One of these days I may actually get caught up!
> Það kann og vera ef á þingreiðina er hætt að vandræðin
> aukist ef málin eru með ofurkappi varin.
> It can also be to the riding to parliament is a custom
> that the difficulties get added if the case was enclosed
> with excessive zeal.
> I know it also to be if the ride to the Thing is risked,
> difficulties increase if our case is (pursued?) with
> stubbornness.
It may also happen, if the þing-riding [riding to the þing]
is ventured, that the difficulties would increase if the
cases were defended with excessive zeal.
<Verja> 'to defend' has both the original weak past
participle, <var(i)ðr>, and a strong one, <varinn>; CV does
mention the latter.
> Hinn er annar kostur," segir hann, "að leggja á allan hug
> að þér komist utan með lausafé yðvart en þá leikist um
> lönd sem auðið er, þau sem eigi verða seld."
> The other alternative is," he says, "to take all pains
> that you go abroad with your wealth and then to be
> performed concerning land as is fallen to our lot, they as
> does not become delivered." (Z. leggja 14 - l. stund,
> kapp, hug á e-t, to take pains about, great interest in, a
> thing
> The other choice is,” says he, “to place great emphasis
> that you go abroad with your liquid assets and then
> regarding the lands play as fell to (your) lot, those
> which are not sold.”
That is another choice,’ he says, ‘to take all pains that
you escape abroad with your moveable property, and then is
done with the lands as fate allots, those that are not
> Þeirrar liðveislu var Álfgeir fúsastur.
> Their support, Alfgeir, was willing. (Or is "willing" the
> nickname?)
> Alfgeir was most eager for their help.
Álfgeir was most eager for that support.
<Þeirrar> is the gen. sing. fem. of the demonstrative
pronoun <sá, sú, þat>, here modifying the gen. sing. fem.
> Þórarinn kvaðst og eigi sjá efni sín til að bæta sakir þær
> allar með fé er gerst höfðu í þessum málum.
> Thorarinn said for himself also not to see his reason to
> improve things they all with money who had done in this
> case.
> Thorarinn said also not to (have?) that means of
> compensation with money for the sake of all those who had
> been in this case.
Þórarin also said that he did not see his means (serving,
sufficient) to recompense all those charges that had arisen
in these cases.
> Vermundur kvaðst eigi mundu skilja við Þórarin, hvort er
> hann vildi að hann færi utan með honum eða veita honum
> vígsgengi hér á landi.
> Vermundr said for himself (that he) would not part with
> Thorarin, if (it) is (that) he wanted that he would go
> abroad with him or support him in battle here in Iceland.
> Vermund said he would not part with Thorarinn, whether he
> wanted that he go abroad with him or help him backing him
> in battle here in country.
Vermund said that he would not part from Þórarin, whether he
wanted that he [= Vermund] go abroad with him [= Þórarin] or
back him in battle here in (this) country.
> En Þórarinn kaus að Arnkell veitti þeim til utanferðar.
> And Thorarinn chose that Anrkell permitted them to travels
> abroad.
> But Thorarinn chose that Arnkell help him with the journey
> abroad.
And Þórarin chose that Arnkel assist them in going abroad.
> Síðan var maður sendur út á Eyri til Bjarnar stýrimanns að
> hann skyldi allan hug á leggja að búa skip þeirra sem
> fyrst mátti hann.
> Then a man was sent out to in Eyri to captain Bjarnar that
> he should take pains about preparing themselves as he
> first could.
> Then a man was sent out to Eyr to Captain Bjorn that he
> should take great interest to set about readying their
> ship as quickly as he might.
Thereafter a man was sent out to Eyrr to Björn [the]
captain, (to tell him) that he should put all his mind to
preparing their ship as soon as he could.
> Nú skal segja frá Snorra goða að hann tók við eftirmáli um
> víg Þorbjarnar mágs síns.
> Now it shall be told concerning chieftan Snorri that he
> received and action on behalf of a person slain concerning
> his inlaw Thorgjarn's killing.
> Now shall be told of Chieftain Snorri that he took up the
> action on behalf of a person slain regarding the slaying
> of Thorbjorn, his in-law.
Now it shall be told of Snorri goði, that he took up the
case concerning the slaying of Þorbjörn, his brother-in-law.
> Hann lét og Þuríði systur sína fara heim til Helgafells
> því að sá orðrómur lék á að Björn, sonur Ásbrands frá
> Kambi, vendi þangað komur sínar til glapa við hana.
> He also caused his sister Thurid to go home to Helgafell
> because the public opinion rumored that Bjorn, a son of
> Asbrand from Kambi,
> He also had Thurid, his sister, go home to Helgafells
> because that public opinion rumoured that Bjorn, Asbrand’s
> son from Kambi, ?? his coming thither to seduce her.
He also had Þuríð, his sister, travel home to Helgafell, for
it was rumored that Björn, son of Ásbrand from Kambi, turned
his comings thither for seductions of her.
> Snorri þóttist og sjá allt ráð þeirra Arnkels, þegar hann
> spurði skipbúnaðinn, að þeir mundu eigi ætla fébótum uppi
> að halda eftir vígin við það að engar voru sættir boðnar
> af þeirra hendi.
> Snorri thought and saw all their, the Arnkels, advice; at
> once he asked about the ship's fittings, that they would
> not intend to support an offer of money after the slaying
> with that to no one were settlements offered from their
> side.
