Heres my translation. Comments, suggestions and alternate readings
highlighted. Queries underlined.
31. kafli - Af Guðmundi Sölmundarsyni
Chapter 31 Of Guðmundr Sölmundrs-son
Ólafur Höskuldsson sat í búi sínu í miklum sóma sem fyrr var ritað.
Ólafr Höskuldrs-son sat (remained) on his farm in great honour as
previously was written.
Guðmundur hét maður Sölmundarson. Hann bjó í Ásbjarnarnesi norður í Víðidal.
(There) was a person (man) called Guðmundr Sölmundrs-son. He lived in
Ásbjarnarnes (Ásbjörns Ness), north in Víðidalr (Willow Dale).
Guðmundur var auðigur maður. Hann bað Þuríðar og gat hana með miklu fé.
Guðmundr was a wealthy person (man). He asked for Þuríðr (in marriage) and
got her with (ambiguous but: með Z4 (using, by means of) rather than Z1
(together with) makes more sense here, I think) much money.
Þuríður var vitur kona og skapstór og skörungur mikill. Hallur hét son
Þuríðr was a wise woman and proud-minded and a great person-of-note. Their
son was-called Hallr,
og Barði, Steinn og Steingrímur. Guðrún hét dóttir þeirra, og Ólöf.
and Barði, Steinn and Steingrímr (were their other sons). Their daughter
was-called Guðrún, and Ólöf (their other daughter).
Þorbjörg dóttir Ólafs var kvenna vænst og þrekleg. Hún var kölluð Þorbjörg
Þorbjörg, Ólafrs daughter was (the) most-beautiful (superlative) of women
(genitive plural) and solidly-built. She was called Þorbjörg
digra og var gift vestur í Vatnsfjörð Ásgeiri Snartarsyni. Hann var göfugur
(the) thick-set and was given-in-marriage west in Vatnsfjörðr to Ásgeirr
Snartrs-son. He was a noble
maður. Þeirra son var Kjartan faðir Þorvalds, föður Þórðar (genitive), föður
Snorra (genitive),
man. Their son was Kjartan, father of Þorvaldr, father of Þórðr, father of
föður Þorvalds. Þaðan er komið Vatnsfirðingakyn.
father of Þorvaldr. From there is come (descended) the
Síðan átti Þorbjörgu Vermundur Þorgrímsson. Þeirra dóttir var Þorfinna er
átti Þorsteinn Kuggason.
After-that Vermundr Þorgrímrs-son had (in marriage) Þorbjörg. Their
daughter was Þorfinna, whom Þorsteinn Kuggis-son had (in marriage)
Bergþóra Ólafsdóttir var gift vestur í Djúpafjörð Þórhalli goða syni Odda
Bergþóra Ólafrs-daughter was given-in-marriage west in Djúpafjörðr (Fjord
of Deep-waters) to priest-chieftain (goði, not góðr) Þórhallr, son of Oddi
Ýrarsonar. Þeirra son var Kjartan faðir Smið-Sturlu. Hann var fóstri Þórðar
Gilssonar föður Sturlu.(genitive)
Ýrs-son (I think Ýr was a female name. Ýrr or Ýri may be variants) . Their
son was Kjartan, father of Smið-Sturla. He was the foster-father (according
to MM&HP) of Þórðr Gills-son, father of Sturli.
Ólafur pái átti marga kostgripi í ganganda fé. Hann átti uxa góðan er Harri
Ólafr peacock had many costly-things (animals) in walking property (ie live
stock, see fé, Z1 (aka working capital :-)). He had a good ox which
was-called Harri,
apalgrár að lit, meiri en önnur naut. Hann hafði fjögur (fjórir) horn. Voru
dapple-grey in colour, bigger (Im not sure that bigger is necessarily
better) than other cattle. It (he) had four horns. Two were
mikil og stóðu fagurt en þriðja stóð í loft upp. Hið fjórða stóð úr enni og
large and stood fairly but (the) the third stood up on high (into the air,
on the top of the head, presumably). The fourth stood out-from (the)
forehead and
niður fyrir augu honum. Það var brunnvaka hans. Hann krafsaði sem hross.
down in-front-of its (his) eyes. That was its (his) ice-breaker
(pick)-for-getting-at-water. It (he, ie Harri) scraped-the-ground (I´m not
sure whether it is intended that the scraping be done by Harri´s horn or by
his hooves) like a horse.
