Leia konungsdóttir reiddisk mjǫk, ok hljóp þegar ýr glugga í rúmi sínu.
Princess Leia got very mad, and at once leapt out of a window in her room.

Ok es HólmgÇ«ngu-Hani leit niðr ýr glugga, sá hann, at harkabátr fór þar hjá DauðastjÇ«rnu, ok bar harka stÅ"rra skips á braut.
And when Dueler-Han looked down out of a window, he saw that a garbage ship (why is this “harkabátr” and not “harkibátr” as Z. has “harki” = “garbage”) went there near the Death Star, and took much ship’s garbage away.

Leia konungsdóttir fell á harkaklæði ok vas ósǭr, ok með handalæti segir hon, at þeir Hani ætti at fylgja henni.
Princess Leia fell on garbage clothes (?) and was unharmed, and with arm gestures she says that they, Han (and the others) purpose to follow her.

Tsiubakka óttaðisk mjǫk at hlaupa, því at hann kenndi nekkvat fúit, þat es hann kvað vesa verra an harki einn.
Chewbacca feared much to jump, because he knew some (fúit?), that when he said to be worse than just garbage.

En Hólmgǫngu-Hani sagði at hann hirði eigi hvat Tsiubakka kenndi, ok hratt honum ýr glugga.
But Dueler-Han said that he didn’t care what Chewbacca knew, and pushed him out of a window.

Þá hljóp Lúkr niðr með.
Then Luke jumped down with (them).

En Hólmgǫngu-Hani skaut síðustu ǫrum sínum, fyrr en hann hljóp sjálfr.
But Dueler-Han shut his last arrow, before he jumped himself.

“Unaðsǫm mey,” segir hann hleypandi, “En ek veit eigi enn, hvárt ek koma til at frjǭlsa hana, eða drepa hana.”
“Delightful (?) girl,” he says jumping, “But I don’t know yet, whether I come to free her or kill her.”

XXXII. Kapítuli: Frá bardaga á harkabáti
Concerning a battle on a garbage boat

Nú es þau vǭru komin á harkabát, fá þau eigi komizk undan, því at Veiði-Anakinn hafði gǫrt þat at álitum, at fjandmenn hans mætti felask þar, ok kvað hann yfir þat skip galdra, svá at menn vǭru gildraðir þar sem melrakkar í gildru, ok þat vápn, es maðr þar hóf upp, brásk í mót sik.
Now when they had come to the garbage boat, they didn’t get to escape, because Vader-Anakin had made that to appearances, that his enemies could hide themselves there, and he said over that ship charms, so that people were trapped there, and that weapon, which a man raised up, was caused to thrust against himself.

Ok þá setti hann orm stóran í þeim báti, ok sá dreki brenndi harka þá es bátrinn kom firr frá skipi Dauðastjǫrnu, fyrr en bátrinn kom aptr til Dauðastjǫrnu.
And then he set a large snake in the boat, and the dragon burned the trash that the boat came first from the ship the Death Star, before the boat came back to the Death Star.

Ok þess vænti Veiðr, at engi maðr fengi þar lifat lengi.
And Vader hoped for that, that no man obtain there long life.

En þau Hólmgǫngu-Hani vissu eigi at bátrinn vas galdraðr, ok þess vegna skaut Hólmgǫngu-Hani Dauðastjǫrnu ǫru, en sjá ǫr flaug aptr ok sótti heldr hann, ok fengi Hólmgǫngu-Hani harðla forðask hana.
But they, Dueler Han (and the others) didn’t know that the boat was enchanted, and Dueler-Han proceeds to shoot the Death Star with arrow, but the arrow flew back and attacked rather him, and Dueler Han caught very avoided it. (?)

“Eigi skjót!” segir Lúkr, “Ek reynda fyrr en þú komt.
“Don’t shoot!” says Luke, “I tried before you came.

Galdr liggr yfir bátinn.”
A spell lies over the boat.”

“Ok kastaðu niðr boga þann!” segir Leia konungsdóttir, “Eða skaltu ifalaust drepa øss ǫll.”
“And throw the bow down!” says Princess Leia, “Or you will certainly kill us all.”