Star Wars XXIX end & XXX beginning - Rob's Translation

From: rob13567
Message: 11834
Date: 2011-06-16

En Hólmgǫngu-Hani hrópaði út á hermenn tvá þá es stóðu nær, ok es þeir kómu, drap hann þá með øxi sína, ok sǭ engir aðrir at þetta vas gørt.
And Dueler Han shouted out to two soldiers who are standing nearby, and when they came, he slew them with his ax, and no others saw that this was done.

Þá klæddusk þeir Lúkr í hvítum brynjum þeira, ok þessar brynjur vǭru með hvíta hjálma, ok á hjálmana vǭru hvítar grímur þær es leyndu andlitit.
Then the dressed Luke in their white coat of mail, and these coats of mail were with white helmets, and on the helmets were the white masks which hid the face (i.e., their faces).

Ok svá klæddir fóru þeir með aðra hermenn aptr til Dauðastjǫrnu.
And so clad they went with other warriors back to the Death Star.

En áðr en þeir svá fóru, hvískraði Víga-Óbívan í eyru Lúki: "Hverr es meira fífl?
But before when they went so, Slayer Obiwan whispered in Luke's ears: "Where is my fool?

Fíflit, eða fíflit þat es fylgir því fyrsta?"
The fool, the fool that followed so first?"

XXX. Kapítuli: Frá affǫr Víga-Óbívans á Dauðastjǫrnu
Nú es at segja frá því, at þeir Hólmgǫngu-Hani kvǭmu á Dauðastjǫrnu, ok mǫnnum sýndisk, at þeir væri hermenn norrœnir því at þeir klæddusk hvítri brynju hermannanna.
Now it is to tell therefore, that they, Dueler Han (and company) came to the Death Star, and seemed to people, that they were Norwegian warriors because they were dressed (in) military white mail.

En þeir heyrðu, at Tarkinn ok Veiði-Anakinn tǫluðusk á miðli hermannanna.
And they heard that Tarkin and Anakin Vader were speaking among the warriors.

Veiðr kvað, "Ek hygg, at þeir leiti at gefa Leiu konungsdóttur upplýsingar um setning skipsins.
Vader said, "I believe that they searched to give Princess Leia information concerning the ship's plans.

Hon fengi gagnleg orðin enn."
She still received the useful word." (???)

"Veiðr herra minn," segir hermaðr, "Vér leituðum manna á skipi, en fundum engi.
"My lord Vader," says a warrior, "We looked for people on (the) ship, but we didn't find any.

Vér hyggjum, at þat sé tálskip, en at liðit yfirgæfi skipit skǫmmu eptir at þeir fóru frá Íslandi."
We believe that that is a decoy ship, and that the people abandoned the ship very recently after they went from Iceland."

"Fundið ér jafnvel øngva þræla?" spyrr Veiði-Anakinn.
"Did you find as well any thralls?" asks Anakin Vader.

"Øngva, herra," segir hermaðr, "Ef nekkverir vǭru á skipi, hafa þeir þat yfirgefit ok."
"None, lord," says a warrior, "If any were on (the) ship, they have also abandoned it."

"It þar," kvað Veiðr, ok hann rétti hǫndina á mót þeim Hólmgǫngu-Hana, "Farið aptr til skipsins, ok leitið it þess með fullnaði.
"You there," said Vader, and he stretched out his hand to meet them, Dueler Han (and his companion), "Go back to the ship, and you (two) search that with fulfillment.

Rífið þat í sundr unz it finnið nekkvat eða nekkvern, ok berið it nekkvern mann til dýflissu á viðunum með konungsdóttur.
Tear that asunder until you find something or someone, and take any person to prison on the bridge with (the) princess.

Ek kennumk við nekkvat, nekkvat þat es ek hefi eigi kennizk síðan -" Hann þagði ok gekk á braut.
I feel something, something that which I have not felt since –" He became silent and went away.

Þeir Hólmgǫngu-Hani gingu aptr til Fálkans, en Lúkr sagði Hólmgǫngu-Hana ok Víga-Óbívani, at hann vildi hjálpa konungsdóttur Leiu, "ok vér vissum eigi áðr, at hon lifði ok vas á þessu skipi."
They, Dueler Han (and companions) went back to (the) Falcon, and Luke told Dueler Han and Slayer Obiwan, that he wanted to help Princess Leia, "and we didn't know previously, that she lived and was on this ship."

"Fyr hví megum vér hjálpa henni?" segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani, "Findum sem skjótast ráð þat es fær øss frjálsa."
"Why can we help her?" says Dueler Han, "We find as soon as possible that plan, which gets us free."

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