Eyrbyggja Saga 17 part 1 - - Grace's mess

From: Fred & Grace Hatton
Message: 12546
Date: 2012-10-19

I can't make much of anything of the poems.

17. kafli
Á þessu þingi deildu þeir Þorgrímur Kjallaksson og synir hans við Illuga
svarta um mund og
At this Thing, they, Thorgrim Kjallak’s son and his sons, had a lawsuit
against Illugi the black regarding the sum of money a bridegroom must pay

heimanfylgju Ingibjargar Ásbjarnardóttur, konu Illuga, er Tin-Forni hafði
átt að varðveita.
dowry of Ingiborg Asbjorn’s daughter, Illugi’s wife, who Tin-Forni had had
to keep.

Um þingið voru stormar miklir svo að engi maður mátti koma til þingsins af
During the Thing a great storm happened so that no man might come to the
Thing from Medalfell’s Strand.

Hamlaði það mjög afla Þorgríms að frændur hans komu eigi.
It greatly hindered Thorgrim’s majority of votes that his kinsmen did not

Illugi hafði hundrað manna og einvalalið og hélt hann fram málunum en
Kjalleklingar gengu að
Illugi had a hundred men and chosen troops and he supported the case, but
the Kalleklingers went to

dóminum og vildu upp hleypa. Var þá þröng mikil. Áttu menn þá hlut í að
skilja þá. Kom þá svo
the court and wanted to break it up. Then was a great throng. Men were
obliged then opportunity? to separate them. Then it happened

að Tin-Forni greiddi féið að tölum Illuga.
that Tin-Forni paid the money to Illugi’s tally?

Svo kvað Oddur skáld í Illugadrápu:
Thus recited Odd (the) poet in (the) Slaying of Illugi

Vestr var þröng á þingi
West was a throng at the Thorsness Thing

Þórsness, með hug stórum
with great luck?, thought

höppum studdr þar er hodda
supported there treasure

hjálmraddar stafr kvaddi.
staff of helmeted?? declared.

Snarráðan kom síðan,
?? came after,

sætt var ger með hætti,
reconcililiation was done with risk.

Forna sjóðs und fæði
Old Forni’s scandal feeds

farmr dólgsvölu barma.
money bag enemies land of brothers.

Eftir það létti upp storminum og komu Kjalleklingar vestan af ströndinni.
Vildi Þorgrímur
After that the storm let up and Kalleklingers came from the west of the
strand. Thorgrim wanted

Kjallaksson þá eigi halda sættina og veitir þeim Illuga atgöngu. Tókst þar
þá bardagi. Snorri goði
Kjallak’s son then not to keep the agreement and wants to attak them, Illugi
(and company). then a battle took place. Priest Snorri

bað sér þá manna til meðalgöngu og komu á griðum með þeim. Þar féllu þrír
menn af
asked them for men for himself for peacemaking and an agreement was reached
between them. There fell three men of

Kjalleklingum en fjórir af Illuga. Styr Þorgrímsson vó þar tvo menn.
the Kalleklingers, but four of Illugi’s. Styr Thorgrim’s son slew two men

Svo segir Oddur í Illugadrápu:
Thus says Odd of the Slaying of Illugi

Drótt gekk sýnt á sættir
Household went clearly towards compromise

svellendr en þar fellu
but swelling there fell

þremja svells fyr þolli
sword before man

þrír andvöku randa
three sleepless? shields

áðr kynfrömuðr kæmi
before ?? came

kvonar hreggs við seggi,
of women storm and rain with man

frægt gerðist það fyrða
become famous warriors

forráð, griðum, Snorri.
domain, reconciliation, Snorri.

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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