Einn fellivetur mikinn gekk hann úr Hjarðarholti og þangað sem nú heita
One great (particularly) severe-winter, it (he) walked out-of Hjarðarholt
(Herd Wood) and to-there which now is-called
Harrastaðir í Breiðafjarðardali. Þar gekk hann um veturinn með sextán nautum
Harris-steads in Breiðafjarðardalr (Broad Fjords Dale). There, it (he)
walked during the-winter with sixteen cows
og kom þeim öllum á gras. Um vorið gekk hann heim í haga þar sem heitir
and brought (led) them all (koma + dative, see Z3) to grass. During
the-spring, it (he) walked home to (the) grazing-field there which is-called
Harraból í Hjarðarholtslandi.
Harris-Lair in Hjarðarholtsland (Herd Wood Estate).
Þá er Harri var átján vetra gamall þá féll brunnvaka hans af höfði honum og
Then when Harri was eighteen winters old, then its (his) ice-breaker (-pick,
-horn) fell from its (his) head and
það sama haust lét Ólafur höggva hann. Hina næstu nótt eftir dreymdi Ólaf að
that same autumn, Ólafr caused to slaughter it (him) (no room for sentiment
in the cattle business). The next night after, (it) was-dreamed by Ólafr
(impersonal construction) that
kona kom að honum. Sú var mikil og reiðuleg.
a woman came to him. She was tall and scowling.
Hún tók til orða: "Er þér svefnhöfugt?"
She took to speech: Is (it) drowsy with you (impersonal construction, ie
are you drowsy, sleepy)?
Hann kvaðst vaka.
He declared-of-himself (that he) be-awake.
Konan mælti: "Þér er svefns en þó mun fyrir hitt ganga. Son minn hefir þú
drepa látið
The-woman spoke: (It) is of dreams with you (ie you are dreaming, see
svefn, Z2) but nevertheless (it) will go for the-other (?) (maybe: you may
as well be awake, ie the alternate state to sleeping). You have caused to
kill my son
og látið koma ógervilegan (úgörviligr) mér til handa og fyrir þá sök skaltu
and caused (him) unwilling (?) (unready, ie before his time, cf görr, Z2) to
come into my hands (?) and for that offence (sök, Z1, or reason, Z4)
eiga að sjá þinn son alblóðgan af mínu tilstilli. Skal eg og þann til velja
have (be required) to see your (own) son bloody-all-over from my management
(as engineered by me). I shall also choose that-one (son) towards (it, ie
for death)
er eg veit að þér er ófalastur. (úfalr)"
whom I know that for you is most- unwilling-to-be-parted-with (cf falr, Z1,
which fits the sense better than úfalr, not for sale, non-negotiable).
Síðan hvarf hún á brott.
After-that she disappeared (hverfa brott, Z3).
Ólafur vaknaði og þóttist sjá svip konunnar. Ólafi þótti mikils um vert
Ólafr awoke and bethought-himself to see a fleeting-glimpse of the-woman.
(It) seemed to Ólafr worthy of much concerning
drauminn og segir vinum sínum og varð ekki ráðinn svo að honum líki.
the dream (ie, he took the dream greatly to heart, cf verðr, Z1 and þykkja,
Z1) and says (it) to his friends and (he) became not advised (verða + pp,
Z6) such (ie in a way) that (it) would-please him (ie none of their
interpretations or counsels satisfied him or were to his liking).
Þeir þóttu honum best um tala er það mæltu að það væri draumskrök er fyrir
hann hafði borið.
They* seemed to him best to talk to about (it), *who spoke that, that that
would-be a dream-phantasm which had (been) born (produced) before him.