At 12:31:13 PM on Wednesday, December 26, 2012, Sabin
Densmore wrote:
> “We drank countless toasts to the endless times
> Of the Hunter and the Pleiades.”
> “Vér drukkum-full útalligr á enda-lauss tíðum
> veiði-manns eða stjarna”
I'm guessing that this is 'times' in the sense of 'ages,
periods, eons', in which case <öld>, plural <aldir>, seems a
better choice. <Fjósakonurnar þrjár> 'the three byre-maids'
is a traditional Icelandic name for the three stars in
Orion's belt, and the Pleiades are known as <Sjöstjörnurnar>
'the seven stars'; I've used these in place of 'the Hunter'
and 'the Pleiades'.
Drukkum vér full útallig á endalaussar aldir
Fjósakonanna þriggja ok Sjöstjarnanna
If you really want to keep the Hunter reference, change
<Fjósakonanna þriggja> to <Veiðimannsins>.