Eyrbyggja Saga 19 part 4 - - Grace's translation

From: Fred & Grace Hatton
Message: 12628
Date: 2012-12-21

Vermundur mælti: "Brátt þykir mér sem þér hafið við ást."
Vermund spoke, “(It) seems to me you have quickly been a match (for them).”
Þórarinn kvað:
Thorarinn said:
Knáttu hjálmi hættar
They could by my helmet and shield

hjaldrs á mínum skjaldi
of danger of battle

Þrúðar vangs hins þunga
load of the field of the Thing

þings spámeyjar singva
maidens of Thor’s daughter (Þrúðar?), who foretell ??

þá er bjúgröðull bógar
then where bowed sun, shoulder

baugs fyr óðaldraugi,
of a ring for ancestral spirits

Gjöll óx vopns á völlum,
Din of weapons grew on the fields

varð blóðdrifinn Fróða.
became swept with blood by Frodi?

Vermundur mælti: "Hvort vissu þeir nú hvort þú varst karlmaður eða kona?"
Vermund spoke, “Did they know now whether you were a man or a woman?”
Þórarinn kvað:
Thorarinn spoke:
Reka þóttumk eg, Rakna,
I was thought to drive, lessening

remmiskóðs við Móða,
powerful weapons with weariness??
kunnfáka hné kennir,
?? known fell dead

klámorð af mér borða,
(those who?) served up to me filthy words

hvatki er Hildar götva,
each thing is for Hilda (one of the Valkyries) to bury

hrafn sleit af ná beitu,
a raven tore off nearby, they bite

síks við sína leiku
such with their play

sælingr um það mælir.
a wealthy man speaks about it.

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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