At 9:17:03 AM on Saturday, June 16, 2012, Fred & Grace
Hatton wrote:

>> Björn fór þar til er hann kom í ey þá er Mostur heitir og
>> liggur fyrir Sunnhörðalandi og þar tók við honum sá maður
>> er Hrólfur hét Örnólfssonur fiskreka.

> According to P&E, "A man there called Hrolf ........ gave
> him a friendly welcome...."

Aargh! I copied that from an old draft; of course <sá
maður> is the subject. The draft that I should have been
using has 'received him well'.

> They also have Bjorn staying in Jamtaland until Kjallak
> died.

They're right. My 'when' was an out and out typo; I don't
know what my fingers were thinking.
