“Ek skil,” segir Hani, “En þat es mjǫk erfitt gǫrt – ok mjǫk dýrt. Ok vil ek
taka báða íra, ef ek
“I understand,” says Han, “But it is done with great difficulty, and very
costly. I want to take both Irish, if I
fœri ykkr til Aldiransveita án vitandar Falfaðins.”
convey you (two) to Aldiran districts without Palpatine’s knowledge.”
“Báða íra?” spyrr Lúkr, “Þeir eru verðir eins skips sjálfir. Óbívan, fyr hví
skulum vit eigi kaupa
“Both Irish?” asks Luke, “they are become one with the ship itself. Why
shall we not buy a ship?
skip? Fyr hví sitjum vit hér, ok látum þenna víking svíkja okkr?”
Why do we sit here, and let this crook deceive us?”
“It fengið skip keypt, sveinn,” segir Hólmgǫngu-Hani hlæjandi, “En hverr
stýrði því? Þú?”
“You are able to buy a ship, boy,” says Duel Han, laughing, “But who pilots
it? You?”
“Já víst ek. Ek em eigi vándr stýrimaðr,” segir Lúkr ok stendr.
“Yes, certainly I. I am no bad pilot,” says Luke and stands.
XXVI. Kapítuli: Frá Gríðó inum grœna, ok hólmgǫngu hans við Hana (Old Norse)
Gríðo inn grœni hét maðr, mikill ok máttigr, náfrændi Jabba Danakonungs.
Hann vas mesti
A man was named Grido the green, big and powerful, a close kinsman of Jabba,
King of the Danes. He was the greatest
illhreysingr ok ofstopamaðr, lyginn ok ójafnaðarfullr at ǫllu. Við alla menn
lynti honum illa, en
miscreant and overbearing man, a liar and full of injustice in all respects.
With all people ?? to him badly, but
þó verst við fjándmenn Jabba; barði hann á mǫnnum, ef Jabbi fekk eigi þat,
es hann vildi, ok tók
even worst with Jabba’s enemies, he beat men, if Jabba was not able to (do)
that which he wished, and took
af þeim, es hann mátti, áðr en hann seldi þá í hendr Jabba konungi. Vas hann
jafnan í ýmsum
from those who he was able before he turned them over into King Jabba’s
hands. He was always engaged - now this, now that -
stǫðum um mǫrg lǫnd og unði hvergi.
over many lands and loved nowhere.
Sem vas fyrr mælt, hafði Gríðó Hólmgǫngu-Hana loginn þjóflaun skattfjár
fyrir Jabba
As was previously said, Grido had falsely charged thievish tribute money
for Jabba
Danakonung, ok hafði konungrinn Gríðó beðinn þess, að hann drepa
Hólmgǫngu-Hana ok
King of the Danes and the King, Grido, had ordered this, that he kill
Duel-Han and
kumpán hans Tsiubakka inn fríska, en fœra aptr til Danmerkr skattfé þat, es
Jabbi Danakonungr talði sitt eigin.
his companion Chewbacca, the Frisian, and bring back to Denmark that tribute
money which Jabba, king of the Danes, counted as his own.