From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11885
Date: 2011-07-20
> ... stóðu nær margir hermenn þeir es skutu ǫrum þau.Grace is right: <skjóta> takes the dative of the thing shot
> ... many soldiers stood nearby, they who shot the arrows.
> ... nearby stood those many warriors who shot arrows at
> them.
> Hann skaut ǫrum við, en fleiri hermenn fylgdu þeim esI'm pretty sure that <við> is being used adverbially here,
> dǭttu fyrr.
> He shot arrows with (it), but more soldiers accompanied
> them who fell over.
> He shot arrows with it, but more warriors followed thos
> who dropped before.
> "Mér sýnisk," segir Leia konungsdóttir Hólmgǫngu-Hana, "AtRob: <fám> is contracted from <fáum>; it's the first person
> þú hefir undanferð óra hindraða, því at eigi fám vér
> rekizk undan, nema í gegnum dyrr þær, es Stormhermenn
> standa."
> "It seemed to me," says Princess Leia to Dueler-Han, "That
> you have hindered our means of escape, because we few do
> not escape, except through the doors, where the Storm
> troopers stand."
> “Seems to me,” says Leia, daughter of (the) king to Duel
> Han, “That you have hindered our means of escape, because
> we cannot escape, unless through that door where
> Stormtroopers stand.”
> En takandi við atgeir þann, es Víga-Óbívan honum gaf,<Reist ... á> 'carved on/in [it]' and <reið á> 'smeared on
> reist Lúkr á rúnar ok reið á blóðinu, en hann kvað þat
> galdraljóð, es Víga-Óbívan lærði honum, ok fengi maðr sá
> es kvað þat galdraljóð talazk við annan mann, jafnvel þó
> hverr stœði langt á braut frá ǫðrum.
> And taking the halberd, which Slayer-Obiwan gave him, Luke
> carved runes and weaved in blood, and he said that magic
> verse, which Slayer-Obiwan taught him, and a man took that
> which stated that magic verse was spoken with another man,
> equally as well although who (stœði? stood?) long away
> from others.
> And picking up that spear which Slayer Obiwan gave him,
> Luke drew runes on (it) and wrote in the blood, when he
> recited that magic spell which Slayer Obiwan taught him,
> and that man who recited that magic spell talked with
> another man, even though each stood far away from (the)
> other.
> En at svá kveðnu, spyrr hann Artú, sá es stóð á Fálkanum,<Kveðnu> is the neut. dat. sing. of <kveðinn>, the past
> hvárt hann þekkti aðra undanferð, es þau Lúkr fengi farna.
> And at the welcome, he asks R2, who stood onboard the
> Falcon, whether he noticed another means of escape, which
> they, Luke (and company) could go.
> And at such R2 asks him, who stood on the Falcon, whether
> he noticed another means of escape which they (Leia and)
> Luke were able to go (through).
> "Mælisk sjá frjǭlsun eigi vel fyr yðr," kvað LeiaRob: The third word is in Z. as <frjálsan> 'rescue'; <ǭ> is
> konungsdóttir, "Af því, at ér kvǭmuð inn, en vissuð eigi,
> hvé ér kœmið út."
> "The freedom (?) is not well reported of by you," said
> Princess Leia, "Therefore, that you came in, but didn't
> know, how you would come out."
> “This rescue does not speak well for you,” said Princess
> Leia, “Because ye come in, but know not how ye come out.”
> "Vas ætlunin hans, en eigi mín, konungsdóttir," segirRob: <ætlunin> is <ætlan> 'plan' (Z2) with the postposed
> Hólmgǫngu-Hani Sólósson, "Ok vilda ek hafa heldr beðizk á
> skipi mínu, ok hefða ek vel lifat þar jafnvel þó þú værir
> hér drepin."
> "The plan was his, but not mine, Princess," says
> Dueler-Han, son of Solo, "And I wish I have rather been
> waiting on my ship, and I well acquired a prescription
> right to life as well although you would be slain here."
> “(It) was his intention, and not mine, Princess,” says
> Duel Han Solo’s son, “And I rather wished I had waited on
> my ship, and I could have (just as) lived there even
> though you were slain here.”