When I saw the poem in this translation I was reminded of a quote of something to the effect that a scientist takes the unfamiliar and makes it clear and the poet does the reverse. Unfortunately, I could not find who said it nor the exact wording.
Eftir það tók Björn vopn sín og gekk í brott og ætlar heim.
After that, Bjorn took his weapon and went away and intended (to go) home.
En er hann kom upp um Digramúla hljópu upp fyrir honum fimm menn.
When he arrived up around Digramula, five men jumped up against him.
Þar var Þóroddur, húskarlar hans tveir og synir Þóris viðleggs.
Thoroddr was there, his two house-servants and son Thoris "with-legs."
Þeir veittu Birni atgöngu en hann varðist vel og drengilega.
They helped attack Birni, but he defended himself well and nobly.
Gengu þeir fastast að Þórissynir.
They determinedly attacked Thorison.
Þeir veittu honum áverka en hann varð banamaður beggja þeirra.
They helped wound him and he became at once their slayer.
Eftir það leitaði Þóroddur undan með húskarla sína og var sár lítt en þeir ekki.
After that, Thoroddr went back with his house servants and was little wounded, but they (were) not. (CV leita - leita undan, to go back, fly)
Björn gekk leið sína þar til er hann kom heim og gekk til stofu og bað húsfreyja griðkonu að vinna honum beina.
Bjorn went in his direction to the there when he came hom and went to (the) sitting room and asked (the) housewife's house maid to show him hospitality. (I didn't find "ganga leið," but I found Z. leggja 7 leggja leið sína, to take a direction) (Z. vinna 3 - v. e-m beinleika, beina, to show hospitality to one)
Og er hún kom í stofu með ljós þá sá hún að Björn var blóðugur mjög.
And when she came in the living room with a light, then she saw that Bjorn was very bloodied.
Gekk hún þá fram og sagði Ásbrandi föður hans að Björn var blóðugur heim kominn.
She then went out of the house and told his father Asbrandr that Bjorn had come home bloodied.
Gekk Ásbrandur í stofu og spurði hann hví Björn var blóðugur "eða hafið þið Þóroddur fundist?"
Asbrandr went in the living room and he found out how Bjorn was bloody "Did Thorroddr meet you?"
Björn svarar og segir að svo var.
Bjorn answers and says that was so.
Ásbrandur spurði hversu farið hefðu viðskipti þeirra.
Asbrandr asked how their hostilities had gone.
Björn kvað:
Bjorn said:
Munat hyrlesti hraustum
Removed the strong deepest place
hríðar mér að stríða,
of a snowstorm to me to fight,
heldr hef eg vígi valdið
rather have I slain the power
Viðleggs sona tveggja,
Wood-leg's two sons,
sem vígbalkar válki
as war-groups toss to and fro
valdr geymi-Bil falda
the cause of keep-Bil folds
eða dalsveigi deigum
or bottom-strength dough
Draupnis skatt að kaupa.
Draupnis to buy tribute.
Síðan batt Ásbrandur sár hans og varð hann græddur að heilu.
Then Asbrandr bound his wounds and he became healed (back) to health.
Þóroddur sótti Snorra goða að eftirmáli um víg Þórissona og lét Snorri búa
mál til Þórsnessþings en synir Þorláks á Eyri veittu Breiðvíkingum að málum
Thoroddr sought chieftain Snorri for an action on behalf of Thorison's slaying, and Snorri caused to prepare a lawsuit at the Thorness assembly, but Thorlak's sons at Eyr offered Breidvikingum for these case.
Og urðu þær málalyktir að Ásbrandur gekk til handsala fyrir Björn
son sinn og hélt upp fébótum fyrir vígin en Björn var sekur ger utan um þrjá
vetur og fór hann í brott samsumars.
And they became a conclusion that Asbrandr went to confirm by shaking hands with his son Bjorn and held up an offer of money for the slaying, and Bjorn was convicted to go abroad for three years, and he went away in summer.