From: Patti (Wilson)
Message: 11710
Date: 2011-04-08
It seems to be using a different encoding my system uses Western Eiropean (Windows)
This one might be Unicode 8 - if I alter my encoding - temporarily it is readable
-------Original Message-------
From: Wulf, Tom (wulft)
Date: 08/04/2011 02:30:06
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Star Wars XXIV part 2 - Rob's Translation Odd, I usually don't have any trouble with the encoding of the Norse text in the msgs from the list.
This one is totally garbled...
Other folks have this issue with this msg?
Tom Wulf
From: [] On Behalf Of rob13567 [nielsenjava@...] Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 5:48 PM To: Subject: [norse_course] Star Wars XXIV part 2 - Rob's Translation “FjÇ«lkyngi sá fylgir ættmÇ«nnum mÃnum, at vér kúgum létt þá, es ósnjallir eru, ok trúi þeir Ç«llum þeim orðum es vér segjum þeim ef þau eigi hljóða of lygileg,†segir VÃga-Ã"bÃvan, “Ok sjá fjÇ«lkyngi fylgir ættfólki þÃnu, eða svá sýnisk mér.†Such wizardry follows my kinsmen, that we cow easily then, (those) who are not-eloquent, and they believe all the words that we tell them if they don’t sound overly false.†(i.e., we don’t tell too tall a tale) says Slayer-Obiwan, “And these kinsmen follow your kinsmen, or so it seems to me.â€
“Sýnisk þér at vit fengum skip fundit hér, es mun fÅ"ra okkr til Aldiransveita?†segir Lúkr. “Does it seem to you that we get hold of a ship found (?) here, which will convey us to (the) Aldiran-regions?†says Luke.
“Já,†kvað VÃga-Ã"bÃvan, “Hér eru margir góðir stýrimenn með mÇ«rg góð skip. “Yes,†said Slayer-Obiwan, “Here are many good captains with many good ships.
En verðu þik â€" hér eru òk margir rauðvÃkingar, ok þeir skyli eigi bifask at drápi búandasonar nekkvers.†But defend yourself â€" Here are also many great pirates, and they should not tremble at (the) slaughter of any son of a farmer.â€
“Ek em búinn,†segir Lúkr, “at berjask við nekkvern sem helst.†“I am ready,†says Luke, “to fight with whomever.â€
“Þat ifa ek um,†kvað VÃga-Ã"bÃvan. “ I dought that,†said Slayer-Obiwan. (Z. efa - e. um e-t, to doubt about a thing)
*** Þessu næst es þat at segja, at VÃga-Ã"bÃvan ok Lúkr gingu inn à húsit, ok með þá vÇru þeir Artú ok ÞrÃpÃó DÃtússynir. This next is to say that, that Slayer-Obiwan and Luke went in to the house, and with them were them, R2 and 3PO, sons of D2.
En sú kona, es skenktu mjǫð þar Ã, sá þá Ãra, sÇ«gðu þá at hon vildi aldri skenkja þrælum mjǫð, ok at Ãra skyli hon aldri biðja vesa velkominn à hús Vattós. But the woman, who served mead there in, saw the Irish, told them that she would never serve thralls mead, and that she should never bid be welcome Irish in Vatto’s house.
“Já, ÞrÃpÃó,†segir Lúkr, “It Artú eruð fyrirbannaðir hér. “Yes, 3PO,†says Luke, “R2 is forbidden here.
Biðið it úti með hestinn minn.†Wait out with my horse.â€
“Gjarna, herra,†segir ÞrÃpÃó, ok þeir brÅ"ðr fóru innan. “Willingly, lord,†says 3PO, and the brothers went in.
MÇ«rg menn vÇru þar Ã, ok klæði þeira ok tungumál birtu þat, at þeir vÇru þangat komnir frá mÇ«rgum óglÃkum lÇ«ndum. Many men were in there, and their clothes and language revealed that, that they had come there from many (óglÃkum = different?) lands.
Þeir sátu yfir mǫrgum litlum borðum, ok þeir drukku ok tǫluðusk við, ok nekkverir léku at tafli, meðan fjórir menn blésu à hornum ok tónuðu. They sat at many little tables, and they drank and talked amount themselves, and some played a board game, while four men blew the trumpet (or other horn) and sang(?).
VÃga-Ã"bÃvan tók til at talask við nekkverja menn, en Lúkr sat yfir borði ok drakk mjǫð einn saman. Slayer-Obiwan began to speak with some men, and/but Luke sat a table and drank mead alone.
En maðr hristi hann, talandi tungumál þat es Lúkr skilði eigi. A man shook him, speaking that language which Luke didn’t understand.
Lúkr lét sem hann eigi heyrði. Luke made as if he didn’t hear. | ||