> En nú skal Ólöf dóttir yður vera með þér þar til henni
> býðst forlag því að eg vil nú þó ekki elska hana síðan
> Kolfinnur hefir spillt henni."

> And now shall your daughter be with you until she is
> offered a settlement in marriage because I will now
> nevertheless not love here since Kolfinnr has spoiled
> her."

> Now Olof, your daughter, shall stay with you until
> provisions for her living are readied because I wish now
> still not to love her after Kolfinn has spoiled her.”

> But (And) now shall Ólöf your daughter be (stay) with you
> until provision-for living (settlement in life, by
> marriage) is-offered to her because I want now
> nevertheless not to love her since Kolfinnr has spoiled
> her.”

This seems to settle the earlier question of just what
Kolfinn did with her.

> Hann átti dóttur eina barna er Helga hét.
> He had a daughter, a child who was named Helga.
> He had a daughter, a child? who was named Helga.
> He had a daughter an only child who was-called Helga.

Rob, Grace: <barna> can only be gen. plur., so it's saying
'He had only a daughter of children', i.e., his only child
was a daughter.

> En er svo var komið völdust til vitrir menn og góðgjarnir
> og báru sáttmál millum þeirra Búa og Þorgríms.

> And it is so (that) wise and kindly men had come forward
> and produced a covenant between them, Bui and Thorgrim.

> But it so happened (that) wise and kindly men were
> empowered?? and carried words of reconciliation between
> them, Bui and Thorgrim.

> But when (it) was (had) thus come (came to pass), wise men
> and kind were influential with (it) also carried
> words-of-reconciliation between them, Búi and Þorgrímr.

See <velja>, which had <veljast til e-s> 'to come forward'.
'And when [it] had came to pass so, wise men and kind came
forward and carried words of reconciliation between them,
Búi and Þorgrím'.

> Og hversu margt sem hér var um talað þá fór það fram að
> þeir festu öll þessi mál, Búi og Þorgrímur, undir dóm
> hinna bestu manna.

> And how(ever) many as here were for the talk then that
> went forward that they all made this agreement, Bui and
> Thorgrimr, under man's best court.     (like Z. festa 4 -
> f. sátt mál, to make a settled agreement)

> And however many as were here in discussion then it went
> forward that they settled all this case, Bui and Thorgrim,
> under a judgement by the best men.

> And however much as here was spoken about, then that went
> forward (took place, occurred) that they settled all this
> matter, Búi and Þorgrímr, under (the) judgement (guiding
> hands) of the best men.

Rob, Grace: <margt> is neuter and is the object of <talað
um> 'talked about'. For your reading it would have to be
something like <hversu margir sem her um töluðu þá fór ...>.

> Þeim málum var upp lokið um vorið á vorþingi.

> Their agreement was made known during the spring at the
> spring-assembly.

> That case was closed during the spring at the Spring
> Thing.

> (It) was then opened up in those matters (iethose matters
> were revealed) during the-spring at the Spring-Thing.

I think that this is <mál> Z10 'agreements': 'These
agreements were disclosed in the spring at the Spring Þing'.

> Höfðu þeir það upphaf að þessum málum og sættum að Búi
> skyldi fá Helgu Þorgrímsdóttur en fégjöld þau sem dæmdust
> á Búa skyldu vera heimanfylgja Helgu.

> They had that beginning to this agreement and
> reconciliation that Bui should get Helga, Thorgrim's
> daughter, and the payment as was judged to Bui should be a
> dowry of Helga.

> They had the beginning to this case and settlement that
> Bui should get Helga Thorgrim’s daughter but that penalty
> money that was adjudged to Bui should be a dowry which the
> bride, Helga, should take from home.

> They had that beginning of these matters and agreements
> (ie their first stipulation was) that Búi should get (in
> marriage) Helga Þorgrímr’s-daughter but (and) that payment
> which was fixed on Búi should be Helga´s dowry (which she
> takes from home).

Or 'stipulations and agreements', or 'agreements and
reconciliations' (for <málum og sættum>).

> Sáu þeir það sem var að þau Búi áttu hvern pening eftir
> hans dag.

> They saw that as was to them Bui had what money when he is
> dead.  [Doesn't make sense!]  (Z. dagr 3 - eptir minn dag,
> when I am dead)

> They saw it as it was that they, Bui (and Helga) had each
> penny after his day(s? were gone?).

> They saw that which was (they considered that which was
> left?) that they, Búi (and Helga) had each
> item-of-property after his day (ie when he, Þorgrímr, was
> dead).

'They viewed that as was that they, Búi [and dependents],
had claim to every penny after he died', or in something
slightly more resembling English, 'They viewed that as being
that they, Búi [and dependents], had claim to every penny
after he died'. I take this to be emphasizing that Búi's
fine did not go to Þorgrím, but rather directly to Helga as
her dowry, and so belonged to her and would remain with her
(and I suppose any children) when Búi died.

> Tókust þessi ráð um sumarið hvortveggi.

> This took place during both the summers.

> Each of the two accepted this advice during the summer.

> These weddings took-place during the-summer,
> each-of-the-two.

Rob, Grace: see <ráð> Z8.

> Búi tók þá við búi á Esjubergi og setti þar á rausnarbú.

> Bui then received a neighbor (??) in Esjuberg and
> established there a great estate.

> Bui received then the farm at Esja’s cliff and set there
> on a great estate.

> Búi received then (the) farm at Esjuberg and settled there
> on a great-estate.

I'm inclined to agree with Rob's reading of the second part:
Búi established a great estate there (at Esjubergi).

> Tókst nú vinátta með þeim Þorgrími goða með mægðum.

> (There) began now a friendship with them, Thorgrim the
> chief (and others), with  marriage.

> Now began friendship between them, Chieftain Thorgrim (and
> Bui?) with the affinity by marriage.

> A friendship sprang-up now between them, Þorgrímr goði
> (priest-chieftain)(ans Búi) with (due to)
> affinity-by-marriage.

Rob, Grace: This is more or less <með> Z4.

> Hélt Þorgrímur nú öllu Búa til sæmdar.

> Thorgrim now held Bui quite in honor.

> Thorgrim now observed? all honour (to be accorded?) to
> Bui.

> Þorgrímr held (regarded) now Búi completely with honour.

This appears to be parallel to <Faðir hans hélt honum mjök
til virðingar> in Ch. 24 of Laxdæla, rendered by MM&HP as
'His father helped him in every way to gain prestige'. On
that basis I'd read it as 'Þorgrím helped Búi in everything
to gain honor'.
