Star Wars XXXII end + beginnin XXXIII - - Grace's translation
From: Fred & Grace Hatton Message: 11906 Date: 2011-08-04
Þá heyrðu Þrípíó ok Artú stór óp, fyr því at þeir fengi heyrt allt þat es
kom fyr í nánd ins galdraða
Then 3PO and R2 heard loud shouting, for this reason that they were able to
hear all that which happened in the neighborhood of the enchanted
atgeirs. “Heyrðu þau!” segir Þrípíó Artú bróður sínum, “Þau deyja, Artú! Ok
mér es at kenna!
spear. “Listen to them!” says 3PO to his brother R2, “They die, R2! And
(it) is brought home to me! (CV III 2)
Vǭnd rǭð gaf ek Hólmgǫngu-Hana, ok nú drepr ormrinn þau ǫll.”
I gave Duel Han bad advice, and now the serpent kills them all.”
Nú Lúkr heyrir þetta, ok segir, “Vér lifum enn, Þrípíó. Spyrðu Artú, hvárz
hann viti hverr galdr
Now Luke hears this and says, “ We live still, 3PO. You ask R2, whether he
knows how (the) spell
liggr yfir bát þenna, ok hvessu vér fáim komizk undan.”
lies over this boat and how we can escape.”
En Þrípíó ok Artú vǭru eigi hvar þeir vǭru áðr staðnir meðal sekka hjá
búlkanum, því at
But 3PO and R2 were not where they were standing before between (the) truss
near the cargo, because
Stormhermenn vǭru þagat komnir ok hǫfðu ina tvá brœðr fundna. Þrípíó sagði
þeim, at þeir Artú
Stormtroopers had come thither and had found the two brothers. 3PO told
them that they, (he and) R2
væri menn Falfaðins konungs fingnir af þessum íslenzkum mǫnnum, ok at þeir
Lúkr væri á
were King Palpatine’s men captured by these Icelandic men, and that they,
Luke (and co.) were on
Dauðastjǫrnu ok sótti Leiu konungsdóttur í dýflissu. Stormhermenninir trúðu
orðum hans, en
the Death Star and looked for Princess Leia in a dungeon. The stormtroopers
believed his words, but
hǫfðu þá Artú borna til Dauðastjǫrnu, ok nú stóðu þeir þar. En því at Artú
hafði Falfaðni konungi
had them R2 (and 3PO) taken to the Death Star and now they stood there. But
because R2 had
ok Veiðri hjǭlpuðum þá þeir gørðu Dauðastjǫrnu, vissi hann, at Veiðr risti
rúnar á tǭlkn, ok vissi
helped King Palpatine and Vader then (when?) they made Death Star, he knew
that Vader carved runes on a whale bone and he knew
hann hvar þessi vǭru, folgin í veggi nekkverjum. Þeir Artú fóru þagat, ok
Artú leitaði tálkns þess,
where these were, hidden in some way. They (3PO and) R2 went thither and R2
sought this whale bone
es hafði galdr þann es lagði á harkabátinum.
which had that spell which lay on the garbage boat.
“Fær Artú stǫðvuð ǫll athaldsgaldraljóð á harkabátinum?” spyrr Lúkr Þrípíó.
“R2, are you able to stop all the restraining magic spell on the garbage
boat?” Luke asks 3PO.
En Artú segir Þrípíó, “Ek fæ stǫðvuð ǫll galdraljóð á harkabátinum, en eigi
athaldsgaldraljóð sérstaklega.”
And R2 tells 3PO, “I am able to stop all (the) magic spell on the garbage
boat, but not the restraining spell specifically??”
“Þá stǫðvaðu þau ǫll,” segir Þrípíó. Ok þá fingu þau Lúkr hlaupit ýr
harkabátinum, ok byrjuðu þau þá at svimma aptr til Dauðastjǫrnu.
“Then stop them all,” says 3PO. And then they, Luke (and company) are able
to jump out of the garbage boat and they began then to swim back to Death
XXXIII. Kapítuli: Frá hólmgǫngu Víga-Óbívans ok Veiðrs
Of the Duel of Slayer Obiwan and Vader
Nú es at segja frá því, at Víga-Óbívan Kvæggansson fann Veiði-Anakin á
Now is to tell of it that Slayer Obiwan Kvaeggan’s son found Vader Anakin on
Death Star.
“Lengi hef ek beðit þín, Víga-Óbívan,” segir Veiðr, “Endileg sjǭumsk vit
aptr, ok nú es hringrinn heill.”
“Long have I waited for you, Slayer Obiwan,” says Vader, “Finally we see
each other again, and now is the circle complete.”
Víga-Óbívan þagði, en brá sverði Ljósamæki inum grœna, þeim es hann nam frá
Lúki at láni.
Slayer Obiwan was silent, but drew (the) sword, Lightsaber the green, that
which he took from Luke as a loan.
“Es vit sǭmsk sízt, vas ek þræll,” mælti Veiðr enn, “En nú em ek dróttinn.”
“When we saw each other last, I was a thrall,” said Vader still, “But now I
am a lord.”