> Snorri thought also all that plan of theirs, Arnkell’s, as
> soon as he learned of the ship preparation, that they
> would not intend to uphold compensation for the slaying at
> that that none were ready and willing for compensation
> from their hands.
Snorri also thought that he understood the whole plan of
Arnkel and his fellows as soon as he heard of the
ship-readying: that they must not intend to support
compensation for the slayings, [and] moreover that no
settlements were offered on their part.
In the modern language <halda uppi> seems to be 'to
support', which fits reasonably well here. <Vígin> is
plural. <Engar> is fem. nom./acc. plur.; here it modifies
the fem. nom. plur. <sættir>, as does the participle
> En þó var kyrrt allt framan til stefnudaga.
> Yet it was all quiet until the day of summons. (Z. framan
> 2 - franan til (= fram til), up to, until)
> But still all was calm thence forward until the summoning
> days.
But nevertheless all was quiet from then until the summoning
> En er sá tími kom safnar Snorri mönnum og reið inn í
> Álftafjörð með átta tigu manna því að það voru þá lög að
> stefna heiman vígsök svo að vegendur heyrðu eða að heimili
> þeirra og kveðja eigi búa til fyrr en á þingi.
> When that time came, Snorri gathered men and rode in to
> Alftafiord with 79 men because that was then a law to
> bring a case from home a suit of manslaughter so that a
> killer heard or at their home, and said not to prepare
> previously than to the assembly.
> And when that time came Snorri summons men and rode in to
> Alftafjord with 80 men because it was then law to summon
> from home for a case of slaying so that (the) slayer heard
> or at their home and not to summon neighbors for (the
> case) earlier than at the Thing.
And when that time came, Snorri gathers men and rode in to
Álptafjörð with 80 men, because it was then [the] law to
summon the accused to court in case of manslaughter in the
district where the crime was committed, so that [the]
killers heard, or at their home, and not to summon [the]
neighbors [for jury duty] earlier than at [the] þing.
<Stefna vígsök> 'to bring a case of manslaughter to court,
summon the accused to court in a case of manslaughter';
<heiman> 'from home', where 'home' is the district where the
crime was committed. <Vegendr> is the plural of <vegandi>;
you can also tell from the plural form of the verb <heyrðu>.
Rob: <búa> is acc. plur. of <búi>.
> En er ferð þeirra Snorra var sén af Bólstað þá ræddu menn
> um hvort þegar skyldi sæta áverkum við þá því að fjölmennt
> var fyrir.
> And when their, Snorri's (and the others'), journey was
> seen from Bolstad, then people talked about whether at
> once (they) should expose (themselves) to bodily injury
> with them because of the crowd that was in front (of
> them).
> And when their journey, Snorri’s (and his men), was seen
> from Bolstad, then people talked about whether the
> misdeeds should be compensated at once at that because the
> great crowd was before (them).
And when the journey of Snorri and his men was seen from
Bólstað, folks talked about whether [they] should cause
wounds to them [= Snorri & Co.], since so many men were at
I make it <sæta> Z3 and <fyrir> Z.III(3).
> Arnkell segir að eigi skal það vera "og skal þola Snorra
> lög," segir hann og kvað hann það eitt að gera svo búið er
> nauðsyn rak til.
> Arnkell says that it shall not be that "and Snorri shall
> have the benefit of the law," he says and he said that
> alone to do so fitted out is necessity drove to. (Z. þola
> 2 - þola eigi lög, not to bear the law; eigi skal þat, ok
> skal þ. Snorra lög, S. shall have the benefit of the law)
> Arnkell says that it shall not be “and law shall benefit
> Snorri (Z),” says he and he said it only that to do as
> matters stood when necessity drove (them) to.
Arnkell says that it shall not be [i.e., they won't attack
Snorri & Co.] 'and [the] law shall benefit Snorri,' he says,
and he said in these circumstances to do only that which
necessity drove [them] to [do].
> Og er Snorri kom á Bólstað voru þar engi áköst með mönnum.
> And when Snorri came to Bolstad there was no ( áköst?)
> with men.
> And when Snorri came to Bolstad, there were no taunts
> between men.
And when Snorri came to Bólstað, there were no taunts
between folks.
Rob: <áköst> is the plural of <ákast>; when you can't find
something with <ö>, remember that it might be the back
mutation of <a> and look for that instead. (I like this:
taunts are 'throwings upon'!)
> Síðan stefndi Snorri Þórarni til Þórsnessþings og þeim
> öllum er að vígum höfðu verið.
> Then Snorri called Thorarin and all them to the
> Thorness-assembly who had been at the fight.
> Afterwards Snorri summoned Thorarinn to the Thorsness
> Thing and all those who had been in (on) the slaying.
Then Snorri summoned Þórarin to the Þórsness þing, and all
those who had been at the killings.
> Arnkell hlýddi vel stefnunni.
> Arnkell obeyed well the summjons.
> Arnkell listened well to the summons.
Arnkell listened carefully to the summons.
I am perhaps taking a small liberty with 'carefully' for
<vel>, but that's how I interpret it. I definitely prefer
'listen' to 'obey' here: the latter seems premature at this
point in the tale.
> Eftir það riðu þeir Snorri í brott og upp til Úlfarsfells.
> After that they, Snorri (and crew), rode away and up to
> Wolf's-fell.
> After it they, Snorri (and co) rode away up to Ulfar’s
> fells.
After that Snorri and his men rode away and up to