Here’s my translation




69. kafli - Boð Þorkels og Guðrúnar
Chapter 69 – Þorkell and Guðrún‘s (wedding) feast

Þetta haust hafði Gunnar Þiðrandabani verið sendur Guðrúnu til trausts og
This autumn Gunnarr Þiðrandabani (Þiðrandi’s-slayer) had been sent to Guðrún for help and

halds. Hún hafði og við honum tekið og var leynt nafni hans. Gunnar hafði
support (in need, his or hers?). She had also received him and his name was secret (not disclosed, especially the slayer bit). Gunnar had

sekur orðið um víg Þiðranda Geitissonar úr Krossavík sem segir í sögu
become (been) outlawed over (the) killing of Þiðrandi Geitir’s-son out-of Krossavík (Bay of Crosses) as (it) says in (the) saga

Njarðvíkinga. Fór hann mjög huldu höfði því að margir stórir menn veittu þar eftirsjár.
of (the) Njarðvík (Njarð-Bay) folk. He travelled (ie got around) much by means of (ie with the aid of) a covering for his head because many great (powerful) persons (men) gave attention there(-to) (ie were out to get him).

Hið fyrsta kveld veislunnar er menn gengu til vatns stóð þar maður mikill
On the first evening of the-feast when people went to water (lake, the bathing-spot?), a tall man stood there

hjá vatninu. Sá var herðimikill og bringubreiður. Sá maður hafði hatt á
by the-water. That-one (ie he) was broad-shouldered and broad-chested. That person (man) had a hat on

höfði. Þorkell spurði hver hann væri. Sá nefndist svo sem honum sýndist.
(his) head. Þorkell asked who he was. That-one gave-a-name-for himself such as seemed appropriate to him (ie probably not his real name)

Þorkell segir: "Þú munt segja eigi satt. Værir þú líkari að frásögn Gunnari
Þorkell says: “You will be-saying not truly. You would-be more-resembling from (the) description (we have of him) to Gunnarr

Þiðrandabana. Og ef þú ert svo mikil kempa sem aðrir segja þá muntu eigi
Þiðrandabani (Þiðrandi’s-slayer). And if you are such a great bold-warrior as others say then you will not

vilja leyna nafni þínu."
want to conceal your name.”

Þá svarar Gunnar: "Allkappsamlega mælir þú til þessa. Ætla eg mig og ekki
Then Gunnarr answers: “You speak with-very-much-zeal of this. I believe myself also not

þurfa að dyljast fyrir þér. Hefir þú rétt kenndan manninn. Eða hvað hefir þú
to need to conceal-myself before you. You have correctly recognised the-person (man). So what have you

mér hugað að heldur?"
thought-out (ie devised, intended) for me all-the-more (for now knowing who I am)?”

Þorkell kvaðst það vilja mundu að hann vissi það brátt. Hann mælti til sinna
Þorkell declared-of-himself (ie that he) would want that (þat), that he (ie) Gunnarr) would-know that soon. He spoke to his (ie his own)

manna að þeir skyldu handtaka hann. En Guðrún sat innar á þverpalli og þar
people (men) that they should seize (by hand) him. But Guðrún sat further-in on the cross-dais and there

konur hjá henni og höfðu lín á höfði. En þegar hún verður vör við stígur hún
women (plural) alongside her and (they) had (wore, höfðu is plural) linen on (their) head(s). But (And) as-soon-as she becomes aware (varr) of (this) she steps (stíga)
(does this mean that the water was quite close to the house and Guðrún had witnessed these events or that the events at the water had been conveyed back to Guðrún?)

af brúðbekkinum og heitir á sína menn að veita Gunnari lið. Hún bað og engum manni eira
from the-bride’s-bench and calls on (exhorts) her people (men) to give support to Gunnarr (dative). She bade also to spare no persons (men) (dative)

þeim er þar vildu óvísu lýsa. Hafði Guðrún lið miklu meira.
those there who wanted to show hostility (ie act against her wishes). Guðrún had a by-far greater force.

Horfðist þar til annars en ætlað hafði verið.
(It) was-turned (horfast, passive) there to other than (en) had been expected (It was a real turn up for the books).

Snorri goði gekk þar í milli manna og bað lægja storm þenna: "Er þér Þorkell
Snorri goði (priest-chieftain) walked there in between (the) people (men) and bade this storm to abate: “(It) is for you, Þorkell,

einsætt að leggja ekki svo mikið kapp á þetta mál. Máttu sjá hversu mikill
evident (ie the only thing to be done is) to put not so much zeal into this matter. You-can see how great

skörungur Guðrún er ef hún ber okkur báða ráðum."
a person-not-to-be messed-with Guðrún is if she overrules (see bera e-n ráðum, under bera, Z5) us both.

Þorkell lést því hafa heitið nafna sínum, Þorkatli Geitissyni, að hann
Þorkell declared-of-himself (látast) to have promised to his namesake (nafni), Þorkell Geitir’s-son, that, that he

skyldi drepa Gunnar ef hann kæmi vestur á sveitir "og er hann hinn mesti vinur minn."
should kill Gunnarr if he came west into (the) districts “and he the greatest friend of mine.”

Snorri mælti: "Miklu er þér meiri vandi á að gera eftir vorum vilja.
Snorri spoke: “(The) obligation (vandi, Z3) is by-far greater for you to act according to (eptir) our wish.

Er þér og þetta sjálfum höfuðnauðsyn því að þú færð aldrei slíkrar konu sem Guðrún
This is also for you yourself (sjálfum dative goes with þér, dative) a great-need because you would never get (fá) such a wife as Guðrun

er þótt þú leitir víða."
is even-though (þótt) you searched far-and-wide.”