Þorgils ríður við þetta frá Helgafelli og með honum fóstbræður hans.
Thorgils rides with this from Helgafell and with him his fosterbrothers.
Kemur hann heim í Tungu til bús síns og unir stórilla sínum hlut.
He arrives home in Tingu to his farm and was much dissatisfied with his lot. (To say the least!)
66. kafli
Andlát Ósvífurs
Osvifr's Death
Þann vetur tók Ósvífur sótt og andaðist.
That winter Osvifr became ill and died.
Það þótti mannskaði mikill því að hann hafði verið hinn mesti spekingur.
That was thought a great loss of life because he had been the wisest man.
Ósvífur var grafinn að Helgafelli því að Guðrún hafði þar þá látið gera kirkju.
Osvifr was buried at Helgafell because Gudrun then had had a church built there.
Á þeim sama vetri fékk sótt Gestur Oddleifsson og er að honum leið sóttin þá kallaði hann til sín Þórð lága son sinn og mælti: "Svo segir mér hugur um að þessi sótt muni skilja vora samvistu.
At the same winter Gestr Oddleifson became ill and when the disease came over him, then he called to his short son Thord and said: "I forebode that this illness will end our life together. (Z. hugr 4 - svá segir mér hugr um, I forebode)
Eg vil mig láta færa til Helgafells því að sá staður mun verða mestur hér í sveitum.
I want to have me brought to Helgafell because at that place will become (?) most here in the area.
Þangað hefi eg oft ljós séð."
I have often seen light there."
Eftir þetta andaðist Gestur.
After this Gestr breathes his last.
Veturinn hafði verið kuldasamur og voru íslög mikil og hafði langt lagt út Breiðafjörð svo að eigi mátti á skipum komast af Barðaströnd.
The winter had been cold and (there) was a thick layer of ice, and (it) had long lain out from Breidafiord so that ships could not get out of Bardastrand.
Lík Gests stóð uppi tvær nætur í Haga.
Gestr's corpse lay on a bier two nights in Haga.
En þá sömu nótt gerði á veður svo hvasst að ísinn rak allan frá landi en um daginn eftir var veður gott og lygnt.
And then some night (the) weather became so windy that the ice (was) driven from land and during the next day the wind was good and calm.
Þórður tók skip og lagði á lík Gests og fara þeir suður um daginn yfir Breiðafjörð og koma um kveldið til Helgafells.
Thordr got a ship and put Gestr's corpse on (it) and they go south during the day over Breidafiord and arrive during the evening at Helgafell.
Var þar vel tekið við Þórði og er hann þar um nóttina.
Thordr was well received and he stays there during the night.
Um morguninn var niður sett lík Gests og hvíldu þeir Ósvífur í einni gröf.
Gestr's body was buried during the morning, and they Osvifr (and Gestr) lay buried in one grave.
Kom nú fram spásagan Gests að skemmra var í milli þeirra en þá er annar var á Barðaströnd en annar í Sælingsdal.
Now Gestr's prophecy was brought about that it was shorter between them than when one was in Bardastrand and the other was in Saelingsdale.
Þórður hinn lági fer heim þegar hann er búinn.
Thord the Short went home at once when he (is) ready.
Hina næstu nótt eftir gerði á æðiveður.
The next night it became very cold. (Z. doesn't list æðiveður as one entry, but it appears to be "duck's weather," which sounds either wet or cold. Based on the next sentence, "cold" probably is closer to the idea.)
Rak þá ísinn allan að landi.
Then the ice was all driven to shore.
Hélt því lengi um veturinn að ekki mátti þar á skipum fara.
That lasted a long time during the winter that ships could not go there.
Þóttu að þessu mikil merki að svo gaf til að fara með lík Gests að hvorki var fært áður né síðan.
This was thought a great sign that so it was good luck to go with Gestr's corpse that it was neither brought before nor after (the short time when the place was ice free).