From: Tobias Ruus
Message: 12483
Date: 2012-08-29
At 12:09:57 AM on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, wolfgangcarlsson
wrote:Do you mean runes? If so, Ole Einar Haugen's Gullskoen font
> I was wondering if anyone knew where I could download
> something to my computer to write Icelandic/Norse letters.
looks like a pretty good choice; it's freeware, available at
<>. It
includes variants from four distinct Scandinavian styles:
* normal runes (langkvistruner), marked L
* short-twig runes (kortkvistruner), marked K
* Hälsing runes, marked S
* medieval runes, with Gutnish, Icelandic, and Greenlandic
variants, marked M
'Marked' refers to the label in the explanatory PDF. The
PDF is in Swedish, but most of it should be
self-explanatory. The column headings 'trans.', 'alf.', and
'tast.' give the transliteration, the marking for the style
marker, and the keystroke(s) generating the rune. In the
commentary column 'hovudtype' is 'main form' (as distinct
from 'variant'). Unless you really know what you're doing,
I'd recommend sticking to the main forms of the normal
<> and other pages at
that site may be useful for further information on the
different styles and when and where they were used.