Þeim Búa og Helgu varð barna auðið. Þau áttu son þann er Ingólfur hét og
For them, Búi and Helga, (it) became possessed of children (Búi and Helga´s lot was to have children - a mixed blessing at best J) . They had that son who was-called Ingólfr and
annar hét Þorsteinn. Dóttur áttu þau er Hallbera hét.
a second was-called Þorsteinn. They had a daughter who was-called Hallbera.
Annað sumar eftir tók Þorgrímur sótt og andaðist. Var hann út leiddur að
(The) next summer after Þorgrímr took (contracted) an illness (took ill) and died (breathed his last). He was led out (to the grave, ie buried) according-to
þeim sið sem þá var og drukkið eftir hann erfi.
that custom which then was (existed) and a funeral-feast was drunk (celebrated, more drinking than eating by the sound of it) for him (in his honour).
Í þann tíma lét Vakur af förum. Tók hann við landi í Saurbæ en Helgi tók þá
At that time, Vakr ceased (let off) travelling (trading voyages). He received land in Saurbær but (and) Helgi took then
Hofsland af Búa. Tók þá Búi við mannaforræði. Hafði hann allt út að
Hofsland from Búi. Búi then received authority (administration of people). He had (ie had authority over, controlled) everything out to
Nýjahrauni og inn til Botnsár. Búi bjó á Esjubergi tólf vetur og átti mikið
Nýjahraun (New lava) and in to Botnsá (Valley-head-river). Búi lived at Esjuberg twelve winters and had a mighty great
rausnarbú. Á þeirri stundu fékk Vakur Þuríðar dóttur Búa og Ólafar.
estate. In that time, Vakr got (in marriage) Þuríðr, Búi´s and Ólöf’s daughter.
18. kafli
Chapter 18
En er svo var komið kom skip norður í Eyjafirði. Þar voru á þrænskir menn.
But (and) (it) so happened a ship came north into Eyjafjörðr. Throndish men were there on (it).
Á því skipi var sá maður er Jökull hét, ungur og stórþriflegur. Þegar er
On that ship was that man (person) who was-called Jökull, young and great-looking. As-soon as
Jökull kom á land keypti hann sér hesta og föruneyti. Reið hann síðan suður
Jökull came ashore (onto land) he bought for himself horses and (his) retinue (did likewise). He rode after-that south
um land og er ekki fyrr frá hans ferð sagt en hann kom aftan dags til
over land and (there) is said (mentioned) nothing about his journey before (fyrr en) he came in (the) evening of (that) day to
Esjubergs. Lét hann lítið yfir sér. Þeir voru þar um nóttina því að
Esjaberg. He expressed little (ie gave little away) about himself. They were (stayed) there during the-night because
þar var öllum mönnum matur til reiðu.
food (provisions) for (those who were) riding were there for all persons.
Um morguninn gekk Jökull til tals við Búa og mælti: "Svo er með vexti að eg
(the) next morning, Jökull went into conversation with Búi and spoke: “(It) stands thus (see vöxtr, Z5) that I
á við þig erindi Búi," sagði hann.
have business with you, Búi,” said he.
Búi spurði hverninn það var.
Búi asked how that was.
Jökull mælti: "Mér er sagt að þú sért faðir minn en Fríður er móðir mín
Jökull spoke: “To me (it) is said that you are my father but (and) Fríðr is my mother,
dóttir Dofra konungs."
daughter of king Dofri.
Búi segir: "Ólíkleg sögn er að þú sért minn son því að mér þætti von að sá
Búi says “(It) is an improbable tale that you are my son because expectation would-seem for me (ie my expectation would be) that that-one (ie he, my son)
mundi vera gildur maður er undir okkur ælist en mér sýnist þú heldur auðþriflegur."
would be a worthy man (person) who-would-be begotten under us (by us? in our image?) but you seem to me rather feeble.”
Jökull mælti: "Eg hefi enn ekki marga vetur á baki. En móðir mín bað mig
Jökull spoke: “I have yet not many winters on (my) back (, behind me, ie I´m still a youngster). But my mother bade me
það segja þér til jartegna að hún kveðst hafa sagt þér að þú mundir kenna á
to say that to you as proof that she declared-of-herself to have said to you that you would know
þínum hlut ef þú tækir eigi vel við frændsemi minni."
your lot (recognise what´s coming to you?) if you should-receive not well my kinship.”
Búi segir: "Ekki hirði eg um sögur þínar. Þykja mér þær ómerkilegar. Vil eg
Búi says: “I care not about your stories. They seem to me unworthy-of-notice. I want
að við tökum fang því að þú ert ekki okkar son ef engi máttur er í þér."
that we have a wrestle because you are not our son if no might is in you.”