This being the closest translation to April 1, I decided to add something themed appropriately. Specifically, I added Google's translation after my own.

Þá svarar Helgi: "Vendilega hefir þú að þessum manni hugað.
Then Helgi answers: "You have carefully attended to this man.
Then said Helgi, "most carefully have you looked up to this man.

Mun og mikils um þenna mann vert vera.
This man will also be very worthy.
And of much of this man worthy to be.

En ekki mun eg þenna mann séð hafa.
But I will not have seen this man.
But I will not have seen this man.

En þó mun eg geta til hver hann er.
But I guess who he is. (Z. geta II 1 - g. e-s til, to guess, suppose)
But still I can for who he is.

Það hygg eg að þar hafi verið Bolli Bollason því að það er mér sagt að hann sé efnilegur maður."
I think that, that Bolli Bollason has been there because it is told to me that he is a promising man."
It methinks that there have been Bolli Bollason because there is me told that he is promising man. "

Þá mælti sveinninn: "Þá sat maður í smeltum söðli.
Then they boy spoke: "The man sat on an enameled saddle.
Then the boy said: "There sat a man in enamelled saddle.

Sá var í gulgrænum kyrtli.
That one was in a yellow-green tunic.
He wore a yellow green robe.

Hann hafði mikið fingurgull á hendi.
He had a large ring on (his) hand.
He had a large gold ring on his hand.

Sá maður var hinn fríðasti sýnum og mun enn vera á ungum aldri, jarpur á hárslit og fer allvel hárið og að öllu var hann hinn kurteisasti maður."
That man was the handsomest of them and will still be at a young age, chestnut colored hair and the hair suited (him) very well and of all he was the most courteous man."
That man was the most beautiful show and will still be young, auburn hair, and leaves your hair very well and that all he was the most polite man. "

Helgi svarar: "Vita þykist eg hver þessi maður mun vera er þú hefir nú frá sagt.
Helgi answers: "I think I know who this man will be who you have now told about.
Answers: "Know what I think this man is, you have been told.

Þar mun vera Þorleikur Bollason og ertu skýr maður og glöggþekkinn."
Thorleikr Bollason will be there, and you are a clever and acutely perspicacious man."
There will be Thorleik Bollison one sharp and mindful. "

Sveinninn segir: "Þar næst sat ungur maður.
The boy says: "There next (to him) sat a young man.
The boy says, "Next to him sat a young man.

Hann var í blám kyrtli og í svörtum brókum og gyrður í brækur.
He was in a blue tunic and in black trousers and girded trousers.
He was in a blue robe and black breeches, and his tunic tucked into them.

Sá maður var réttleitur og hvítur á hárlit og vel farinn í andliti, grannlegur og kurteislegur."
The man was (of) regular features and white hair and well-favored, slim and courteous." (Z. fara 2 - vel f. í andliti, well-favoured)
The man was réttleitur and white of hair, well battered face, slender and graceful. "

Helgi svarar: "Þenna mann kenni eg og hann mun eg séð hafa og mundi þá vera maðurinn allungur.
Helgi answers: "I know this man, and I will have seen him, and that would be a very young man.
Answers, "I know that man, and he will have seen and I would then be the man Allu isolates.

Þar mun vera Þórður Þórðarson fóstri Snorra goða og hafa þeir kurteist lið mjög Vestfirðingarnir.
Thordr Thordarson, a foster relative of chieftain Snorri, will be there, and they have a very polite group of people, the Westfirthingars.
There will be Þórður Thordarson foster Snorri and they have a very polite team Westfirthers.

Hvað er enn þá?"
What is yet then?"
What remains then? "

Þá mælti sveinninn: "Þá sat maður í skoskum söðli, hár í skeggi og skolbrúnn mjög, svartur á hár og skrúfhár og heldur ósýnilegur og þó garplegur.
Then the boy said: "Then a man sat on a Scottish saddle, a gray and very swarthy beard, black and stiff hair and rather ugly and yet martial.
Then the boy said: "There sat a man in a Scottish saddle, beard and rinse very brown, with black hair and skrúfhár and somewhat invisible, though likely warrior.

Hann hafði yfir sér fellikápu grá."
He had over himself a gray kind of plaid."
He had on a gray pleated cape. "

Helgi segir: "Glöggt sé eg hver þessi maður er.
Helgi says: "I clearly know who this man is.
Helgi said, "I clearly see who this man is.

Þar er Lambi Þorbjarnarson úr Laxárdal og veit eg eigi hví hann er í för þeirra bræðra."
Lambi Thorbjarnarson from Laxardale is there, and I don't know why he is on a trip (with) those brothers."
There Lambi Þorbjarnarson the valley and I know not why he is in the movement of the brothers. "

Sveinninn mælti: "Þá sat maður í standsöðli og hafði ysta heklu blá og silfurhring á hendi.
The boy said: "A man sat there on a high saddle and (he) had a blue outer frock and a silver ring on (his) hand.
The boy said, "The man sat in the saddle stand and had outer cloak blue and silver ring on his hand.

Sá var búandlegur og heldur af æsku aldri, dökkjarpur á hár og hrökk mjög.
That one was stout and rather young of age, dark color and very curly hair.
He wore búandlegur and keeps his youth, with dark auburn hair and jumped significantly.

Hann hafði ör í andliti."
He had a scar on (his) face."
He had a scar on the face. "

"Nú versnar mjög frásögnin," sagði Helgi.
"Now the story gets worse," said Helgi.
"Now the story really gets worse," said Helgi.

"Þar muntu séð hafa Þorstein svarta mág minn og víst þykir mér undarlegt er hann er í þessi ferð og eigi mundi eg veita honum slíka heimsókn.
"You will have seen there my inlaw Thorstein Svarta, and it certainly seems to be extraordinary if he is on this journey, and I would not know him (to make) such an attack on his home.
"As you will have seen Thorstein answered my brother in law and certainly seems strange to me that he is in this journey and I would not give him such a visit.

Eða hvað er enn þá?"
What is yet then (to relate)?"
Or what is still there? "

First translation – Rob
Second translation - Google