Lúkr kom aptr es myrkti af nótt, ok fann bál þat, es Víga-Ã"bívan sté ok bar nái Javasona á.

Luke came back when night grew dark, and found the fire, which Slayer-Obiwan stepped on and bore the bodies of the sons of Java to.


“Ã"inn frændi ok Bera frænka eru brennd,” segir Lúkr, “Sem hús ok gangandi fé, ok allir þrælarnir.”

Kinsman Owen and Aunt Bera are burned,” says Luke, “As (is the) house and livestock, and all the thralls.”


“Þú fekkt eigi þeim hjÇ­lpuðum, Lúkr, værir þú þar,” segir Víga-Ã"bívan. “Frændi þinn vas maðr ragr ok vildi eigi þik látinn verða vígfÅ"rr.”

“You could not help them, Luke, were you there,” says Slayer-Obiwan. “Your kinsman was a cowardly man and didn’t want you allowed (to) be able to fight.”


“Ragr maðr eða eigi,” segir Lúkr, “Enn es þat mitt at hefna hans.”

“Cowardly man or not,” says Luke, “Only is that mine to avenge him.”


En Víga-Ã"bívan kvað, “Kom þá með mik til Aldiransveita.

But Slayer-Obiwan said, “Come then with me to the Aldiran-region.


Hér es þat etki handa þér.

(There) is nothing for you here.


Já, kom nú með mik, eig bardaga, verð vígmaðr sem faðir þinn vas.

Yes, come now with me, have a battle, be a warrior as your father was.


Eptir marga bardaga munt þú búinn vesa, ok fengir þú frænda þíns hefnds â€" já, ok fǫður.”

After many battles you would be prepared, and you get your kinsmen’s revenge â€" yes, also father.”


Þat vas á ǫðru kveldi, at Víga-Ã"bívan Kvæggansson ok Lúkr Anakinsson kómu til Mósæslistaða, bÅ"jar Vattós.

That was on (the) second evening, that Slayer-Obiwan, son of Kvaegan, and Luke son of Anakin, came to Mosaesli-stad, Vatto’s farm.


Þangat vas komit saman stórr flokkr óvina Falfaðins konungs, en margir ránsmenn ok útlagar ok aðrir óþokkulegir menn gistu þar òk.

To that place had come the same large enemy body of men of King Palpatine, but many robbers and outlaws and other disagreeable men stayed the night there (òk?).


Þangat vÇ­ru komnir òk menn Veiði-Anakins, ok þeir vÇ­ru klæddir í hvítum brynjum; menn forðusk fund þeira, en þessir norrÅ"nu hermenn stóðu eigi langt frá húsi Vattós, ok þeir spurðu tíðenda alla þá, es kómu þangat, segjandi at þeir leitaði Íra tvá.

To that place had come also (?) men of Veidi-Anakin, and they were dressed in white armor; men shunned them, but these Norwegian warriors didn’t pause long from Vatto’s house, and they asked tidings of all them, who came thither, saying that they sought two Irish (people).  (Z. forða 3 - refl., forðast; f. fund e-s, to shun one


Nú nǭlguðusk þessir hermenn til Lúks Anakinssons.

These warriors now approached Luke Anakinson.   (note nÇ­lguðusk = nálgast)


Maðr spurði Lúk, hvárt hann hefði þessa þræla írska lengi átta.

A man asked Luke, if he had had these Irish thralls long.


Lúkr sagði, at hann hefði þá átta þrjá eða fjogur ár, ok at hann vildi gjerna selja þá.

Luke said that he had owned them 3 or 4 years, and that he would like to sell them.


Hermaðr spurði, hvat heitir Lúkr.

The warrior asked what Luke’s name was.


En fjÇ«lkyngi Jeðifjarðamanna fylgði Víga-Ã"bívani Kvægganssyni.

But the Jedi-firth-man’s sorcery followed Slayer-Obiwan son of Kvaeggan.  (fjÇ«lkyngi = fjölkyngi


Hann heillaði þessa hermenn, ok lǫgðu á þá, at þeir trúi ǫllum þeim orðum es hann sagði.

He enchanted these warriors, and imposed on them, that they believed all the words that he said.  (lÇ«gðu= lagða?)  (Z. leggja 14 - l. e-t á e-n, to impose, lay (a burden, tax) upon one)


“Ér þurfiðat þess, at heyra nafn hans,” segir Víga-Ã"bívan.

“You need that, to hear his name,” says Slayer-Obiwan.  (Is there a missing “eigi” from this sentence, or am I overlooking something?)


“Vér þurfum eigi þess, at fregna nafn hans,” segir hermaðr.

“We don’t need that, to be informed of his name,” says a warrior.


“Þessir eru eigi þeir þrælar, es ér sÅ"kið,” segir Víga-Ã"bívan enn.

“These are not the thralls, those you seek,” says Slayer-Obiwan still.


“Þessir eru eigi þeir þrælar, es vér sÅ"kum,” segir hermaðr.

“These are not the thralls, which we seek,” says a warrior.


“Hann fær farit frjáls,” segir Víga-Ã"bívan.

“He is able to go free,” says Slayer-Obiwan.


“Hann fær farit frjáls,” segir hermaðr.

“He is able to go free,” says a warrior.


“Haldið it áfram á leiðina,” segir Víga-Ã"bívan. 

Hold forward on your way,” says Slayer-Obiwan.   (Z. áfram - héldu þeir á leiðina, they held forward on their way)



“Haldið it áfram, haldið it áfram,” segir hermaðr.

“Hold forward, hold forward,” says a warrior.


Lúkr kvað, “Ek skynja eigi, hversu vit kómum undan.”

Luke said, “I don’t understand, how we escaped.”  (Z. komast 5 - to escape)