> Eftir það skiljast þeir Kjartan og Bolli.
> After that they, Kjartan and Bolli, parted.
> After it, they parted, Kjartan and Bolli.
> After that they part, Kjartan and Bolli.

Rob, Grace: the past tense would have <-ust>.

> Bolli leysti ofléttlega úr því öllu er Guðrún spurði, kvað
> allt tíðindalaust um ferðir sínar "en það er kemur til
> Kjartans þá er það með miklum ágætum að segja satt frá
> hans kosti því að hann er í hirð Ólafs konungs og metinn
> þar umfram hvern mann.

> Bolli so answers promptly all which Gudrun asked, said all
> (was) un-news-worthy concerning his voyage "but that is
> come to Kjartan when that with many glorious deeds to say
> truthfully of his condition because he is in King Olaf's
> bodyguard and highly esteemed there beyond any man.

> Bolli explained it all promptly what Gudrun asked, told
> (even?) all thing without incident (boring details)
> regarding his journey “ but when it comes to Kjartan then
> is much excellent to say truly of his choice because he is
> in King Olaf’s court and highly esteemed there beyond
> every man.

> Bolli answered (see leysa úr, Z11) promptly all that which
> Guðrún asked, declared everything (went) without-incident
> concerning his-own travels “but that which concerns (lit:
> comes to, ie concerning) Kjartan, then (one) is to say
> truly that (not sure if þat is nom or acc) with great
> praises about his situation (affairs, kostr, Z5) because
> he is in King Ólafr’s court and esteemed there above every
> person (man).

Judging by the examples at <vera> (Z6), it's nominative:
'that is to be said'.

> En ekki kemur mér að óvörum þó að hans hafi hér í landi
> litlar nytjar hina næstu vetur."

> But it doesn't surprise me even though he has here in the
> country (i.e., Iceland) a little enjoyment (plural in
> O.I.) next year. (I did not locate this in Z, but modern
> Icelandic has: koma að e-m óvörum = surprise sby)

> But not comes to me that ?? even though he would here in
> (this) country have derived little benefit next winter.”

> But (it) comes not upon me unawares (úvarr) (ie it would
> not surprise me, I fully expect) nevertheless (þó), that
> (at) (one) would-derive little benefit from him (see hafa
> nytjar e-s under nyt, Z1) here in (the) country the next
> winter.” (ie don´t expect him back here any time soon)

Expanding on that just a little: <hans> occupies the <e-s>
slot in <hafa nytjar e-s>.

> Bolli segir hvert orðtak manna var á um vináttu þeirra
> Kjartans og Ingibjargar konungssystur og kvað það nær
> sinni ætlan að konungur mundi heldur ...

> Bolli says every man's words were (singular in O.I.) that
> concerning their, Kjartan's and the King's sister
> Ingibjarga's, friendship and said that in conformity with
> his thought that (the) king would rather ...

> Bolli tells each mode of expression of (the) men was
> regarding their friendship, Kjartan’s and Ingiborg’s,
> (the) king’s sister and said it (to be?) closer to his
> expectation that (the) king would rather ...

> Bolli says every speech of persons (men) (ie all the talk)
> was about (the) friendship of them, Kjartan and Ingibjörg
> (the) king’s-sister and declared that nearly his opinion
> (or estimate) that (the) king would rather ...

I make it '... and said [that] it [was] in accordance with
his opinion that [the] king would rather ...'.
