half þorleikur Bollason, but half had norwegian (acc. f. like heiða) men (acc.).
Thorleikur Bollason had half the ship, but Norwegian men had half.
Og er Bolli spyr útkomu bróður síns ríður hann þegar suður til Borgarfjarðar og
til skips. (Note that "er" can be something other than the verb "to be.")
--And when Bolli, asks comes out (cannot find in dictionary. just guessing) of brother (ten mas.) of him (ten) he rode at once southernly to Borgarjarði and to the ship (ten).
--And when boll asks for his brother to come out, he at once rode south to Borgarfjardhar and to the ship.