Jökulls Þattr 3 part 2 - - Grace's translation

From: Fred & Grace Hatton
Message: 12435
Date: 2012-07-24

There were several words I could not find at all.

"Mál er komit at ferðast," segir Gnípa.
“Time has come to travel,” says Gnipa.

"Ekki dvelr mik," segir Jökull.
“Nothing’s keeping me,” says Jokull.

Fara þau leið sína. Gengr Gnípa fyrir, en Jökull eftir. Verðr hon heldr
greiðfara. Þau
They go on their way. Gnipa goes ahead and Jokull after. She is walking
with great speed. They

ganga inn með firðinum, þar til er hann þrýtr. Er þá langt af nóttu. Þá koma
þau at
walk in along the firth, until it ends. It is then well into night. Then
they come to

hömrum stórum ok bröttum björgum. Hon víkr þar upp at, sem einstigit er, ok
a great crag and broken rocks. She turns up there where (there) is a narrow

þau þá at helli stórum.
and they come then to a great cave.

Gnípa mælti: "Hér er hellirinn Skráms konungs. Hefir hann boðit hingat öllum
Gnipa spoke, “Here is the cave of King Skram. He has invited all giants and
ogresses hither

ok flagðkonum, er í óbyggðum búa, ok munu þeir færa þik til heljar, er þeir
sjá þik,
who live in the unsettled area and they will bring you to (your) doom when
they see you,

hverju ek vilda ekki valdit hafa. Hér er gull eitt, er ek vil gefa þér. Þar
er í sá
which I do not want to be the cause of? Here is a gold ring which I want to
give you. There is in (it) that

náttúrusteinn, ef þú dregr gullit upp á fingr þér, þá sér þik engi framar en
þú vilt."
stone with magic power, if you draw the ring up on your finger, then no one
sees you more than you wish.”

Jökull þakkar henni gjöfina, ok ganga þau síðan í hellinn. Jökull sá, at þar
var tröllum
Jokull thanks her for the gift and they go then into the cave. Jokull saw
that there trolls were

skipat á báða bekki, ok heilsuðu allir Gnípu. Skrámr bað hana ganga um beina
arranged on both benches and all greeted Gnipa. Skram bade her go about
their accomodations

þeira. Hon kvað svá vera skyldu. Lét hon þá bera inn öl þat, sem áfengast
var, en
She said so (it) would be. She had all that carried indoors which was most
intoxicating, and they

þeir slokuðu stórum, ok var drykkjan óstjórnlig, svá þeir urðu allskjótt
drukknir. Þá
slopped (it up) greatly, and drinking was ?? so that they became drunk very
quickly. Then

mátti heyra illyrði nóg ok árásir, einnig sjá margan hnefapústr ok
(one) could hear enough abusive language and assaults, (and) likewise see
many boxes on the ears with closed fists and hair pulling.

Þetta þolir Jökull ekki, ok hleypr inn í þvöguna ok drepr hvern af öðrum ok
hvern um
Jokull did not bear this and leaps into ?? and slays every other one? and
each across

þveran annan, ok er nú eigi traust um, at hverr kenndi öðrum þessi fádæmi ok
from the other and now is no trust about, that each recognized the other ?
this exceptional thing and wonder,

en engi sér Jökul. Er nú næsta gangmikit í hellinum. Rotslær hverr annan ok
but no one sees Jokull. Now (there) is a very great tumult in the cave.
Each knocks the other unconscious and slays

um síðir, þar til allir váru fallnir, konur ok karlar, útan Skrámr ok sonr
hans. Jökull
for a time, until all had fallen, men and women, except Skram and his son.

gekk innar at Skrámi ok leggr sverðinu í gegnum hann, ok dettr hann þá fram
goes more inside to Skram and thrusts him through with the sword and then he
thumps then forward to

gólfit, svá þá varð dynkr mikill.
the floor, so then a great din happened.

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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