Eftir það tók Björn vopn sín og gekk í brott og ætlar heim. En er hann kom
upp um Digramúla
After that Bjorn picked up his weapon and went away and intended (to go)
home. But when he came up around Digramul

hljópu upp fyrir honum fimm menn. Þar var Þóroddur, húskarlar hans tveir og
synir Þóris
five men leaped up before him. There were Thorodd, his two house servants
and sons of Thorir

viðleggs. Þeir veittu Birni atgöngu en hann varðist vel og drengilega. Gengu
þeir fastast að
woodenleg. They gave Bjorn an attack but he defended himself well and
manfully. Those
Thorir’s sons went at him hardest.

Þórissynir. Þeir veittu honum áverka en hann varð banamaður beggja þeirra.
They gave him a wound but he became the death-dealer to both of them.

Eftir það leitaði Þóroddur undan með húskarla sína og var sár lítt en þeir
After that Thorodd tried for (him) with his house servants and was lightly
wounded but they (were) not.

Björn gekk leið sína þar til er hann kom heim og gekk til stofu og bað
húsfreyja griðkonu að
Bjorn went on his way until he came home and went to the room and the
house-wife asked the servant woman to

vinna honum beina. Og er hún kom í stofu með ljós þá sá hún að Björn var
blóðugur mjög. Gekk
make him comfortable. And when she came into the room with a light, then
she saw that Bjorn was very bloody.

hún þá fram og sagði Ásbrandi föður hans að Björn var blóðugur heim kominn.
Gekk Ásbrandur
She went forward then and told Asbrand, his father, that Bjorn had come home
bloody. Asbrand went

í stofu og spurði hann hví Björn var blóðugur "eða hafið þið Þóroddur
into the room he and asked Bjorn why (he) was bloody “or have you met

Björn svarar og segir að svo var. Ásbrandur spurði hversu farið hefðu
viðskipti þeirra. Björn kvað:
Bjorn answers and says it was so. Asbrand asked how it had gone with their
dealings. Bjorn said:

Munat hyrlesti hraustum
It will not (be) a hearty? brightening? at last?

hríðar mér að stríða,
at once, to harm me,

heldr hef eg vígi valdið
rather have I chosen slaying

Viðleggs sona tveggja,
Woodenleg’s two sons

sem vígbalkar válki
as slaying -?? (went?) tossed to and fro

valdr geymi-Bil falda
guilty watchful ?? fold

eða dalsveigi deigum
or cowardly dale-headdress? (fold)

Draupnis skatt að kaupa.
to exchange Draupnis? tax.

Síðan batt Ásbrandur sár hans og varð hann græddur að heilu.
Then Asbrand bound his wound and he became cured to health.

Þóroddur sótti Snorra goða að eftirmáli um víg Þórissona og lét Snorri búa
mál til Þórsnessþings
Thorodd sought Chieftain Snorri for an action on behalf of Thorir’s sons’
slaying and Snorri had a case prepared for the Thorsness Thing

en synir Þorláks á Eyri veittu Breiðvíkingum að málum þessum. Og urðu þær
málalyktir að
but Thorlak’s sons at Eyr gave the Breidvikings (support) in this case. And
the conclusion of the case happened that

Ásbrandur gekk til handsala fyrir Björn son sinn og hélt upp fébótum fyrir
vígin en Björn var
Asbrand went to shake hands for Bjorn, his son, and supported the offering
of money for the slaying, but Bjorn was

sekur ger utan um þrjá vetur og fór hann í brott samsumars.
made an outlaw abroad for three winters and he went away the same summer.

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.