> Síðan gengu þeir á fjallið upp og sátu þar á tali allt til
> kvelds.
> Then they went up to the mountain and sat there talking
> all until evening.
> Then they went up on the mountain and sat there talking
> until evening.
Then they went up on the mountain and sat there in
conversation right up until evening.
See <allt> Z1.
> Vissi það engi maður hvað þeir töluðu.
> No man knew what they discussed.
> No man knew what they spoke of.
No man knew what they discussed.
The author is presumably suggesting that Snorri was advising
Styr how he might get rid of Halli.
> Síðan reið Styr heim.
> Then Styr rode home.
> Then Styr rode home.
Then Styr rode home.
> Um morguninn eftir gengu þeir Halli á tal.
> During the next morning they go to talk to Halli. (or
> "they, Halli and others go to talk."?)
> During the next morning, they, Halli (and Styr) began
> talking.
The next morning they, [Styr and] Halli went to parley.
> Spyr Halli Styr hvern stað eiga skal hans mál.
> Halli asks Styr what place will have his talk.
> Halli asks Styr what situation his case shall have.
Halli asks Styr what outcome his suit is to have.
See <staðr> Z3.
> Styr svarar: "Það er mál manna að þú þykir heldur félítill
> eða hvað skaltu til þessa vinna með því að þú hefir eigi
> fé fram að leggja?"
> Styr answers: "This is man's talk that you think rather
> poor or what will you work in order to order to obtain
> (the marriage) with because you don't have money to put
> forward?" (Z. vinna 12 - vinna e-t til e-s, to do one
> thing in order to obtain or effect another)
> Styr answers. “It is said by people that you seem rather
> poor or what shall you effect for this whereas you have no
> money to put forward towards (the marriage)?”
Styr answers: ‘Folks say that you seem rather poor, so what
will you do to obtain this [marriage], since you don’t have
money to offer [‘lay forth’]?’
> Halli svarar: "Til mun eg vinna það er eg má en eigi tek
> eg þar fé er eigi er til."
> Halli answers: "I will do that where I can, but I don't
> take money there where it doesn't exist." (Z. til 8 vera
> til, to exist)
> Halli answers, “I will perform towards (it) that which I
> am able but I do not take money there when none is there.”
Halli answers: ‘I will do thereto that which I can, but I do
not take money there where none exists.’
I suspect that ‘I can’t take’ is closer to the intended
sense than ‘I don’t take’.
> Styr svarar: "Sé eg," sagði hann, "að það mun þér mislíka
> ef eg gifti þér eigi dóttur mína.
> Styr answers: "I see," he said, "that you will dislike
> that if I didn't give my daughter in marriage to you.
> Styr answers, “I see,” said he, “that you will not be
> pleased if I do not marry you to my daughter.
Styr answers: ‘I see,’ he said, ‘that you will be displeased
if I do not give you my daughter in marriage.
> Nú mun eg gera sem fornir menn að eg mun láta þig vinna
> til ráðahags þessa þrautir nokkurar."
> Now I will do as men of old (in) that I will let do some
> somewhat hard tasks in order to obtain this marriage."
> Now I will do as men of old that I will allow you to work
> these somewhat difficult tasks towards marriage.”
Now I will do as men of old [did, in] that I will have you
perform some hard tasks in order to obtain this marriage.’
> "Hverjar eru þær?" segir Halli.
> "What are they?" says Halli.
> “What are they?” says Halli.
‘What are they?’, says Halli.
> "Þú skalt ryðja," segir Styr, "götu yfir hraunið út til
> Bjarnarhafnar og leggja hagagarð yfir hraunið mill landa
> vorra og gera byrgi hér fyrir innan hraunið.
> "You shall clear," says Styr, "a path over the lava field
> out to Bjarnarhafnar and place a fence across the lava
> field between (mill=between?) our land and make a fence
> inside the lava field.
> “You shall clear,” says Styr, “a road over the lava field
> out to Bjarnarhafn and lay out a fence over the lava field
> between our lands and make a pasture here inside the lava
> field.
‘You shall clear,’ says Styr, ‘a path over the lava field
out to Bjarnarhöfn and place a fence across the lava field
between our [= Styr and Vermund] lands and make an enclosure
here inside the lava field.
