At 8:52:58 AM on Friday, November 4, 2011, True North wrote:

> Folks, I could some help with a translation of the first
> line of Verse 73 of the Havamal.

> "Tveir ro eins herjar" - any insight?

<Ro> is a short form of <eru> from <vera>: 'Two are'.
<Herjar> appears to be the same as the second element of
<Einherjar> 'only champions', i.e., the dead warriors in
Valhalla; the singular would be <heri> 'champion', though
I'm not sure that it's attested independently. If this is
right, the line is something like 'Two are one's champions';
in the context of good advice the sense would appear to be
'Two will beat one'.
