> Um daginn eftir kom Búi fyrir konung er hann sat yfir
> drykkjuborðum og færði honum taflið.
> The next day Bui came before the King where he sat at a
> drinking table and brought him the tafl-set.
> During the next day, Bui came before (the) king when he
> sat at a drinking table and brought him the game.
> During the day after Búi came before (the) king when he
> sat at drinking table (was having a drinking session) and
> delivered to him the-Tables-set.
It seems to me that this <er> could be either 'when' or
'where'; it's pretty much six of one and half a dozen of the
other, I think.
> Vil eg það nú skilja til við yður herra ef svo ólíklegt er
> að eg beri af honum að þér gefið mér upp reiði yðra og
> gott orlof til Íslands."
> I want that now to stipulate with you, lord, if (it) is so
> unlikely that I surpass (i.e., win against) him that you
> give up your anger to me and good permission to (go to)
> Iceland."
> I want it now to determine with you, Lord, if so unlikely
> is (it) that I surpass him that you give up your anger
> (against) me and good permission (to go) to Iceland.”
> I want now to stipulate that with you, lord, if so
> unlikely (it) is that I surpass (out-do, get the better
> of, bera af e-m, Z11) him, that you give up your wrath
> towards me (ie you pardon me?, cf reiði, Z1) and good
> leave (to go) to Iceland.
Pardon is implicit, but I think that it really is just 'give
up your anger towards me' -- accept what's done as done, and
abandon the vendetta.