From: Alan Thompson
Message: 12160
Date: 2012-02-04
Here´s my translation
11. kafli
Chapter 11
En er sumra tók ræddust þau Búi við og Esja.
When summer set-in (taka, Z11, impers.), they, Búi and Esja (all nominative forms), conversed (had a chat) about (things).
"Vil eg nú," sagði hún, "að þú liggir eigi hér lengur heldur skaltu fara
“I want now,” said she, “that you lie (be situated, liggja, Z4) not here (any) longer, rather (ie on the contrary, heldr, Z4) you shall go
norður til Hrútafjarðar. Þar hefir skip uppi staðið í vetur á Borðeyri.
north to Hrútafjörðr (gen singular) (Rams’-Fjord). There (someone) has laid-up-ashore (see standa upp, Z15) a ship this winter at Borðeyrr (Board-Spit)
Þar skaltu utan fara og freista hvað þar liggi fyrir þér. Eg gerist nú gömul og
There you shall go abroad (from Iceland) and test what (opportunity) is open to (lit: lies for, see liggja fyrir, Z8) you there. I become now old and
mun eg eiga fá vetur ólifað."
I will have few years (lit: winters, vetr, Z2, acc pl) left-to-live (úlifat).”
Þessu næst bjó hún ferð hans og fékk honum mann til fylgdar og þrjá hesta.
Thereupon (lit: next to that, see næst, Z1) she prepared-for his journey and got for him a man (person) for support and three horses.
Ólöf skyldi fara heim í Kollafjörð og bíða hans um þrjá vetur. Búi fór með fjalli inn,
Ólöf should go home to Kollafjörð and wait-for him for three years (lit: winters). Búi travelled inwards along (see með Z8) (the) mountain (singular),
þegar hann var búinn, sem leið liggur. Esja fóstra hans fór á
as-soon-as he was ready, where (the) way (road) lies. Esja, his foster-mother went on
leið með honum og þótti mikið fyrir að skilja við hann.
(the) way with him and (it) seemed great (hard) (for her) (ie she was unwilling, see e-m þykkir fyrir e-u, Z2) to part from him.
Síðan reið Búi leið sína og er hann kom inn fyrir Blikdalsá fann hann þar
After-that Búi rode his (own) way and when he came inwards before (in order to cross?, see fyrir, Z.ii.4) Blikdalsá (Gleaming-Dale-River). He met there
smalamann úr Saurbæ. Hann spurði hverjir þessir menn væru. Búi sagði honum
a shepherd out-of (from) Saurbær (Mud-farm). He (ie the shepherd) asked who these men were. Búi said to him
allt hið sanna. Og þegar þeir voru skildir og leiti bar á millum þeirra
all that (neut) truly (note: sannr, adj, Z1) (ie the complete truth). And as-soon-as they were (had) parted and a hill born between them (ie as soon as they were over the hill and out of sight)
tók sauðamaður á rás heim og sagði þeim bræðrum allt um ferðir Búa. Þeir þökkuðu
(the) shepherd took to his heels (made a dash for it, lit: in running, see rás, Z1) home and said to those brothers all about Búi´s journeys. They thanked
honum sitt starf. Létu þeir þegar taka hesta og kölluðu með sér heimamenn sína.
him for his effort. They caused at once to take horses (ie had horses brought) and summoned their household-servants (plural) (to come) with them
Vopnuðust þeir skjótt og urðu saman tólf menn. Riðu þeir mikið.
The armed-themselves quickly and (the) became (past tense) together twelve men (person) (ie in all there were 12 of them). They rode hard (and fast).
Búi sá eigi eftirreiðina fyrr en hann kom ofan hjá Skeiðhlíð.
Búi saw not the-pursuit-on-horseback (lit: after-riding) before he came down by Skeiðhlíð (Good?-Slope (for riding on), cf skeið-gata, skeið-reitt).
Hann reið þá þar til er hóll sá varð fyrir honum er síðan heitir Orustuhóll.
He rode then until that knoll came before him which later-on is-called Orustuhóll (Battle-Knoll; we´re about to find out why J)
Þar nam Búi staðar og bað förunaut sinn geyma hesta þeirra og gagna. Búi gekk upp á
Búi stopped (lit: took a place, see nema stað) there and bade his travelling-companion (singular) to take-care-of their horses and to be-be-of-use (make himself useful). Búi walked up onto
hólinn og bar upp grjót að sér. Hann hafði öll góð vopn og skyrtu þá er
the-knoll and carried up stones for himself (for his use?). He had all good weapons and that kirtle which
fóstra hans hafði gefið honum. Þá bræður bar brátt að. Hlupu þeir þegar af
his foster-mother had given him. Those brothers (acc plural) approached at great speed (lit: (It) suddenly carried those brothers towards (him), impersonal construction, bera, Z.ii.1). They leapt at-once from
hestum sínum og veittu Búa atsókn harða. Búi varðist drengilega.
their horses and attacked (lit: gave an onslaught) Búi fiercely. Búi defended-himself bravely.
Lét hann ganga grjót í fyrstu. Var það jafnsnemma að fallnir voru fjórir menn af þeim bræðrum
He caused to go (ie let fly with, see ganga, Z10) stones at first. That was at-that-very-same-moment that were (had) fallen (been killed) four men (persons) from those brothers
enda hafði Búi þá lokið grjótinu. Hann tók þá skjöld sinn og sverð.
and-indeed Búi had then finished (ie run out of) the-stones. He took then his shield and sword.
Þeir bræður sóttu að með miklu kappi því að þeir voru báðir hugprúðir.
Those brothers attacked with great ardour because they were both stout-hearted.
Féllu þá enn tveir förunautar þeirra. Voru þeir bræður þá sárir og allir þeirra menn.
Then still two (more) of their travelling-companions fell (were killed). Those brothers were then wounded and all their men (persons).
Búi var þá enn ósár en ákaflega vígmóður. Í því bili kom til Eilífur bóndi úr Eilífsdal
Búi was then (ie at that time) still uninjured but exceedingly (ákafliga, Z2) battle-weary. At that moment (Just then) farmer Eilífr out-of (from) Eilífsdalr came towards (them)
við hinn sétta mann og gekk á millum þeirra. Og með því að
with the sixth man (ie with five others) and walked between them. And with that (ie because)
þeir bræður voru sárir, Helgi og Vakur, þá gáfu þeir upp. Eilífur bað Búa
those brothers were wounded, Helgi and Vakr, they then gave up (not strictly surrendered or ‘gave themselves up’, I think they just stopped fighting). Eilífr asked Búi
fara leið sína og svo gerði hann. Eilífur lét jarða dauða menn en lét binda
to go on his way and he did so. Eilífr caused to bury (the) dead men but (and) caused to bind
sár hinna. Eftir það fóru þeir bræður heim í Saurbæ og undu illa sinni ferð.
(the) wounds of the-others (gen pl of hinn, ). After that those brothers went home to Saurbær and were-ill-content (seen una, Z3) with their journey.