I’m pretty sure that <mill> is just a typo. The enclosure
is probably a sheepfold.
> En að þessum hlutum fram komnum mun eg gifta þér Ásdísi
> dóttur mína."
> When this thing is performed I will give you my daughter
> Asdisi in marriage."
> And at completion of these things I will marry you to
> Asdis, my daughter.”
And these things having been done, I will give you my
daughter Ásdís in marriage.’
> Halli svarar: "Eigi er eg vanur til vinnu en þó mun eg
> undir þetta játtast ef eg skal þá auðveldlega komast að
> ráðahagnum."
> Halli answers: "It is not (that) I am accustomed to work
> although I will engage myself (in) this if I shall then
> easily procure this marriage."
> Halli answers, “I am not accustomed to work but still I
> will agree to this if I shall then easily arrive at
> marriage.”
Halli answers: ‘I am not accustomed to labor, and yet I will
agree to this if I shall then easily obtain this marriage.’
> Styr kvað þá þessu kaupa mundu.
> Styr then said (it) would make an agreement (about) this.
> Styr said then they would (have) this bargain.
Styr said that they would make an agreement about this.
This appears to be an acc. + inf. construction, with
pronominal <þá> and the past infinitive <mundu>; <kaupa> is
> Eftir þetta tóku þeir að ryðja götuna og er það hið mesta
> mannvirki.
> After this they begin to ride the path and that is the
> greatest work.
> After that they began clearing the road and it is the
> heaviest work for men.
After this then began to clear the path, and that is the
greatest work of human hands.
> Þeir lögðu og garðinn sem enn sér merki.
> They also built the fence as still is seen (as) a
> boundary.
> They also laid a fence as (one) still sees traces.
They also built the fence of which [one] still sees traces.
> Og eftir það gerðu þeir byrgið.
> And after that they made the fence.
And after that they made the enclosure.
> En meðan þeir voru að þessu verki lét Styr gera baðstofu
> heima undir Hrauni og var grafin í jörð niður og var
> gluggur yfir ofninum, svo að utan mátti á gefa, og var það
> hús ákaflega heitt.
> And while they were at this work, Styr had a bathroom made
> at home below Hrauni and it was dug down in the earth and
> an opening was over the ovens, so that (one) was able to
> pass from the outside, and that was a house hotly heated.
> And while they were at this work, Styr had a bath house
> built at home beneath Hraun and (it) was dug into the
> earth below and a window over the oven so that from
> outside might (water) be given and it was a house
> exceedingly hot.
And while they were at this work, Styr had a bathing-room
made at home below Hraun, and [it] was dug down into [the]
earth and [there] was an opening over the oven, so that
[water] could be poured on [it] from outside, and that house
was exceedingly well-heated.
The bathing room was basically a sauna. See <gefa> Z7 for
<gefa á>.
> Og er lokið var mjög hvorutveggja verkinu, var það hinn
> síðasta dag er þeir voru að byrginu, þá gekk Ásdís
> Styrsdóttir hjá þeim en það var nær bænum.
> And when locked it was much each worked, it was the last
> day when they were at the end, then Asdis, daughter of
> Styr, went near them and that was near the farms.
> And when each of the two works were finished, it was the
> last day when they were at the pasture, then Asdis Styr’s
> daughter walked near them and it was near the farm.
And when both works were nearly finished — it was the last
day that they were at the enclosure — Ásdís walked by them,
and that was near the farmstead.
See <mjök> Z3. The two works in question are presumably the
path and the wall.
> Hún hafði tekið sinn besta búnað.
> She had taken her best dress.
> She had put on her best clothing.
She had put on her best attire.
CV s.v. <búnaðr> suggests that there may be an implication
that she was wearing not just her finest clothing, but also
whatever she might have had in the way of gold or silver
> En er þeir Halli mæltu við hana svarar hún engu.
> And when they, Halli (and one or more others) spoke with
> her, she answers nothing.
> And when they, Halli (and his brother) spoke with her, she
> did not answer.
And when Halli and his brother spoke to her, she does not
answer [‘answers nothing’].