Jokull 1 Part 1 -- Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 12374
Date: 2012-06-11

Yes, some very powerful images here of the people at sea....

1. Jökul hrakti til Grænlands.
Jokull driven away to Greenland

Jökli þótti nú illt verk sitt, reið því þegar í burt ok til skips, er þá var á Eyrarbakka, ok sigldi með Úlfi stýrimanni.
His deed seemed to Jokul, now, bad, therefore (he) rode at once away to (his) ship, which then was at Eyrarbakka, and sailed with captain Ulf.

Gaf þeim lítt byri, ok rak á fyrir þeim myrkr ok hafvillur, svá þeir váru úti allt sumarit.
They got little wind, and darkness came over them, and (they were) off course, so they were out (to sea) all summer. (Z. reka 7 - of a tempest, þá rak á fyrir þeim hríð, a storm rose upon them)

En er hausta tók, gerði storma með miklum hríðum ok frostum, svá sýldi hvern dropa, er inn kom.
And when autumn arrived, they were caught in a violent snowstorm and frost, so (that) each drop which came in, turned to ice. (Z hríð 1 - storm, esp. snowstorm; h. mikla gerði at þeim, laust á fyrir þeim h. mikilli, they were caught by a violent snow-storm)

Urðu allir í austri at standa bæði nætr ok daga, ok gerðust allir mjök dasaðir ok gáfust upp um síðir nema Jökull einn.
The all became engaged in baling (out the boat) both night and day, and all became very exhausted and gave up at last except only Jokul. (Z. austr 1 - standa í austri, to be engaged in baling

Hann gekk at ausa aleinn í fjóra daga.
He went on baling alone for 4 days. (Z. ausa 3 - to bale)

Um síðir rak skipit at skerjaklasa miklum með boðaföllum stórum.
At last the ship was pushed to a cluster of rocks with large breakers dashing.

Var þá allsterk hríðin, svá at skipit braut í spón ok týndist gózit.
The storm was then very strong, so that the ship broke in pieces and the goods perished.

Komst Jökull í sker upp með Úlfi stýrimanni ok sumir skipverjar, en sumir drukknuðu.
Jokul arrived up on the rocks with captain Ulf and some crew, but some drowned.

Váru þá allir yfirkomnir af mæði ok kulda nema Jökull einn.
All were then overcome from exhaustion and cold except for Jokul alone.

Jökull spyrr nú Úlf, hvat til ráða skyldi taka.
Jokull now asks Ulf, what counsel (they) should take.

"Hvárt skulum vér láta hér yfir drífa?"
"Will we cause to befall us here?" (?)

"Nei," segir Úlfr, "þat dugir ekki.
"No," says Ulf, "That doesn't suffice.

Er nú þar til órræða at leita, sem þú ert."
There is now an expedient to look for, as you are."

Jökull segir þeim skuli at því verða, - "ok mun ek nú til lands leita."
Jokull tells them it would become thus, - "and I will now look for land."

Síðan kastaði hann sér til sunds ok lagðist inn at landinu.
He then threw himself into (the) channel and swam to shore.

Þar var brim mikit ok stór áföll, svá at honum var bágt at koma þar við sundi, ok því kafaði hann til lands.
There was a large surf and large dashing waves, so that so that it was hard for him to come there by swimming, and therefore he was washed up on shore.

En er hann var á land kominn, sýldi um hann öll klæðin, en hríðin var svá sterk, at hann mátti varla ráða sér.
When he came to land, all his clothes became stiff, and the storm was so strong, that he was scarcely able to plan.

Vissi hann ok aldri, hvar hann fór.
He never knew, where he went.

Honum varð þá reikat með sjónum, ok um síðir kom hann at skála nökkurum sterkum ok fornum.
He was then able to see where he was walking (?), and at last he came to some strong and old huts.

Var skálanum læst, en lykillinn greyptr í stafinn.
The huts were locked, but the key grooves in the post. (I suppose this means the key fits the lock, but I don't see how.)

Hann lauk upp ok gekk þar inn, þreifar síðan fyrir sér ok fann stóran ás ok eld í.
He opened up and went in there, then feels (his way) before him and found a large main beam and a fire inside. (does not make sense)

Síðan lagði hann skíði á eldinn.
Then he placed the lintel on the fire.

Varð þá skjótt bjart um allan skálann.
Then it soon became bright around all the hut.

Sá hann tvau rúm váru í innanverðum skálanum.
He saw two rooms were in the hut's interior.

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