Laxdaela Saga 47 end + 48 part 1 / Alan's Translation

From: Alan Thompson
Message: 12305
Date: 2012-05-01

Here’s my translation




Þórhalla málga kom heim til Lauga um kveldið. Spyrja synir Ósvífurs hvað hún
Þórhalla (the) talkative came home to Laugar during the-evening. Ósvífr‘s sons ask what she

hitti manna um daginn. Hún kvaðst hafa hitt Kjartan Ólafsson. Þeir spurðu
met (by way) of people during the-day. She declared-of-herself to have met Kjartan Ólafr’s-son. They asked

hvert hann ætlaði. Hún sagði slíkt af sem hún vissi "og aldregi hefir hann
whither he intended (to go). She said such as she knew of (it) “and he has never

verið vasklegri en nú og er það eigi kynlegt að slíkum mönnum þyki allt lágt hjá sér."
been of more-gallant-bearing than now and that is not strange that all (everything) should-seem to such persons low (inferior) by (in comparison to) themselves.”

Og enn mælti Þórhalla: "Auðfynt þótti mér það á að Kjartani var ekki annað jafnlétt hjalað
And still Þórhalla spoke: “That seemed to me easily-to-perceive (clear) on (it) that to Kjartan (any) other (topic) was not chattered equally-readily

sem um landkaup þeirra Þórarins."
as about (the) land-sale of them, Þórarinn (and Kjartan).” (ie Kjartan´s favourite topic of conversation was the land-sale)

Guðrún mælti: "Vel má Kjartan því allt gera djarflega það er honum líkar
Guðrún spoke: “In that (respect) Kjartan may well to do completely boldly, that which pleases him

því að það er reynt að hann tekur enga þá ósæmd til að neinn þori að skjóta
because that is proven that he does (taka til e-t, dishes out) to no-one that dishonour (such) that any should-dare to shoot

skafti að móti honum."
missiles against him.” (ie he can slag people off with impunity)

Bæði var hjá tali þeirra Guðrúnar Bolli og synir Ósvífurs. Þeir Óspakur
Both Bolli and Ósvífr’s sons were near (the) conversation of them, Guðrún (and Þórhalla). They Óspakr (and brothers)

svara og heldur til áleitni við Kjartan sem jafnan var vant. Bolli lét
answer little (?) and (but) rather (just the same) in censure against Kjartan as always was expected. Bolli acts

sem hann heyrði eigi sem jafnan er Kjartani var hallmælt því að hann var
like he did not hear as always when (it) was ill-spoken towards Kjartan because he was

vanur að þegja eða mæla í móti.
accustomed to be-silent or speak against (it) (ie gainsay the ill remarks).

48. kafli - Draumur Áns hrísmaga
Chapter 48 - Dream of Án brushwood-belly.

Kjartan situr hinn fjórða dag páska á Hóli. Var þar hin mesta skemmtan og
Kjartan sits (stays) on (the) fourth day of Easter at Hóll. There was the greatest entertainment and

gleði. Um nóttina eftir lét Án illa í svefni og var hann vakinn. Þeir spurðu
merriment. During the night after, Án was restless in his sleep and he was awoken. The asked

hvað hann hefði dreymt.
what he had dreamt.

Hann svarar: "Kona kom að mér óþekkileg og kippti mér á stokk fram.
He answers. “A woman came to me, repulsive (she was), and pulled me forward onto (the) board at the front of the bed. (stokkr, Z4)

Hún hafði í hendi skálm og hrís í annarri. Hún setti fyrir brjóst mér skálmina
She had in hand a short-sword and brushwood in (the) other. She places before my chest the-short-sword

og reist á mér kviðinn allan og tók á brott innyflin og lét koma í staðinn
and slashes all the-belly of me and took away the-entrails and caused to bring instead

hrís. Eftir það gekk hún út," segir Án.
brushwood. After-that she walked out,” says Án.

Þeir Kjartan hlógu mjög að drauminum og kváðu hann heita skyldu Án hrísmaga.
They, Kjartan (et al) laughed much at the-dream and (they) declared he should be-called Án brushwood-belly.

Þrifu þeir til hans og kváðust leita skyldu hvort hrís væri í maganum.
They take-hold of him and declared-of-themselves (that they) should search whether brushwood were in the-belly.

Þá mælti Auður: "Eigi þarf að spotta þetta svo mjög. Er það mitt tillag að
Then Auðr spoke: “(One) need not to mock this so much. That is my advice that

Kjartan geri annaðhvort að hann dveljist hér lengur, en ef hann vill ríða þá
Kjartan do either-of-two things, that he stay here longer, but if he wants to ride then

ríði hann með meira lið héðan en hingað."
he should-ride with more back-up (troops) from-here than (he did) to-here.”

Kjartan mælti: "Vera kann að yður þyki Án hrísmagi mjög merkimáll þá er hann
Kjartan spoke: “(It) may be that (it) seems to you Án brushwood-belly very trustworthy when he

situr á tali við yður um dagana er yður þykir allt sem vitran sé það er hann dreymir.
sits in conversation with you during the-day (such) that  that (it) should-seem to you completely as (it) should-be the-truth,l that which he dreams.

Og fara mun eg sem eg hefi áður ætlað fyrir þessum draum."
And I will travel as I already intended before this dream.”

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