Here´s my translations for the past two sections.
Þá mælti Hallbjörn: "Ekki var oss það tímadagur er vér frændur komum á
Then Hallbjörn spoke: „That ws not for us a day-of-bliss when we kinsmen came to
Kambsnes þetta til móts við Þorleik. Það mæli eg um," segir hann, "að
Kambsnes this (Comb’s-Ness) to a meeting with Þorleikr. I say(solemnly) about this (as a spell?), “says he, “ that
Þorleikur eigi þar fá skemmtanardaga héðan í frá og öllum verði þungbýlt þeim
Þorleikr should not get there days-of-enjoyment hereafter and (it) should-turn-out heavy-living for all those (ie they all have troublesome neighbours, see þungbýlt, Z1)
sem í hans rúm setjast."
who settle in his place.”
Mjög þykir þetta atkvæði á hafa hrinið.
This spell (pronouncement) seems much to have taken effect.
Síðan drekktu þeir honum og reru til lands.
After-that they drowned him and rowed to land (shore).
Litlu síðar fer Hrútur á fund Ólafs frænda síns og segir honum að hann vill
A little later Hrútr goes to a meeting of (ie to see) Ólafr, his kinsman, and says to him that he wants
eigi hafa svo búið við Þorleik og bað hann fá sér menn til að sækja heim Þorleik.
not to have (matters) so standing with Þorleikr and he asked to get for himself persons (men) to fall upon (attack) Þorleikr at his house (see soekja heim e-n, Z4)
Ólafur svarar: "Þetta samir eigi að þér frændur leggist hendur á.
Ólafr answers: “This is not befiiting that you kinsmen lay hands on one another.
Hefir þetta tekist ógiftusamlega Þorleiki til handar. Viljum vér heldur leita um
This has been-taken on hand haplessly by Þorleikr. We would rather to effect (leita u-m e-t, Z6)
sættir með ykkur. Hefir þú oft þíns hluta beðið vel og lengi."
agreements between you. You have often waited (bíða) for your portion (lot) well and long.”
Hrútur segir: "Ekki er slíks að leita. Aldrei mun um heilt með okkur gróa og
Hrútr says: “(It) is not to seek for such. Never will (it) be quite healed (be reconciled, see gróa, Z3) between us and
það mundi eg vilja að eigi byggjum við báðir lengi í Laxárdal héðan í frá."
I would want that, that we-two not both reside (together) in Laxárdalr (Salmon-River-Dale) long hereafter.”
Ólafur svarar: "Eigi mun þér það verða hlýðisamt að ganga framar á hendur
Ólafr answers: “That will not happen for you properly, to go (proceed) further against
Þorleiki en mitt leyfi er til. En ef þú gerir það þá er eigi ólíklegt að
Þorleikr than my permission is towards (it) (ie allows). But if you do that, then (it) is not unlikely that
mæti dalur hóli."
(the) dale would-meet (the) knoll.”
38. kafli - Af Stíganda
Chapter 38 – Of Stígandi
Nú er að segja frá Stíganda. Hann gerðist útilegumaður og illur viðureignar.
Now (one) is to say about Stígandi. He became a highwayman and an absolute-pain-to-deal-with.
Þórður hét maður. Hann bjó í Hundadal. Hann var auðigur maður og ekki
(There) was a man called Þorðr. He lived in Hundadalr (Dale of Dogs). He was a wealthy person (man) and (but) not
mikilmenni. Það varð til nýlundu um sumarið í Hundadal að fé nytjaðist illa
a powerful-man. That happened as a strange-thing during the-summer in Hundadalr that (the) sheep yielded-milk poorly
en kona gætti fjár þar. Það fundu menn að hún varð gripaauðig og hún var
but (and) a woman attended (the) sheep there. People (men) noticed that, that she became rich-in-precious-things (sounds a bit like a tautology to me) and she was
löngum horfin svo að menn vissu eigi hvar hún var. Þórður bóndi lætur henni nauðga
continuously lost-to-sight (hverfa, Z2) such that people (men) knew not where she was. Farmer Þórðr caused to compel her
til sagna og er hún verður hrædd þá segir hún að maður kemur til
to a statement (to ´fess up) and when she becomes afraid then she says that a person (man) comes to
fundar við hana, "sá er mikill," segir hún, "og sýnist mér vænlegur."
a meeting with (to see) her, “that-one (he) is tall,” says she, “and seems to me fine (handsome).”
Þá spyr Þórður hversu brátt sá maður mundi koma til fundar við hana. Hún
Then Þórðr asks how soon that person (man) would (next) come to a meeting with (to see) her. She
kvaðst vænta að það mundi brátt vera.
declared-of-herself to expect that that would be soon. (that´s how soon!)
Eftir þetta fer Þórður á fund Ólafs og segir honum að Stígandi mun eigi
After this Þórðr travels to a meeting of (to see) Ólafr and says to him that Stígandi will not
langt þaðan í brott, biður hann til fara með sína menn og ná honum. Ólafur
(be too) far away from-there, asks him to go to with his men and nab (get hold of) him. Ólafr
bregður við skjótt og fer í Hundadal. Er þá ambáttin heimt til tals við
starts off at once (see bregða við skjótt, bregða, Z7) and travels into Hundadalr. The-bondwoman is then asked for an interview with
hann. Spyr þá Ólafur hvar bæli Stíganda væri. Hún kvaðst það eigi vita.
him. Ólafr then asks where (the) lair of Stígandi was. She declared-of-herself not to know.
Ólafur bauð að kaupa að henni ef hún kæmi Stíganda í færi við þá.
