Kjartan gerir svo sem faðir hans beiðist og tekur hann nú upp skarlatsklæði sín þau er Ólafur konungur gaf honum að skilnaði og bjó sig við skart.
Kjartan does so as his father asked and he chooses now the his red clothes that King Olaf gave him on parting and dressed himself in finery.
Hann gyrti sig með sverðinu konungsnaut.
He put on (more literally, girded himself with) the sword (that was) the king's gift.
Hann hafði á höfði hjálm gullroðinn og skjöld á hlið rauðan og dreginn á með gulli krossinn helgi.
He had on (his) head a gilted helmet and shield, red on the edge, and trimmed with the holy gold cross.
Hann hafði í hendi spjót og gullrekinn falurinn á.
He had in (his) hand a spear and the spear socket inlaid with gold.
Allir menn hans voru í litklæðum.
All his men were in similar clothing.
Þeir voru alls á þriðja tigi manna.
They were altogether thirty men.
Þeir ríða nú heiman úr Hjarðarholti og fóru þar til er þeir komu til Lauga.
They ride now from home out of Hjardarholt and went there until they came to Lauga.
Var þar mikið fjölmenni fyrir.
(There) was a great crowd before (them).
45. kafli
Af Kjartani og Bolla
Bolli gekk í móti þeim Ólafi og synir Ósvífurs og fagna þeim vel.
Bolli went to meet them, Olaf and Osivur's sons, and greets them well.
Bolli gekk að Kjartani og minntist til hans.
Bolli went to Kjartan and kissed him.
Kjartan tók kveðju hans.
Kjartan received his greeting.
Eftir það var þeim inn fylgt.
After that they were in support (of one another). (?)
Bolli er við þá hinn kátasti.
Bolli responds to that the most cheerful(ly).
Ólafur tók því einkar vel en Kjartan heldur fálega.
Olaf took that exceedingly well but Kjartan rather coldly.
Veisla fór vel fram.
(The) wedding feast went well on well.
Bolli átti stóðhross þau er best voru kölluð.
Bolli had stud horses, they which were called best.
Hesturinn var mikill og vænn og hafði aldregi brugðist að vígi.
The horse (why "the horse" and not "the horses" here?) was large and beautiful and never had failed in a fight.
Hann var hvítur að lit og rauð eyrun og toppurinn.
He was white in color and red eyes and forelock.
Þar fylgdu þrjú merhryssi með sama lit sem hesturinn.
There accompanied three mares with the same color as the stallion.
Þessi hross vildi Bolli gefa Kjartani en Kjartan kvaðst engi vera hrossamaður og vildi eigi þiggja.
Bolli wanted to give these horses to Kjartan, but Kjartan said for himself not to be a groom and (he) didn't want (to) accept (them).
Ólafur bað hann við taka hrossunum "og eru þetta hinar virðulegstu gjafir."
Olaf asked him to receive (i.e., accept) the horses "and (they) are this the most magnificent gifts." [Lots of things don't seem to make sense here: Z. says "take við" takes the accusative case, but "hrossunum" is the dative case. Also, "þetta" is singular, but both "eru" and "hinar" are plural. So what does it go with? Also, "þetta" is the accusative form, but I would expect the subject case here.]
Kjartan setti þvert nei fyrir, skildust eftir það með engri blíðu og fóru Hjarðhyltingar heim og er nú kyrrt.
Kjartan denied (this) flatly, they parted after that with no pleasantness and the Hjardhyltingar went home and no everything is quiet. (Z. setja 11 - s. þvert nei fyrir, to deny flatly)
Var Kjartan heldur fár um veturinn.
Kjartan was rather in low spirits during the winter.
Nutu menn lítt tals hans.
People little enjoyed his conversation.
Þótti Ólafi á því mikil mein.
It seemed to Olaf (that Kjartan) had a great loss.
Þann vetur eftir jól býst Kjartan heiman og þeir tólf saman.
That winter after Christmas Kjartan, and the 12 altogether, got ready (to go) home
Ætluðu þeir norður til héraða.
They intended (to go) north to the country(side).
Ríða nú leið sína þar til er þeir koma í Víðidal norður í Ásbjarnarnes og er þar tekið við Kjartani með hinni mestu blíðu og ölúð.
(They) ride through brush and forest until they come to Vididale in the north in Asbjarnes and there gave Kjartan a hearty and kind reception. (Z. ríða 1 - r. leið sína, veg sinn, to ride through brush and forest) (Z. öl-úð - taka við e-m með -úð, to give one a hearty reception
Voru þar híbýli hin veglegstu.
There was there the most magnificent house.
Hallur son Guðmundar var þá á tvítugs aldri.
Hall, son of Gudmund, was then the age of twenty.
Hann var mjög í kyn þeirra Laxdæla.
He was very much in kinship (with) the Laxdales. (??)
Það er alsagt að eigi hafi verið alvasklegri maður í öllum Norðlendingafjórðungi.
That is spoken by all that (there) hasn't been a more valiant man in all the Nordlendingafjorungi.
Hallur tók við Kjartani frænda sínum með mikilli blíðu.
Hall received his relative Kjartan with great kindness.