Here’s my translation
Nú er að segja frá Bolla Bollasyni. Þá er hann var átján vetra gamall um
Now (one) is to say (tell) about (frá, Z6, preposition which takes the dative) Bolli (masc dat sg) Bolli‘s-son (also masc dat sg). When he was eighteen winters (years) old, during
vorið ræddi hann við Þorkel mág sinn og þau móður sína að hann vill að þau
the-spring (vár) he talked (roeða) with Þorkell his father-in-law and they his mother (and Þorkell?) that he wants that they
leysi föðurarf hans. Guðrún spyr hvað hann ætlaðist fyrir er hann kallaði
should-release (pay) his inheritence-from-his-father. Guðrún asks what he intended for (it) (ie to do with it) when he laid claim to
til fjár í hendur þeim.
money (property) at the hands of them (see kalla til e-s í hendr e-m, under hönd, Z1).
Bolli svarar: "Það er vilji minn að konu sé beðið til handa mér.
Bolli answers: „That is my wish that (it) be requested for a wife (biðja konu, Z1, note konu is genitive even in the passive construction) into my hands (ie that a wife be gotten for me)
Vildi eg Þorkell mágur," segir Bolli, "að þú værir mér þar um flutningsmaður að það
I would-want,Þorkell, father-in-law,” says Bolli, “that you would-be spokesperson for me there-about (ie concerning that) (so) that that
gengi fram."
should-go forward (ie come to pass).”
Þorkell spurði hverrar konu hann vildi biðja.
Þorkell asked (3rd pers sg past of spyrja) which (fem gen sg) woman (also fem gen sg) he wanted to ask (in marriage) (biðja, Z1, takes a direct object in the genitive, that´s why ‘hverrar konu’ (which woman) is in the genitive.”
Bolli svarar: "Kona heitir Þórdís. Hún er dóttir Snorra goða. Hún er svo
Bolli answers: “(The) woman is-called Þórdís. She is (the) daughter (dóttir is fem nom sg, predicate) of Snorri goði (both masc gen sg) (chieftain-priest,). She is such
kvenna að mér er mest um að eiga og ekki mun eg kvongast í bráð ef eg nái eigi þessu ráði.
of women that to me is greatest to have (marry) (ie she is just such a woman as I most want, see svá, Z3) and I will not take-a-wife (ie get married to anyone else) soon if I should-not obtain this match (marriage, ráð, Z8).
Þykir mér og mikið undir að þetta gangi fram."
(It) is-thought by me (of) great (importance) (see em Þykkir mikit undir e-u, under þykkja, Z2) that this (ie the marriage) should go forward (come to pass).”
Þorkell svarar: "Heimult er þér mágur að eg gangi með máli þessu ef þér þykir það máli skipta.
Þorkell answers: “(It) is right for you (ie you are entitled to expect), (son)-in-law, that I go with (assist in, plead, see ganga með, Z15) this matter if that seems to you to be of importance (see skipta máli, under skipta Z4).
Vænti eg að þetta mál verði auðsótt við Snorra því að
I expect that this matter become (be) easily-obtained with Snorri because
hann mun sjá kunna að honum er vel boðið þar er þú ert."
he will be-able (kunna + inf, Z10) to see that for him (it) is well offered (ie the proposal is a good one for him, see also bjóða, Z7, it is very befitting for him,) where you are (ie given your social standing).”
Guðrún mælti: "Það er skjótt að segja Þorkell að eg vil til þess láta engan hlut spara
Guðrún spoke: “That is speedily to say Þorkell that I want to cause to spare (withhold) no thing (ie leave no stone unturned) towards this (ie to this end, til þess)
að Bolli fái þann ráðakost sem honum líkar. Er það bæði að eg ann
that Bolli should-get that marriage which pleases him. That is both that I love
honum mest enda hefir hann öruggastur verið í því minna barna að gera að mínum vilja."
him most and-moreover he has been most-to-be-relied upon of my children in that (í því), to act according to my will.”
Þorkell lést það ætla fyrir sér að leysa Bolla vel af hendi: "Er það fyrir
Þorkell declared-of-himself that, to intend himself to do (leysa, Z6) well on behalf of Bolli: “That is for
margs sakir maklegt því að eg vænti þess að gott verði mannkaup í Bolla."
(the) sake of many (things) (ie for many reasons) proper because (því at) I expect this, that (it) would-become (would-be) a good person-bargain in Bolli (ie I expect that Bolli would be a great catch).”
Litlu síðar fara þeir Þorkell og Bolli og voru saman mjög margir menn, fara
A little later, they, Þorkell and Bolli, journeyed and were together very many men (persons), (the) journey
þar til er þeir koma í Tungu. Snorri tók vel við þeim og blíðlega.
until they come into Tunga (Tongue). Snorri received them well and friendlily.
Eru þar hinar mestu ölværðir af Snorra hendi. Þórdís Snorradóttir var heima með
The greatest hospitalities (ölværð = öluð) are there on-behalf-of Snorri (lit: from Snorri’s hand). Þórdís Snorri’s-daughter was at-home with
föður sínum. Hún var væn kona og merkileg. Og er þeir höfðu fár nætur verið
her father. She was a beautiful (vænn, Z4, would seem to fit best in the context, fem nom sg to agree with kona) woman and remarkable. And when they had been a few nights
í Tungu þá ber Þorkell upp bónorðsmálin og mælir til mægðar við Snorra fyrir
in Tunga, then Þorkell bears up (raises)the business-of-wooing and speaks of an affinity-by-marriage (fem gen sg of mægð not moeðgur) with Snorri on
hönd Bolla en til samfara við Þórdísi dóttur hans.
behalf of Bolli but (and) of a married-life-together (lit: travelling-together) with Þórdís his daughter.