Ólafr offered to make-a-bargain for her if she should-bring Stígandi into an opportunity (for attack) with them.
Þessu kaupa þau saman.
They bargain this (strike this bargain) together.
Um daginn fer hún að fé sínu. Kemur þá Stígandi til móts við hana. Hún
During the day she goes to her sheep. Then Stígandi comes towards her. She
fagnar honum vel og býður að skoða í höfði honum. Hann leggur höfuðið í kné henni
greets him well and offers to inspect in his head. He lays the-head on her knee
og sofnar skjótlega. Þá skreiðist hún undan höfði honum og fer til
and falls-asleep quickly. Then she slinks from-under his head and goes to
móts við þá Ólaf og segir þeim hvar þá var komið. Fara þeir til Stíganda og
a meeting of (to see) them, Ólafr (and co) and says to them where then (it) was come (how the plan had progressed). They go to Stígandi and
ræða um með sér að hann skal eigi fara sem bróðir hans að hann skyldi það
discuss about (it) amongst themselves that he shall not go like his brother, that he should that
margt sjá er þeim yrði mein að, taka nú belg og draga á höfuð honum.
greatly see which to them became harm to, (they) take now (the) skin-bag and draw (it) over his head.
Stígandi vaknaði við þetta og bregður nú engum viðbrögðum því að margir menn
Stígandi awoke with this and makes now no sudden-movements because many people (men)
voru nú um einn. Rauf var á belgnum og getur Stígandi séð öðrum megin í
were now around one. A hole was in the skin-bag and Stígandi is-able-to see the other side of
hlíðina. Þar var fagurt landsleg og grasloðið. En því var líkast sem
the slope. There, (the) lay-of-the land was fair and thick-with-grass. But with that, (it) was most-like that
hvirfilvindur komi að. Sneri um jörðunni svo að aldregi síðan kom þar gras upp.
a whirlwind had come upon (it). (It) turned the earth upside down so that never after-that came up (sprouted) grass there
Þar heitir nú á Brennu. Síðan berja þeir Stíganda grjóti í hel og þar
There is-called now at Brenna (the Burning). After-that they stone Stígandi to death (lit: bear stones at Stigandi into Hell) and there
var hann dysjaður. Ólafur efnir vel við ambáttina og gaf henni frelsi og fór hún heim í Hjarðarholt.
was he buried-in-a-cairn. Ólafr made-arrangements well with the-bondwoman and gave her freedom and she went home to Hjarðarholt.
Hallbjörn slíkisteinsauga rak upp úr brimi litlu síðar en honum var drekkt.
Hallbjörn Sleek-stone-eye was-tossed up out-of (the) surf a little later but he was drowned.
Þar heitir Knarrarnes sem hann var kasaður og gekk hann aftur mjög.
There is-called Knarrarnes where he was buried and he walked again (as a ghost) much.
Sá maður er nefndur er Þorkell skalli hét. Hann bjó í Þykkvaskógi á
That person (man) is mentioned who was-called Þorkell bald head (chrome-dome). He lived in Þykkvaskóga (Thick-Forest)
föðurleifð sinni. Hann var fullhugi mikill og rammur að afli. Eitt kveld var
on his patrimony (farm inherited from father?). He was a great hero and strong of (bodily) strength. One evening (there) was
vant kýr í Þykkvaskógi. Fór Þorkell að leita og húskarl hans með honum. Það
want of a cow (a cow had gone missing) in Þykkvaskóga. Þorkell went to search and his house-servant with him. That
var eftir dagsetur en tunglskin var á. Þorkell mælti að þeir mundu skipta með sér leitinni.
was after sunset but moonshine was present (presumably not the drinkable variety but after the events described I´m not so sure J). Þorkell spoke that they would split-up the search-party between themselves (into two groups of one).
Og er Þorkell var einn saman staddur þá þóttist hann sjá á
And when Þorkell was all-alone situated, then he bethought-himself to see on
holtinu fyrir sér kú. Og er hann kemur að þá var það Slíkisteinsauga en eigi
the stony-ridge before him (the) cow. And when he comes towards (it) then that was Sleek-stone-eye but (and) not
kýr. Þeir runnust á allsterklega. Fór Hallbjörn undan og er Þorkel varði
(the) cow. They attacked-one-another (rennast) very-strongly. Hallbjorn went from-under (him) and (but) when (it) guarded (verja, Z3?)Þorkell
minnst þá smýgur hann niður í jörðina úr höndum honum. Eftir það fór Þorkell
least (I when he was least on his guard), then he (Hallbjörn) creeps down into the-earth out of his hands. After-that Þorkell went
heim. Húskarlinn var heim kominn og hafði hann fundið kúna. Ekki varð síðan
home. The house-servant was (had already) come home and he had found the-cow. (There) did not happen after-that
mein að Hallbirni.
harm from Hallbjörn.
Þorbjörn skrjúpur var þá andaður og svo Melkorka. Þau liggja bæði í kumli í
Þorbjörn (the) Weak was then dead and also Melkorka. They both lie in a cairn in
Laxárdal en Lambi son þeirra bjó þar eftir. Hann var garpur mikill og hafði
Laxárdalr but (and) Lambi, their son, lived there after. He was a great man-without-daunt and had
mikið fé. Meira var Lambi virður af mönnum en faðir hans fyrir sakir
much property. Greater was Lambi esteemed by men than his father on account of
móðurfrænda sinna. Vel var í frændsemi þeirra Ólafs.
his mother’s-kin. (It) was well in their kinship, Ólafr (and he) (ie they got on well).