> Bolli accepts that and rides home to Tongue (to pack his
> toothbrush, no doubt).

Bolli segir, ‘Ek gleymdi tannbursta heima!’

> Þorkell kvað hana mundu fyrir því ráða: "Hefir þú tekið
> það svo fast að þér mun ekki að getast nema hann sé
> sæmilega af höndum leystur."

> Thorkell stated to her (he) would above that advice: "You
> have taken that so fast that to you will not be pleased
> except he be perform honorably."

> Thorkell said she would decide about it. “You have taken
> it (up) so intensely that you will not like (it) unless he
> be honourably parted with freely?”

> Þorkall declared her (that she) would be-master of that
> (see ráða fyrir e-u, Z16): “You have taken that so hard
> (firmly) that (it) will not please you (getast at e-u ,
> Z6) unless he is honourably set-free from hands (from the
> clutches of the law?).”


<leysa e-n af hǫndum> jmd. abfertigen, mit etw.
abfinden, jmd. (beim Abschied) mit etw. ausstatten od.
ihm Zustehendes mitgeben

to dispatch someone, to pay someone off with something, to
equip someone (on his departure) with something or give
him what he is due

I think, then, that it’s ‘unless he be honorably sent on his
way’, ‘sent on his way with due honor’, or the like.

> Guðrún kvað hann rétt geta "vil eg," segir hún, "að þú
> gefir honum skipið og þar með þá hluti sem hann má eigi
> missa að hafa."

> Gudrun said he gets (it) precisely "I want," she says,
> "that you give him the ship and with it the portions as he
> cannot miss having."

> Gudrun said he guesses correctly, “I want,” says she,
> “that you give him a ship and with it those things that he
> may not be without having.”

> Guðrún declared him to guess right (geta, Z.ii.1) “I
> want,” says she, “that you give him the-ship and
> there-with (ie along with it) those things that he may not
> suffer (hafa, Z8) to do-without (feel the want of, missa,
> Z3)

I think that <að hafa> here is simply 'having': I make it
‘those things that he must not feel the lack of having’.
(Of course all come to the same basic conclusion: the things
that he can’t do without.)

> Þorkell svarar og brosti við: "Eigi er þér lítið í hug um
> margt Guðrún," segir hann, "og er þér eigi hent að eiga
> vesalmenni.

> Thorkell answers and smiled in reply: "It is not little on
> your mind, Gudrun, concerning much," he says, "and it
> doesn't concern you to have a paltry person. (huh?)

> Thorkell answers and smiles at that, “ Not is for you
> little in mind about much, Gudrun,” says he, “ and you are
> not suited to be married to a paltry person.

> Þorkell answers and smiles with (it, in reply): “)(There)
> is not for you little in mind concerning many (things)
> (you are always thinking big?), Guðrún,” says he, “and
> (it) is not fitting for you to have (ie have as a husband,
> in marriage) a paltry-person.

Yes, I think so; or perhaps better, ‘in many things you
don’t think small’.

> Skal þetta gera eftir þínum vilja."
> (We/I?) shall do this after your wishes."
> This shall be done in accordance with your wishes.”
> (I, one) shall do this according-to your wish.”

I think that the implied subject is <ek> 'I': after all,
he’s the one who’s going to be doing it and of whom it was

> Gunnar tók við gjöfinni allþakksamlega: "Mun eg aldrei svo
> langhendur verða að eg fái yður launað þann sóma allan sem
> þið veitið mér."

> Gunnar received the gifts very gratefully: "I will never
> become so long-handed that I would be able to repay you
> all that honor which you gave me."

> Gunnar accepted the gifts very thankfully, “I will never
> be so long-handed (??) that I am able to repay you all
> that honour that you grant me.”

> Gunnar received the-gift very-gratefully. “I will never
> become (be) so long-handed (having the ability to dig deep
> into one´s pockets (?),presumably an allusion to being
> wealthy or powerful ?) that I am-able to repay you all
> that honour which you-two are-granting me.”

It appears from Baetke and a footnote in another edition
that <langhendr> suggests having a long reach, the ability
to get things done. Wealth would no doubt be part of that,
but probably not the whole. And I suspect that the last
sentence of the chapter is deliberate irony:

> Gunnar var stórauðigur og hið mesta mikilmenni og góður
> drengur.

> Gunnar was very wealthy and the greatest man and
> goodhearted.

> Gunnar was very rich (so actually could have repaid him!)
> and the greatest of powerful men and noble minded (man).

> Gunnarr was very-wealthy and the greatest man-of-power and
> a good man-of-nobility.
