> Guðrún varð fegin komu hans.
> Gudrun rejoiced at his coming.
> Gudrun was joyful at his arrival.
> Guðrún became glad of his coming.

If you're going to use 'became' and go for a fairly literal
translation, I think that it has to be 'became joyful from
his arrival' or the like: 'became glad of his coming' means
(to me, at least), that she had not been glad of it and then
became so, when the intended sense is actually that his
arrival caused her to rejoice. However, this is one of
those times when I think that 'was' (as in 'was joyful')
better captures the sense than 'became'. (Or one can follow
Z. and simply say 'rejoiced'.)

> "Þykir mér þú Snorri það liðsinni mér mest veita," segir
> Guðrún, "að þú skiptir bústöðum við mig svo að eg sitji
> eigi samtýnis við þá Hjarðhyltinga."

> "It seems to me, you, Snorri, give me the most
> assistance," says Gudrun, "that you change (your)
> residence with me so that I would not sit in the
> neighborhood with the Hjardhylings."

> “It seems to me, Snorri, that you grant me most help” says
> Gudrun, “that you divide the farmstead with me so that I
> do not sit in the same neighborhood as those
> Hjardarholters.”

> “You, Snorri, would-seem (2nd pers sg subjunctive) to me
> mostly (ie best able) to give that assistance to me,” says
> Guðrún, “that you would-change (skipta, Z3, subjunctive)
> dwelling-places with me so that I would-not-sit
> (subjunctive) in-the-same-neighbourhood as those
> Hjarðarholters.”

Modern <þykir> can be 2nd person singular indicative or
present subjunctive or 3rd sing. pres. indic. However, all
three of my editions that use one or another of the standard
ON normalizations have <þykki>, which in the singular can
only be 1st pres. ind. or 3rd pres. subj.; the sources are
simply incompatible.

I interpret <þykir> as 2nd sing. pres. indic., not subj.
(I'm not prepared to say that it *can't* be a subjunctive,
however.) <Liðsinni> is a neuter accusative, the object of
<veita>, and I take <mest> to be the neut. acc. of the
adjective <mestr>, modifying <liðsinni>: '[the] greatest
help': 'You, Snorri, seem to me to give me [the] greatest
help that you exchange [= by exchanging] dwelling-places
with me so that I stay not in the same neighborhood as the

The <þykki> of my other editions must be an impersonal
construction: 'It seems to me that you, Snorri, ...', 'I
think that you, Snorri, ...'. (The MM&HP translation seems
to take this view.) This makes <veita> a bit of a puzzle,
since it's not a 2nd person form to match <þú>. My best
guess is that <kann> (or possibly the subj. <kunnir>) has
been omitted from a <kunna> + inf. 'be able to ...'
construction, making it 'I think that you, Snorri, can give
me [the] greatest help ...'.

> Hann var snemma mikill og vænn.
> He was soon large and fair to behold.
> He was (grown) big early and handsome.
> He was soon tall and promising.

I'm with Grace and Rob: 'handsome'.

> Og er vetur sá líður af og vor kom þá fer fram kaup það
> sem rætt hafði verið að þau mundu kaupa um lönd, Snorri og
> Guðrún.

> And when winter passed away and spring came, then the
> purchase takes place as had been discussed that they,
> Snorri and Gudrun, would exchange land.

> And when that winter passes away and spring came then that
> bargain went forward as had been discussed that they would
> bargain about land, Snorri and Gudrun.

> And when this winter was passed away and spring came, then
> goes-forward (ie proceeds) that agreement (deal) which had
> been discussed, that they, Snorri and Guðrún, would
> exchange (kaupa, Z3) lands (estates).

I'm with Grace for the first clause: 'And when that/the
winter passes away'.
