From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12733
Date: 2013-03-09
> Með jarli voru bræður tveir, sænskir að ætt.With [the] jarl were two brothers, Swedish by descent.
> With the Earl lived two brothers of Swedish descent. (Och
> de talar svenska.)
> With (the) earl were two brothers, Swedish by descent.
> Hét annar Halli en annar Leiknir.One was called Halli and [the] other Leiknir.
> One was called Halli and the other Leiknir.
> One was named Halli and the other Leiknir.
> Þeir voru menn miklu meiri og sterkari en í þann tímaLiterally something like this:
> fengjust þeirra jafningjar í Noregi eða víðara annars
> staðar.
> They were much more and stronger men and in that time were
> busy with their matches in Norway or wider (in) other
> places.
> They were much larger and stronger men than in that time
> ??? of them equals in Norway or more widely of other
> places.
> Þeir gengu berserksgang og voru þá eigi í mannlegu eðli erThey went berserk when they were angry and were then not of
> þeir voru reiðir og fóru galnir sem hundar og óttuðust
> hvorki eld né járn.
> They went in a berserk's fury and were then not in human
> nature when they were angry and went mad as dogs and
> feared neither fire nor fetters.
> They went with the fury of a berserker and then were not
> of human nature when they were angry and went mad as dogs
> and feared neither fire nor iron.
> En hversdaglega voru þeir eigi illir viðureignar ef eigiI agree: it goes with the last entry in <horfa> Z1.
> var í móti þeim gert en þegar hinir mestu örskiptamenn er
> þeim tók við að horfa.
> But they were not generally hard to deal with if nothing
> was done against them but (they were) at once the most
> overbearing men when (one) begins to set himself against
> them. [I assume that the "við" goes with "horfa." ]
> But ordinarily they were not bad to deal with if nothingBut usually they were not hard to deal with if nothing was
> was done against them but instantly the most violent men
> when to them resistance was turned?
> Eiríkur hinn sigursæli Svíakonungur hafði sent jarliEirík hinn sigursæli [`the victorious’], king of the Swedes,
> berserkina og setti varnað á að hann skyldi gera vel til
> þeirra og sagði sem var að hið mesta fullting mátti að
> þeim verða ef til yrði gætt skapsmuna þeirra.
> Erik the victorious Swedish king had sent the earl the
> berserkers and submitted a warning that he should do well
> towards them and said as it was the most help could happen
> to them if their disposition became looked after
> Eirik the victorious Swedish king had sent the berserkers
> to the earl and placed a warning that he should treat them
> well and said as was the most help might be to them? if to
> their dispositions were attended.
> Um vorið er Vermundur hafði verið einn vetur með jarli þáIn the spring when Vermund had been with the jarl one
> fýstist hann til Íslands og bað jarl gefa sér orlof til
> þeirrar ferðar.
> During the spring when Vermundr had stayed one year with
> the Earl, then he was eager (to go) to Iceland and asked
> the Earl to give him permission to travel.
> During the spring when Vermund had been with the earl one
> winter, then he was eager to (go) to Iceland and asked the
> earl to give him permission for their journey.
> Jarl bað hann fara sem hann vildi og bað hann hugsa um[The] jarl told him to travel as he wished and told him to
> áður "ef nokkurir eru þeir hlutir í mínu valdi, aðrir meir
> en aðrir, er þú vilt þiggja þér til framkvæmdar en báðum
> okkur til sæmdar og virðingar."
> The Earl bade him go as he wanted and asked him (to) thing
> about beforehand "if any of those things is in my power,
> others more than others, if you wanted to receive for
> yourself success and both to our honor and esteem."
> The earl bade him go as he wished and bad him think about
> (it) beforehand “if there are some things in my power, one
> thing more than another?, which you want to receive for
> success and both of us for honour and worthiness.”
> En er Vermundur hugsaði eftir hverra hluta hann skal afAnd when Vermund thought about everything [‘all things’]
> jarli beiðast þá kom honum í hug að honum mundi mikillar
> framkvæmdar afla á Íslandi ef hann hefði slíka
> eftirgöngumenn sem berserkirnir voru.
> And when Vermundr considered what thing she shall request
> from the Early, then he remembered that he would gain much
> prowess in Iceland if he had such support as the
> berserkers were.
> And when Vermun thought about everything he could ask of
> the earl then it came to mind that for him would be great
> success to gain in Iceland if he had such followers as the
> berserkers were.
> Og staðfestist það í skapi hans að hann mundi leita eftirAnd it settled in his mind that he would inquire whether the
> ef jarlinn vildi fá honum berserkina til eftirgöngu.
> And it grew firm in his mind that he would see (Z. has
> "seek for") if the Earl would give him the berserkers as
> support.
> And it took up abode in his mind that he would ask if the
> earl wanted to give him the berserkers as followers.
> En það bar til er hann beiddist þessa að honum þótti StyrAnd it came about when he asked for this that he thought his
> bróðir sinn mjög sitja yfir sínum hlut og hafa ójafnað við
> sig sem flesta aðra þá er hann fékk því við komið.
> And that produced (i.e., resulted) when he requested this
> to him his brother Styr was busy with the matter and has
> unfairness with him as most others, those who he got made
> use of that. (??)
> And it happened when he asked this that to him his
> brother, Styr, seemed much to take over his things and
> have inequality with him as most others those who he was
> able to touch?
> Hugði hann að Styr mundir þykja ódælla við sig að eiga efHe thought that Styr would think it difficult to deal with
> hann hefði slíka fylgdarmenn sem þeir bræður voru.
> He thought that Styr would think difficult with him to
> have if he had such followers as the brothers were.
> He thought that Styr would think it difficult to have to
> deal with him if he had such followers as those brothers
> were.
> Nú segir Vermundur jarli að hann vill þann sóma af honumNow Vermund tells the jarl that he wants to receive that
> þiggja að hann gefi honum til trausts og fylgdar
> berserkina.
> Now Vermundr tells the Earl that he wants that honor from
> him accepts that he give him in return for support and a
> body-guard of the berserkers.
> Now Vermund tells the earl that he wants to receive that
> honour from him that he give him as support and followers,
> the berserkers.