> Vænti eg að þetta mál verði auðsótt við Snorra því að hann
> mun sjá kunna að honum er vel boðið þar er þú ert."
> I wanted that this case become easy to win with Snorri
> because he will see a woman to him is well offered there
> where you would be."
> I expect that this case be easy with Snorri because he
> will see to know that for him is well offered there since?
> you are (husband to be).”
> I expect that this matter become (be) easily-obtained with
> Snorri because he will be-able (kunna + inf, Z10) to see
> that for him (it) is well offered (ie the proposal is a
> good one for him, see also bjóða, Z7, it is very befitting
> for him,) where you are (ie given your social standing).”
I’m really not at all sure what the exact sense of <þar er
þú ert> is. Both here and in one other instance that I
found it would make sense as ‘where you are concerned’.