From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 11789
Date: 2011-05-19
> Þorvaldur hét maður son Halldórs Garpsdalsgoða.According to 'Þorskfirðinga saga' (also called 'Gull-Þóris
> Thorvald was the name of a man, Halldor Garpsdalgod's
> (Bold-valley-priest?) son.
> A man was called Thorvald, son of Halldor, Garps Dale
> Chieftain.
> (There) was a person (man) called Þorvaldr, son of
> Halldórr Garpsdalrs-goði (priest-chieftain).
> Hann bjó í Garpsdal í Gilsfirði, auðigur maður og engiI can't be certain, but I think it likelier that
> hetja.
> He lived in Garpsdale in Gils-firth, a wealthy man and no
> hero.
> He lived in Garps Dale in Gils Firth, a wealthy man and no
> hero.
> He lived in Garpsdalr (oddly enough) in Gilsfjörðr
> (Ravine-Fjord), a wealthy person and (but) no hero.
> Hann skyldi og kaupa gripi til handa henni svo að engiOne meaning of <sök> is 'hvad man faar udrettet' (Fritzner),
> jafnfjáð kona ætti betri gripi en þó mætti hann halda búi
> sínu fyrir þær sakir.
> He should also buy a valuable treasure for her hands so
> that no woman of equal wealth have a better valuable
> treasure and besides he was able to retain the farm for
> their sake.
> He should also buy valuable treasures for her so that no
> equally well off woman would have better treasures but
> still he would be able to hold (M&P: these treasures would
> not count against her half of the value of the farm) his
> farm for their sake.
> He should also buy costly-things (masc acc. pl) for her
> (lit. into her hands) so that no equally-rich woman
> should-have better costly-things but nevertheless he must
> hold (keep, maintain?) the farm in spite of (fyrir,
> Z.ii.13) those effects (fem. acc pl) ie the effects of
> having to buy costly-things, sök,Z4).
> Ekki var Guðrún að þessu spurð og heldur gerði hún sér aðI'm with Rob and Grace on <spurð>, 'asked'.
> þessu ógetið og var þó kyrrt.
> Gudrun was not asked about this, and she herself rather
> did that this un-mentioned and it was quiet.
> Gudrun was not asked about this and she was very
> displeased with this and still was quiet.
> Guðrun was not informed of this and (but) rather she
> adjudged herself in respect of this ill-pleased (lit.
> not-begotten) and (but) still (it) was quiet (ie again
> bugger all happened).
> Brúðkaup var í Garpsdal að tvímánuði.And I'm with Rob on <at tvímánuði>: I make it 'in' or 'at',
> (The) wedding was in Garps-dale in the fifth month of
> summer.
> (The) wedding was in Garps Dale in two months.
> The wedding-feast was in Garpsdalr after double-month
> (ie the 5th month of the summer).
> Þá mælti Guðrún: "Nú gafstu mér það er oss konum þykirI don't disagree with Alan's interpretation, but since <göra
> miklu skipta að vér eigum vel að gert en það er litaraft
> gott og af hefir þú mig ráðið brekvísi við þig."
> Then Gudrun spoke: "Now you gave me that which to us wives
> seems of great importance that we have well to done and
> that is a good complexion and if you have made me leave
> off an importune solicitation with you. (Z. skipta 4 - þat
> skiptir engu (litlu, miklu), it is of no (little, great)
> importance, it makes no (little, great) difference) (Z.
> ráða 16 - r. e-n af e-u, to make one leave off (af hefir
> þú mik ráðit brekvísi við þik))
> Then Gudrun spoke, “Now you have given me that which we
> women think the greatest change that we have well done and
> it is good light---? and you have put a stop to my
> solicitation from you.”
> Then Guðrún spoke: Now you have-given to me that which to
> us women seems to-matter greatly that we have well made
> (ie that we achieve), and that is a good underlying (skin)
> colour (lit. back of colour) and you have
> made-me-leave-off (ráða af, Z16) (my) importunate
> solicitations towards you.