> Eftir það lét Snorri kalla þangað sonu Guðrúnar, hefir þá
> uppi við þá málið og tjár hversu mikill styrkur þeim mætti
> verða að Þorkatli fyrir sakir fjárafla hans og forsjá og
> taldi þar um mjúklega.

> After that Snorri caused to call there Gudrun's sons,
> takes up then talking and tells how greatly strong they
> can become to Thorkatl for the sake of his property and
> foresaw and said there about gently.

> After it Snorri had Gudrun’s sons called thither raises
> the issue then with them and shows how much strength could
> befall them on account of Thorkell’s property and
> foresight and recounted about (it) there mildly?

> After that Snorri caused to call thither (the) sons of
> Guðrún, heaves up (ie raises) then the-matter (or simply
> starts the talk?) with them and demonstrates how great
> (adj) strength (power, influence, noun) (styrkr, Z4) could
> befall them (verða e-m, Z2) on-account-of Þorkell because
> of (by reason of, sök, Z4) his property and foresight and
> (he) enumerated there-about (about that) nimbly.

I take <hefir> to be from <hafa>, not <hejfa>, and <hafa
uppi málit> to be parallel to <hafa uppi rœður> 'to begin a
discussion', so I make it ‘and opens the discussion’ or ‘and
broaches the matter’.

> Þá svarar Bolli: "Móðir mín mun þetta glöggvast sjá kunna.

> Then Bolli answers: "My mother will most clearly
> (glöggvast is related to gløggr?) know that.

> Then Bolli answers, “My mother will be able to see most
> clearly.

> Then Bolli answers: “My mother will most-clearly
> (superlative of glöggr) be-able to (kunna) see (sjá) this
> (þetta).

Rob: The *w of the Proto-Germanic stems of so-called wa- and
wō-stem adjectives shows up as <v> before inflectional
endings that begin with <a> or <i> and disappears otherwise;
this is noted in Gordon, §100, and in Barnes,
Examples are <gløggr>, <fǫlr>, and <hár> 'high'.

> Vil eg hér um hennar vilja samþykkja.
> Here I want to consent concerning her wish.
> I wish here regarding her wishes to be of one mind.
> I want here-about (about this) to consent to her wish.

Rob: Think of it as <Ek vil samþykkja hennar vilja hér um>
'I want to consent to her wish about this'; the object of
<um>, if one can properly call it that, is <hér>, literally
'here' but functionally 'this', not <henner vilja>.

> Þá mælti Guðrún: "Mjög munum vér hlíta forsjá Snorra um
> þetta mál því að oss hafa þín ráð heil verið."

> Then Gudrun said: "We will much trust Snorri's foresight
> concerning this matter because your advice has been sound
> to us."

> Then Gudrun spoke, “We will trust Snorri much regarding
> this case because for us your advice has been beneficial.”

> Then Guðrún spoke: “We will greatly trust Snorri’s
> foresight concerning this matter because your counsels
> (note: plural) to us have been sound.”

And what gives away the fact that <ráð> is plural is the
finite verb <hafa>: if this <ráð> were singular, the verb
would be singular <hefir>.

> Snorri fýsti í hverju orði og réðst það af að ráðahagur
> skyldi takast með þeim Guðrúnu og Þorkatli.

> Snorri urged in each report and advised that of that a
> marriage should take place between them, Gudrun and
> Thorkatl.

> Snorri urged in each word and it turned out from (that)
> that a marriage should take place between them, Gudrun and
> Thorkell.

> Snorri urged in (with) every word and that was-resolved
> (settled, ráðast af) that (the) marriage) should
> take-place between them Guðrún and Þorkell.

In <En þat rézk af, at Sturla skyldi ...> and <Þat rézk af,
at bíða þess er Hrafn kæmi til> the verb <ráðask af> clearly
has the sense 'to turn out', so I’m inclined to go with that
sense here, rather than the slightly stronger 'be settled'.

> Vex mér ekki það fyrir augum að hafa hér kostnað fyrir.

> It didn't increase to me before eyes to have cost before
> here. (could this apply even though it uses "í" rather
> than "fyrir"? Z. auga 1 - e-m vex e-t í augu, one has
> scruples about)

Yes: ‘it does not grow big in my eyes’ and ‘it does not grow
big before my eyes’ are similar metaphors for ‘it does not
become a matter of great concern for me’.

> I have no scruples about having the expense here for (it).

> That grows not before my eyes to have the expense for (it)
> here. (ie I don´t mind paying).

> Guðrún hefir mikinn viðurbúnað og tilöflun.

> Gudrun has much preparation and providing of supplies.

> Gudrun has much (to do) to ready herself and (lay in) a
> supply of stores.

> Guðrún raises (commences) a great self-preparation
> (applying her make-up J) and provision-of-supplies.

Like Rob and Grace, I take <hefir> to be from <hafa>, not
<hefja>, and to have more or less its usual sense: ‘Guðrún
has a great preparation and provision of supplies’, where we
would use ‘makes’.

> Guðrún hafði nær hundrað fyrirboðsmanna.

> Gudrun had almost 100 wedding guests (interestingly, I
> don't find "fyrirboðsmanna" "or "fyrirboðsmaðr" in Z. or
> CV. I do see "boðsmaðr - guest at a feast. Not sure how
> much the prefix "fyrir" changes the meaning).

> Gudrun had nearly a hundred people invited to the feast.

> Guðrún had nearly a hundred pre-invited (or early
> arriving?)-feast-guests (CV has “a bidder to a feast”
> whatever that means).

My other edition glosses <fyrirboðsmenn> 'im Voraus
eingeladene Leute', i.e., 'people invited in advance'.
