> Eftir þetta skilja þau Guðrún talið og bað hvort þeirra
> annað vel fara.

> After this they, Gudrun (and Snorri), stopped talking
> (broke off their talk) and bid each other fare well.

> After this they, Gudrun (and Snorri) break off speaking
> and each bade the other farewell.

> After this they, Guðrún (and Snorri) break-off (the)
> conversation and bade each other of them to fare well.

Most literally it's 'each of them bade [the] other', I

> Þau voru blóðug mjög.
> They were very bloody.
> They were very bloody.
> They were very bloody.

Such unanimity! :-)

> Þeim bræðrum brá mjög við þetta er Guðrún mælti en svöruðu
> þó á þá leið að þeir hafa verið ungir til hefnda að leita
> og forystulausir, kváðust hvorki kunna ráð gera fyrir sér
> né öðrum "og muna mættum við hvað við höfum látið."

> The brothers got much from this which Gudrun said and yet
> answered to the way that they have been young and
> unprotected to seek revenge, said for themselves neither
> knows to suppose himself nor others "and we will not be
> able to withstand what we have left." (Z. gøra 13 -- gøra
> ráð fyrir e-u, to suppose)

> Those brothers were very upset at this which Gudrun spoke,
> and yet answered in that way that they had been young to
> seek vengeance and unprotected, said neither knew (how) to
> make a plan for themselves or others, “and we are able to
> remember what we have lost.”

> (It) startled (see bregða, impersonal) those brothers
> greatly with this which Guðrún spoke but (they) answered
> nevertheless in that way that they have been (too) young
> to seek for vengeance and unprotected,
> declared-of-themselves neither to be able to (kunna + inf)
> make plans for themselves nor for others “and we
> would-be-able to remember what we have lost.”

I think that the <kunna> + inf. construction requires the
<at>, so this is simply 'said that they did not know [how]
to make plans ...'.

> Eftir þetta gengu þeir í brott.
> After this they went away.
> After that they went away.
> After that they walked away.

I'm with Rob: 'this'.
