From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11941
Date: 2011-09-04
> HvalseyjuLiterally Whale's Island, but its modern name is Whalsay.
> Hval's island
> whale island
> Þau Hólmgǫngu-Hani kvǭmu at landi við Hvalsey íDuel-Hani and his companions landed at Hvalsey in the
> Hjaltlandi, ok lǫgðu þar til hafnar.
> They, Dueler Han (and the others) landed at Hvalsey in the
> Shetlands, and laid at anchor there at a harbor.
> They, Duel Han (and company) came ashore at Whale Island
> in the Shetlands and sailed there to harbor.
> Þar vas skammt á land upp jarl sá, es Villarðr es nefndr.A short way inland was the jarl who is named Villarð.
> There was scarcely up on land the earl, who is named
> Willard.
> There was a short way up on land, that earl who was named
> Villard.
> En es hann spurði, at víkingar vǭru þar komnir við land,And when he learned that vikings had landed there, he sent
> þá sendi hann menn sína á fund þeira þess erendis at vita,
> hvárz þeir vildi þar friðland hafa eða hernað.
> When he found out, that Vikings had come there on land,
> then he sent his men to meet them that mission to find
> out, whether they wanted there to have a friendly country
> or plundering.
> And when he learned that Vikings had come ashore there,
> then he sent his men to a meeting with them (with) this
> errand: to know whether they wanted to have there a place
> of retreat or plunder.
> En er sendimenn vǭru komnir á fund Hólmgǫngu-Hana með sínAnd when [the] messengers had come to meet Duel-Hani with
> erendi, þá sagði hann, at þeir myndi þar eigi herja,
> sagði, at þeim vas engi nauðsyn til at herja þar ok fara
> herskildi, sagði, at þar vas land ekki auðigt.
> When the messengers had come to meet Dueler Han with their
> mission, he told them, that they would not plunder there,
> said that they was no necessity to plunder there and
> harry, said that there (the) land was not wealthy.
> And when (the) messengers had come to meet Duel Han with
> their errand, then he said that they would not harry
> there, said that for them was no need to plunder there and
> harry on land, said that there was not a wealthy land.
> Sagði hann òk, at hann væri kominn með Artú Dítússon, mannHe also said that he had come with Artú Dítússon, an
> írskan, ok at sjá góði maðr vissi hversu menn mættu eyða
> þat norrǿna herskipit, es heitir Dauðastjarna.
> He also said, that he had come with R2, son of D2, an
> Irish man, and that the good man knew how men were able to
> destroy that Norwegian warship, which is called
> Death-star.
> He also said that he had come with R2 D2’s son, an Irish
> man, and that good man knew how men might destroy that
> Norse warship, which is called Death Star.
> Sendimenn fara aptr til jarlsins ok sǫgðu honum erendislok[The] messengers return to the jarl and told him [the]
> sín.
> (The) messengers go back to the earl and told him the
> mission-end.
> (The) messengers go back to the earl and told him the
> result of their errand.
> En es jarlinn varð þess varr, at þessir víkingar vǭruAnd when the jarl became aware that these vikings were
> fjándmenn Falfaðins konungs ok vildu spilla ríki hans, þá
> gladdisk hann, því at hann hataði Falfaðin ok hermenn
> hans, þeir es opt herjuðu Hjaltland.
> When the earl learned that, that these Vikings were King
> Palpatine's enemies and would destroy his kingdom, then he
> became glad, because he hated Palpatine and his warriors,
> they who often harried the Shetlands.
> And when the earl became aware of this, that these Vikings
> were enemies of King Palpatine and wanted to destroy his
> kingdom, then he was happy because he hated Palpatine and
> his warriors, they who often harried in the Shetlands.
> Þá reið hann ofan með etki lið til fundar við víkinga.Then he rode down with no guard to a meeting with the
> Then he rode down with no troops to meet the Vikings.
> Then he rode down unaccompanied to meet with the Vikings.
> En es þeir fundusk, þá fóru þar allt vel rǿður með þeim.And when they met, their talks there went very well.
> When they met, then (their) talk went all well with them.
> And when they met, then everything went very rosy?? with
> them.
> Jarl bauð þeim Hólmgǫngu-Hana til veizlu með sér ok liði[The] jarl invited Duel-Hani and his companions to a feast
> hans.
> The Earl invited them, Dueler Han (and the others), to a
> feast with himself and his troops.
> (The) earl invited them, Duel Han (etc.) to a feast with
> him and his company.
> En es þeir kvǭmu til hallar jarlsins, fagnaði hann þeimAnd when they came to the jarl's hall, he greeted them well.
> vel.
> When the came to the Earl's hall, he welcomed them well.
> And when they came to the earl’s hall, he welcomed them
> well.
> Vas þeim fylgt inn í stofu.They were led into [the] living room.
> They were led into the sitting room.
> They were led inside into (the) room.
> Vas þar þegar inni mungát ok gefit þeim at drekka.Ale was at once [brought] in and given them to drink.
> (There) was there at once inside ale also given them to
> drink.
> Immediately inside there was beer and (it was) given them
> to drink.
> Sǭtu þeir þar til kvelds.They sat there until evening.
> They stayed there until evening.
> They visited there until evening.
> En áðr borð skyldi upp fara, þá sagði jarl, at þar skyldiThis one is a real bear; after I'd done what I could, I
> sæti hluta, skyldi drekka saman karlmaðr ok kona, svá sem
> til ynnisk, en þeir sér, es fleiri væri.
> And before tables should be removed, the earl told them,
> that there should bring about lots, should drink together
> a man and a woman, so as to (ynnisk?), which most would
> be. (Z, fara - borð fara upp, the tables are removed)
> But before (the) table should be taken up, then (the) earl
> said that there should cast lots, a man and a woman should
> drink together, such as pleased them, and they each other?
> who were more.
> Menn bǭru þá hluti sína í skaut, ok tók jarlinn upp.Men then threw their lots into a cloth, and the jarl took
> Men then bore (?) their lots in a kerchief, and the Earl
> took (it) up.
> Men took the earl up (on this?) and they cast their lots a
> small piece of cloth (Z) ???
> Jarl átti dóttur.[The] jarl had a daughter.
> The earl had a daughter.
> (The) earl had a daughter……..