It took me a while before I finally caught on that the first word of several sentences in this assignment, "Án," wasn't the word "without," but a name!
Hann varð skjótari til að svara en Hrefna: "Ekki skal hún falda sér með motri að þessu boði því að meira þykir mér skipta að Hrefna eigi hina mestu gersemi heldur en boðsmenn hafi nú augnagaman af að sinni."
He was faster to answer than Hrefna: "She will not hood herself with a woman's hood at this banquet because it more seems to me a change that Hrefna have the most treasure rather than guests now have delightful-of-the-eyes from her."
Viku skyldi haustboð vera að Ólafs.
(The) autumn feast turned to be (i.e., in turn was) at Olaf's.
Annan dag eftir ræddi Guðrún í hljóði til Hrefnu að hún skyldi sýna henni moturinn.
The next day Gudrun spoke in silence (i.e., spoke aside, where no one else could hear) to Hrefnu that she should show her headgear.
Hún kvað svo vera skyldu.
She said (she) would do so.
Um daginn eftir ganga þær í útibúr það er gripirnir voru í.
The next day they go in the store house, that one which valuable treasures were in.
Lauk Hrefna upp kistu og tók þar upp guðvefjarpoka en úr pokanum tók hún moturinn og sýndi Guðrúnu.
Hrefna opened up a chest and picked up there a bag of costly fabric and from the back she took the headgear and showed Gudrun.
Hún rakti moturinn og leit á um hríð og ræddi hvorki um löst né lof.
She unfolded the headgear and looked at (it) a while and said concerning (it) neither fault nor praise.
Síðan hirti Hrefna moturinn og gengu þær til sætis síns.
Then Hrefna put the headgear in (the) chest and they went to their seats.
Eftir það fór þar fram gleði og skemmtan.
After that gladness and fun took place.
En þann dag er boðsmenn skyldu í brott ríða gekk Kjartan mjög um sýslur að annast mönnum hestaskipti, þeim er langt voru að komnir, og slíkan fararbeina hverjum sem hafa þurfti.
And that day when (the) guests would ride away, Kjartan went much into work that people were able (to have) a change of horses, those who had long to go (literally, were long to come), and such furthering one's journey whoever so has need.
Ekki hafði Kjartan haft sverðið konungsnaut í hendi þá er hann hafði að þessu gengið en þó var hann sjaldan vanur að láta það hendi firr ganga.
Kjartan hadn't had the king's gift sword in hand when he had gone to this, and yet he was seldom accustomed to put (i.e., to have) that in hand more first (??) going.
Síðan gekk hann til rúms síns þar sem sverðið hafði verið og var þá á brottu.
Then he went to his room, where the sword had been and it was then away (i.e., gone).
Hann gekk þegar að segja föður sínum þessa svipan.
He went at once to tell his father about this quickly. (CV svipan - kasta með harðri svipan, quickly)
Ólafur mælti: "Hér skulum vér fara með sem hljóðast og mun eg fá menn til njósnar í hvern flokk þeirra er á brott ríða."
Olaf said: "Here we will do as most quiet and I will get men to spy on each group who rides away.
Og svo gerði hann.
And so he did.
Án hinn hvíti skyldi ríða með liði Ósvífurs og hugleiða afhvarf manna eða dvalar.
An the white would ride with Osfivur's party and considered a deviation from the path of man or a short stay.
Þeir riðu inn hjá Ljárskógum og hjá bæjum þeim er í Skógum heita og dvöldust hjá skóginum og stigu þar af baki.
They rode in beside Scythe-forests and beside the farms which in Forests are called and stayed by the woods and dismounted there.
Þórólfur son Ósvífurs fór af bænum og nokkurir aðrir menn með honum.
Thorolf, son of Osvigur, went from the farms and several other men with him.
Þeir hurfu í brott í hrískjörr nokkur á meðan þeir dvöldust hjá skóginum.
They were lost from sight away in some brush while they (i.e., the others) stayed by the woods.
Án fylgdi þeim til Laxár er fellur úr Sælingsdal og kvaðst hann þá mundu aftur hverfa.
An accompanied them to Laxar (Salmon river) which flows out of Wealthy-man's valley and he stated for himself they would return.
Eigi taldi Þórólfur mein á því þótt hann hefði hvergi farið.
Thorolf didn't count (any) harm to that although he had each done.
Þá nótt áður hafði fallið lítil snæfölva svo að sporrækt var.
The previous night had fallen a little fall of snow so that it was possible to trace the footprints. (Z. sporrækt - hafði fallit lítil snæfölva svá at -rækt var, so that it was possible to trace the footprints.
Án reið aftur til skógar og rakti spor Þórólfs til keldu einnar eða fens.
An rode after to the forest and followed Thorolf's tracks to a certain bog or marsh.
Hann þreifar þar í niður og greip á sverðshjöltum.
He feels with his hand there down in (the bog) and caught hold of the sword-hilt.