From: Alan Thompson
Message: 12182
Date: 2012-02-16
Thanks Brian
Additional comments and question below.
From: [] On Behalf Of Brian M. Scott
Sent: Wednesday, 15 February 2012 11:24 PM
To: rob13567
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Laxdaela Saga 44 end + 45 beginning - Rob's Translation
It's 'holy cross': <helgi> is the masc. nom. sing. weak
form; see Gordon, §102. 'He had on [his] head a gilt helm
and at [his] side a red shield, and the holy cross drawn on
[it] with gold'.
It simply didn’t occur to me that it was the a “shortened” form of the adjective <heilagr> as per Gordon §55, so I took it for the gen sg of the feminine noun <helgi> .
> They intended (to go) north to (the) country (typo:
> herað?).
<Héraða> is correct: it's the genitive plural, and <til>
takes the genitive. I think that the intended sense may be
'to the northern districts', though <norður> here is clearly
the adverb, and it's literally 'north to the districts'.
My query was really with the long vowel <é> rather than the ending. I see that Zoega and Gordon list < herað> but C-V lists <hérað>. Why would this be?