From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 12217
Date: 2012-03-02
> Hann hafði skegg mikið og hvítt af hæru.Rob, Grace: You can probably tell from Alan's translation,
> He had a large beard and white hair.
> He had a great beard and (was) white haired.
> he had a long (tall) beard and white from hoariness.
> Hvortveggi bekkur var skipaður af fólki og voru þeirA characteristic of giants, perhaps?
> margir heldur stórleitir.
> Both benches were occupied by people and they were many
> rather big faced.
> On each of two benches were arranged with people and they
> were many rather big-faced(?).
> Each bench (of the two) was occupied (skipa, Z2) by folk
> and they (must be only men on the benches) were many
> rather big-faced.
> Konur sátu um þvert herbergið og var sú best farandi er íCV A.III.1 is a better fit: <var sú konan bezt farandi> 'the
> miðju sat.
> A woman was busy with contrary to the room and it was the
> best traveler who sat in the middle.
> Women sat across the lodgings and that one best of beggars
> (??) who sat in the middle.
> Women sat (plural) across the-room and that-one (she) was
> by chance (see fara,, ie she just happened to be?)
> best who sat in (the) middle.
> Borð stóðu um allt herbergið og vist fram sett og sú einThat <er> is the relativizer: 'and only that [food] which
> er mönnum sómdi þann tíma að neyta.
> A table stood around all the room and probably set from
> and the one who people became that time to use. [Truth in
> advertising: I am not pretending that I understand this
> sentence at all.]
> Tables stood all about the lodgings and provisions set
> forward and that alone which to men seem to be of use at
> that time.
> Tables stood around all the-room and food (provisions) set
> forth and that (ie the food, vist is feminine) alone is
> befitting (sóma) for men at that time to consume (neyta,
> Z2). (I ´m guessing this means the food that was laid out
> was just what the doctor ordered for such an occasion, and
> nothing else would be appropriate)